Type aliases AddCompatibleAddonsToPlanInput Add
CompatibleAddonsToPlanInput: { id: Scalars [ "String" ] ; relationIds: Scalars [ "String" ] [] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:51 Addon Type declaration Optional billingId?: string | null description: string displayName: string id: string Optional maxQuantity?: number Optional metadata?: Metadata | null pricePoints: Price [] Optional pricingType?: PricingType | null AddonArchiveInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:58 AddonAssociatedEntitiesInput Addon
AssociatedEntitiesInput: { environmentId: Scalars [ "String" ] ; refId: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:65 AddonCreateInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:71 AddonDependencyFragment AddonDependencyFragment: { __typename?: "Addon" ; description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; id: string ; refId: string }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4599 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Addon" Optional description?: string | null displayName: string id: string refId: string AddonFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:88 AddonFragment Addon
Fragment: { __typename?: "Addon" ; additionalMetaData?: any | null ; billingId?: string | null ; dependencies?: ( { __typename?: "Addon" } & AddonDependencyFragment ) [] | null ; description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; entitlements?: ( { __typename?: "PackageEntitlement" } & PackageEntitlementFragment ) [] | null ; id: string ; maxQuantity?: number | null ; overagePrices?: ( { __typename?: "Price" } & OveragePriceFragment ) [] | null ; prices?: ( { __typename?: "Price" } & PriceFragment ) [] | null ; pricingType?: PricingType | null ; refId: string } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4576 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Addon" Optional additionalMetaData?: any | null Optional billingId?: string | null Optional dependencies?: ( { __typename?: "Addon" } & AddonDependencyFragment ) [] | null Optional description?: string | null displayName: string Optional entitlements?: ( { __typename?: "PackageEntitlement" } & PackageEntitlementFragment ) [] | null id: string Optional maxQuantity?: number | null Optional overagePrices?: ( { __typename?: "Price" } & OveragePriceFragment ) [] | null Optional prices?: ( { __typename?: "Price" } & PriceFragment ) [] | null Optional pricingType?: PricingType | null refId: string AddonSort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:105 AddonUpdateInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:125 Address Address: { addressLine1?: string ; addressLine2?: string ; city?: string ; country?: string ; phoneNumber?: string ; postalCode?: string ; state?: string }
Type declaration Optional addressLine1?: string Optional addressLine2?: string Optional city?: string Optional country?: string Optional phoneNumber?: string Optional postalCode?: string Optional state?: string AggregatedEventsByCustomerInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:147 ApiKeyFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:168 ApiKeySort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:173 ApplySubscription Type declaration Optional billingCountryCode?: string Optional billingId?: string customerId: string Optional metadata?: Metadata | null Optional payingCustomerId?: string Optional paymentMethodId?: string planId: string Optional promotionCode?: string Optional resourceId?: string Optional skipTrial?: boolean Optional startDate?: Date Optional unitQuantity?: number ApplySubscriptionFragment Apply
SubscriptionFragment: { __typename?: "ApplySubscription" ; entitlements?: ( { __typename?: "Entitlement" } & EntitlementFragment ) [] | null ; subscription?: ( { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SubscriptionFragment ) | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6020 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "ApplySubscription" Optional entitlements?: ( { __typename?: "Entitlement" } & EntitlementFragment ) [] | null Optional subscription?: ( { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SubscriptionFragment ) | null ApplySubscriptionInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:186 ApplySubscriptionMutation Apply
SubscriptionMutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; applySubscription: { __typename?: "ApplySubscription" } & ApplySubscriptionFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6198 ApplySubscriptionMutationVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6195 ArchiveCouponInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:219 ArchiveCustomerInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:223 ArchiveCustomerMutation ArchiveCustomerMutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; archiveCustomer: { __typename?: "Customer" ; customerId: string } }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6326 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" archiveCustomer: { __typename?: "Customer" ; customerId: string } Optional __typename?: "Customer" customerId: string ArchiveCustomerMutationVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6323 ArchiveEnvironmentInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:227 ArchiveFeatureInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:231 ArchivePackageGroup Archive
PackageGroup: { environmentId: Scalars [ "String" ] ; packageGroupId: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:236 ArchivePlanInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:242 AttachCustomerPaymentMethodInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:246 Auth0CredentialsInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:259 AutoCancellationRuleInput Auto
CancellationRuleInput: { sourcePlanId: Scalars [ "String" ] ; targetPlanId: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:272 AwsMarketplaceCredentialsInput Aws
MarketplaceCredentialsInput: { awsRoleArn: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:278 BaseEntitlement Type declaration hasAccess: boolean isFallback: boolean BasePlan BasePlan: { displayName: string ; id: string }
Type declaration displayName: string id: string BigQueryCredentialsInput Big
QueryCredentialsInput: { credentialsJson: Scalars [ "String" ] ; datasetId: Scalars [ "String" ] ; datasetLocation: Scalars [ "String" ] ; gcsBucketName: Scalars [ "String" ] ; gcsBucketPath: Scalars [ "String" ] ; hmacKeyAccessId: Scalars [ "String" ] ; hmacKeySecret: Scalars [ "String" ] ; projectId: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:281 BillableFeature BillableFeature: { featureId: string ; quantity: number }
Type declaration featureId: string quantity: number BillableFeatureInput Billable
FeatureInput: { featureId: Scalars [ "String" ] ; quantity: Scalars [ "Float" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:291 BillingAddress Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:295 BillingCadenceFilterComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:313 BillingInfo Billing
Info: { billingAddress?: Address ; currency?: Currency ; customerName?: string ; invoiceCustomFields?: Record < string , string > ; language?: string ; metadata?: Metadata | null ; paymentMethodId?: string ; shippingAddress?: Address ; taxIds?: TaxExempt [] ; timezone?: string } Type declaration Optional billingAddress?: Address Optional currency?: Currency Optional customerName?: string Optional invoiceCustomFields?: Record < string , string > Optional language?: string Optional metadata?: Metadata | null Optional paymentMethodId?: string Optional shippingAddress?: Address Optional taxIds?: TaxExempt [] Optional timezone?: string BillingModelFilterComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:336 BillingPeriodFilterComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:357 BooleanEntitlementFallback BooleanEntitlementFallback: { hasAccess: boolean }
BooleanEntitlementOptions Type declaration Optional shouldTrack?: boolean BooleanFieldComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:378 BudgetConfigurationInput Budget
ConfigurationInput: { hasSoftLimit: Scalars [ "Boolean" ] ; limit: Scalars [ "Float" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:383 CancelSubscription Type declaration Optional endDate?: Date Optional prorate?: boolean subscriptionId: string CancelSubscriptionMutation Cancel
SubscriptionMutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; cancelSubscription: { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SlimSubscriptionFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6223 CancelSubscriptionMutationVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6220 CancelSubscriptionScheduledUpdates CancelSubscriptionUpdatesMutation CancelSubscriptionUpdatesMutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; cancelSchedule: string }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6268 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" cancelSchedule: string CancelSubscriptionUpdatesMutationVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6265 ChargeSubscriptionUsageInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:396 CheckoutConfigurationFragment Checkout
ConfigurationFragment: { __typename: "CheckoutConfiguration" ; content?: { __typename?: "CheckoutContent" ; collectPhoneNumber?: boolean | null } | null ; customCss?: string | null ; palette?: { __typename: "CheckoutColorPalette" ; backgroundColor?: string | null ; borderColor?: string | null ; primary?: string | null ; summaryBackgroundColor?: string | null ; textColor?: string | null } | null ; typography?: ( { __typename: "TypographyConfiguration" } & TypographyConfigurationFragment ) | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5590 Type declaration __typename: "CheckoutConfiguration" Optional content?: { __typename?: "CheckoutContent" ; collectPhoneNumber?: boolean | null } | null Optional customCss?: string | null Optional palette?: { __typename: "CheckoutColorPalette" ; backgroundColor?: string | null ; borderColor?: string | null ; primary?: string | null ; summaryBackgroundColor?: string | null ; textColor?: string | null } | null Optional typography?: ( { __typename: "TypographyConfiguration" } & TypographyConfigurationFragment ) | null CheckoutConfigurationInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:404 CheckoutContentInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:410 CheckoutOptions CheckoutOptions: { allowPromoCodes?: boolean ; allowTaxIdCollection?: boolean ; cancelUrl: string ; collectBillingAddress?: boolean ; collectPhoneNumber?: boolean ; referenceId?: string ; successUrl: string }
Type declaration Optional allowPromoCodes?: boolean Optional allowTaxIdCollection?: boolean cancelUrl: string Optional collectBillingAddress?: boolean Optional collectPhoneNumber?: boolean Optional referenceId?: string successUrl: string CheckoutPaletteInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:422 CheckoutStateFragment Checkout
StateFragment: { __typename?: "CheckoutState" ; activeSubscription?: ( { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SubscriptionFragment ) | null ; billingIntegration: { __typename?: "CheckoutBillingIntegration" ; billingIdentifier: BillingVendorIdentifier ; credentials: { __typename?: "CheckoutCredentials" ; accountId: string ; publicKey: string } } ; configuration?: ( { __typename?: "CheckoutConfiguration" } & CheckoutConfigurationFragment ) | null ; customer: { __typename?: "Customer" } & CustomerFragment ; plan: { __typename?: "Plan" } & PlanFragment ; resource?: ( { __typename?: "CustomerResource" } & CustomerResourceFragment ) | null ; setupSecret: string } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5562 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "CheckoutState" Optional activeSubscription?: ( { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SubscriptionFragment ) | null billingIntegration: { __typename?: "CheckoutBillingIntegration" ; billingIdentifier: BillingVendorIdentifier ; credentials: { __typename?: "CheckoutCredentials" ; accountId: string ; publicKey: string } } Optional __typename?: "CheckoutBillingIntegration" credentials: { __typename?: "CheckoutCredentials" ; accountId: string ; publicKey: string } Optional __typename?: "CheckoutCredentials" accountId: string publicKey: string Optional configuration?: ( { __typename?: "CheckoutConfiguration" } & CheckoutConfigurationFragment ) | null customer: { __typename?: "Customer" } & CustomerFragment plan: { __typename?: "Plan" } & PlanFragment Optional resource?: ( { __typename?: "CustomerResource" } & CustomerResourceFragment ) | null setupSecret: string CheckoutStateInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:429 ClearCustomerPersistentCacheInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:436 ClientConfiguration Client
Configuration: { apiKey: string ; baseEdgeUri?: string ; baseUri?: string ; clientName?: string ; clientVersion?: string ; enableEdge?: boolean ; enableRemoteConfig?: boolean ; entitlementsFallback?: EntitlementsFallback ; logConfiguration?: LogConfiguration ; memoryCacheMaxSizeBytes?: number ; offline?: boolean ; realtimeUpdatesEnabled?: boolean ; redis?: StiggRedisOptions ; timeout?: number ; wsUrl?: string } Type declaration apiKey: string Optional baseEdgeUri?: string Optional baseUri?: string Optional clientName?: string Optional clientVersion?: string Optional enableEdge?: boolean Optional enableRemoteConfig?: boolean Optional memoryCacheMaxSizeBytes?: number Optional offline?: boolean Optional realtimeUpdatesEnabled?: boolean Optional redis?: StiggRedisOptions Optional timeout?: number Optional wsUrl?: string CompatiblePackageGroup Type declaration displayName: string packageGroupId: string CompatiblePackageGroupOptions CompatiblePackageGroupOptions: { freeItems?: number ; minItems?: number }
Type declaration Optional freeItems?: number Optional minItems?: number Coupon Coupon
: { amountsOff
?: Money [] | null ; description
?: string | null ; discountValue
: number ; id
: string ; metadata
?: Metadata | null ; name
: string ; percentOff
?: number | null } Type declaration Optional amountsOff?: Money [] | null Optional description?: string | null discountValue: number id: string Optional metadata?: Metadata | null name: string Optional percentOff?: number | null CouponFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:452 CouponFilterCustomerFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:468 CouponFragment Coupon
Fragment: { __typename?: "Coupon" ; additionalMetaData?: any | null ; amountsOff?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } [] | null ; billingId?: string | null ; billingLinkUrl?: string | null ; createdAt: any ; description?: string | null ; discountValue: number ; id: string ; name: string ; percentOff?: number | null ; refId: string ; status: CouponStatus ; syncStates?: { __typename?: "SyncState" ; status: SyncStatus ; vendorIdentifier: VendorIdentifier } [] | null ; type: CouponType ; updatedAt: any } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4449 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Coupon" Optional additionalMetaData?: any | null Optional amountsOff?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } [] | null Optional billingId?: string | null Optional billingLinkUrl?: string | null createdAt: any Optional description?: string | null discountValue: number id: string name: string Optional percentOff?: number | null refId: string Optional syncStates?: { __typename?: "SyncState" ; status: SyncStatus ; vendorIdentifier: VendorIdentifier } [] | null updatedAt: any CouponSort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:486 CouponSourceFilterComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:510 CouponStatusFilterComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:519 CouponTypeFilterComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:540 CreateCouponInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:556 CreateCustomer Create
Customer: { billingId?: string ; billingInfo?: BillingInfo ; couponId?: string ; customerId?: string ; email?: string ; excludeFromExperiment?: boolean ; metadata?: Metadata | null ; name?: string ; salesforceId?: string ; shouldSyncFree?: boolean } Type declaration Optional billingId?: string Optional billingInfo?: BillingInfo Optional couponId?: string Optional customerId?: string Optional email?: string Optional excludeFromExperiment?: boolean Optional metadata?: Metadata | null Optional name?: string Optional salesforceId?: string Optional shouldSyncFree?: boolean CreateEnvironment Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:571 CreateEnvironmentOptions Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:582 CreateExperimentInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:585 CreateHook Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:595 CreateIntegrationInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:607 CreateManyPackageEntitlementsInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:624 CreateManyPromotionalEntitlementsInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:628 CreateMeter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:632 CreateOneEnvironmentInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:636 CreateOneHookInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:640 CreateOneIntegrationInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:644 CreateOneProductInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:648 CreateOrUpdateAwsMarketplaceProductInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:652 CreatePackageGroup Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:669 CreateSubscriptionMutation Create
SubscriptionMutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; createSubscription: { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SlimSubscriptionFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6307 CreateSubscriptionMutationVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6304 CreateSubscriptionParams Type declaration Optional awaitPaymentConfirmation?: boolean Optional id?: string Optional metadata?: Metadata | null planId: string Optional promotionCode?: string Optional resourceId?: string Optional skipTrial?: boolean Optional startDate?: Date Optional unitQuantity?: number CreateUsageMeasurement Create
UsageMeasurement: { createdAt?: Date ; customerId: string ; dimensions?: Record < string , EventDimensionValue > ; featureId: string ; resourceId?: string ; updateBehavior?: UsageUpdateBehavior ; value: number } Type declaration Optional createdAt?: Date customerId: string featureId: string Optional resourceId?: string value: number CursorPaging Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:799 CustomerBillingInfo Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:809 CustomerFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:821 CustomerFilterCustomerSubscriptionFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:841 CustomerFilterPromotionalEntitlementFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:869 CustomerFragment Customer
Fragment: { __typename?: "Customer" ; coupon?: ( { __typename?: "Coupon" } & CouponFragment ) | null ; defaultPaymentExpirationMonth?: number | null ; defaultPaymentExpirationYear?: number | null ; defaultPaymentMethodLast4Digits?: string | null ; eligibleForTrial?: { __typename?: "EligibleForTrial" ; eligible: boolean ; productId?: string | null ; productRefId?: string | null } [] | null ; experimentInfo?: { __typename?: "experimentInfo" ; groupName: string ; groupType: ExperimentGroupType ; id: string ; name: string } | null ; hasActiveSubscription: boolean ; hasPaymentMethod: boolean ; promotionalEntitlements: ( { __typename?: "PromotionalEntitlement" } & PromotionalEntitlementFragment ) [] ; trialedPlans?: { __typename?: "TrialedPlan" ; planId?: string | null ; planRefId?: string | null ; productId?: string | null ; productRefId?: string | null } [] | null } & SlimCustomerFragment Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4950 CustomerInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:878 CustomerPortalBillingInformationFragment CustomerPortalBillingInformationFragment: { __typename?: "CustomerPortalBillingInformation" ; defaultPaymentExpirationMonth?: number | null ; defaultPaymentExpirationYear?: number | null ; defaultPaymentMethodId?: string | null ; defaultPaymentMethodLast4Digits?: string | null ; email?: string | null ; name?: string | null }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5774 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "CustomerPortalBillingInformation" Optional defaultPaymentExpirationMonth?: number | null Optional defaultPaymentExpirationYear?: number | null Optional defaultPaymentMethodId?: string | null Optional defaultPaymentMethodLast4Digits?: string | null Optional email?: string | null Optional name?: string | null CustomerPortalColorsPaletteInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:894 CustomerPortalConfigurationFragment Customer
PortalConfigurationFragment: { __typename?: "CustomerPortalConfiguration" ; customCss?: string | null ; palette?: { __typename?: "CustomerPortalColorsPalette" ; backgroundColor?: string | null ; borderColor?: string | null ; currentPlanBackground?: string | null ; iconsColor?: string | null ; paywallBackgroundColor?: string | null ; primary?: string | null ; textColor?: string | null } | null ; typography?: ( { __typename?: "TypographyConfiguration" } & TypographyConfigurationFragment ) | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5609 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "CustomerPortalConfiguration" Optional customCss?: string | null Optional palette?: { __typename?: "CustomerPortalColorsPalette" ; backgroundColor?: string | null ; borderColor?: string | null ; currentPlanBackground?: string | null ; iconsColor?: string | null ; paywallBackgroundColor?: string | null ; primary?: string | null ; textColor?: string | null } | null Optional typography?: ( { __typename?: "TypographyConfiguration" } & TypographyConfigurationFragment ) | null CustomerPortalConfigurationInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:903 CustomerPortalEntitlementFragment Customer
PortalEntitlementFragment: { __typename?: "Entitlement" ; currentUsage?: number | null ; feature?: ( { __typename?: "EntitlementFeature" } & FeatureFragment ) | null ; hasSoftLimit?: boolean | null ; hasUnlimitedUsage: boolean ; isGranted: boolean ; nextResetDate?: any | null ; resetPeriod?: EntitlementResetPeriod | null ; resetPeriodConfiguration?: ( { __typename?: "MonthlyResetPeriodConfig" } & ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment_MonthlyResetPeriodConfig_ ) | ( { __typename?: "WeeklyResetPeriodConfig" } & ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment_WeeklyResetPeriodConfig_ ) | ( { __typename?: "YearlyResetPeriodConfig" } & ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment_YearlyResetPeriodConfig_ ) | null ; usageLimit?: number | null ; usagePeriodEnd?: any | null ; usagePeriodStart?: any | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5742 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Entitlement" Optional currentUsage?: number | null Optional feature?: ( { __typename?: "EntitlementFeature" } & FeatureFragment ) | null Optional hasSoftLimit?: boolean | null hasUnlimitedUsage: boolean isGranted: boolean Optional nextResetDate?: any | null Optional resetPeriodConfiguration?: ( { __typename?: "MonthlyResetPeriodConfig" } & ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment_MonthlyResetPeriodConfig_ ) | ( { __typename?: "WeeklyResetPeriodConfig" } & ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment_WeeklyResetPeriodConfig_ ) | ( { __typename?: "YearlyResetPeriodConfig" } & ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment_YearlyResetPeriodConfig_ ) | null Optional usageLimit?: number | null Optional usagePeriodEnd?: any | null Optional usagePeriodStart?: any | null CustomerPortalFragment Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5538 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "CustomerPortal" Optional billingPortalUrl?: string | null canUpgradeSubscription: boolean Optional configuration?: ( { __typename?: "CustomerPortalConfiguration" } & CustomerPortalConfigurationFragment ) | null Optional resource?: ( { __typename?: "CustomerResource" } & CustomerResourceFragment ) | null showWatermark: boolean CustomerPortalInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:908 CustomerPortalPromotionalEntitlementFragment Customer
PortalPromotionalEntitlementFragment: { __typename?: "CustomerPortalPromotionalEntitlement" ; displayName: string ; endDate?: any | null ; hasSoftLimit?: boolean | null ; hasUnlimitedUsage?: boolean | null ; period: PromotionalEntitlementPeriod ; startDate: any ; usageLimit?: number | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5764 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "CustomerPortalPromotionalEntitlement" displayName: string Optional endDate?: any | null Optional hasSoftLimit?: boolean | null Optional hasUnlimitedUsage?: boolean | null startDate: any Optional usageLimit?: number | null CustomerPortalSubscriptionAddonFragment CustomerPortalSubscriptionAddonFragment: { __typename?: "CustomerPortalAddon" ; addonId: string ; description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; quantity: number }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5705 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "CustomerPortalAddon" addonId: string Optional description?: string | null displayName: string quantity: number CustomerPortalSubscriptionFragment Customer
PortalSubscriptionFragment: { __typename?: "CustomerPortalSubscription" ; addons: ( { __typename?: "CustomerPortalAddon" } & CustomerPortalSubscriptionAddonFragment ) [] ; billingPeriodRange?: { __typename?: "DateRange" ; end?: any | null ; start?: any | null } | null ; planId: string ; planName: string ; prices: ( { __typename?: "CustomerPortalSubscriptionPrice" } & CustomerPortalSubscriptionPriceFragment ) [] ; pricing: { __typename?: "CustomerPortalSubscriptionPricing" ; billingModel?: BillingModel | null ; billingPeriod?: BillingPeriod | null ; feature?: { __typename?: "CustomerPortalPricingFeature" ; displayName: string ; featureUnits?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural?: string | null } | null ; price?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null ; pricingType: PricingType ; unitQuantity?: number | null ; usageBasedEstimatedBill?: number | null } ; pricingType: PricingType ; scheduledUpdates?: ( { __typename?: "SubscriptionScheduledUpdate" } & CustomerPortalSubscriptionScheduledUpdateDataFragment ) [] | null ; status: SubscriptionStatus ; subscriptionId: string ; totalPrice?: { __typename?: "CustomerSubscriptionTotalPrice" ; addonsTotal: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; subTotal: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; total: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } } | null ; trialRemainingDays?: number | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5645 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "CustomerPortalSubscription" Optional billingPeriodRange?: { __typename?: "DateRange" ; end?: any | null ; start?: any | null } | null planId: string planName: string pricing: { __typename?: "CustomerPortalSubscriptionPricing" ; billingModel?: BillingModel | null ; billingPeriod?: BillingPeriod | null ; feature?: { __typename?: "CustomerPortalPricingFeature" ; displayName: string ; featureUnits?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural?: string | null } | null ; price?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null ; pricingType: PricingType ; unitQuantity?: number | null ; usageBasedEstimatedBill?: number | null } Optional __typename?: "CustomerPortalSubscriptionPricing" Optional billingModel?: BillingModel | null Optional billingPeriod?: BillingPeriod | null Optional feature?: { __typename?: "CustomerPortalPricingFeature" ; displayName: string ; featureUnits?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural?: string | null } | null Optional price?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null Optional unitQuantity?: number | null Optional usageBasedEstimatedBill?: number | null subscriptionId: string Optional totalPrice?: { __typename?: "CustomerSubscriptionTotalPrice" ; addonsTotal: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; subTotal: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; total: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } } | null Optional trialRemainingDays?: number | null CustomerPortalSubscriptionPriceFragment Customer
PortalSubscriptionPriceFragment: { __typename?: "CustomerPortalSubscriptionPrice" ; billingModel?: BillingModel | null ; billingPeriod?: BillingPeriod | null ; blockSize?: number | null ; feature?: { __typename?: "CustomerPortalPricingFeature" ; displayName: string ; featureUnits?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural?: string | null ; id: string ; refId: string } | null ; price?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5626 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "CustomerPortalSubscriptionPrice" Optional billingModel?: BillingModel | null Optional billingPeriod?: BillingPeriod | null Optional blockSize?: number | null Optional feature?: { __typename?: "CustomerPortalPricingFeature" ; displayName: string ; featureUnits?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural?: string | null ; id: string ; refId: string } | null Optional price?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null CustomerPortalSubscriptionScheduledUpdateDataFragment Customer
PortalSubscriptionScheduledUpdateDataFragment: { __typename?: "SubscriptionScheduledUpdate" ; scheduleStatus: SubscriptionScheduleStatus ; scheduleVariables?: ( { __typename?: "AddonChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_AddonChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "AddonPriceOverrideChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_AddonPriceOverrideChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "BillingPeriodChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_BillingPeriodChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "CouponChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_CouponChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "DowngradeChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_DowngradeChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "PlanChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_PlanChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "PlanPriceOverrideChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_PlanPriceOverrideChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "UnitAmountChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_UnitAmountChangeVariables_ ) | null ; scheduledExecutionTime: any ; subscriptionScheduleType: SubscriptionScheduleType ; targetPackage?: { __typename?: "PackageDTO" ; displayName: string ; id: string ; pricingType?: PricingType | null ; refId: string } | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5712 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "SubscriptionScheduledUpdate" Optional scheduleVariables?: ( { __typename?: "AddonChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_AddonChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "AddonPriceOverrideChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_AddonPriceOverrideChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "BillingPeriodChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_BillingPeriodChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "CouponChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_CouponChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "DowngradeChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_DowngradeChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "PlanChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_PlanChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "PlanPriceOverrideChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_PlanPriceOverrideChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "UnitAmountChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_UnitAmountChangeVariables_ ) | null scheduledExecutionTime: any Optional targetPackage?: { __typename?: "PackageDTO" ; displayName: string ; id: string ; pricingType?: PricingType | null ; refId: string } | null CustomerResource CustomerResource: { id: string }
CustomerResourceFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:913 CustomerResourceFilterCustomerFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:922 CustomerResourceFilterCustomerSubscriptionFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:940 CustomerResourceFragment CustomerResourceFragment: { __typename?: "CustomerResource" ; resourceId: string }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4667 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "CustomerResource" resourceId: string CustomerResourceSort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:968 CustomerSearchQueryFilterComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:978 CustomerSort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:981 CustomerState Customer
State: Omit < FullCustomer , "getActiveSubscriptions" | "getActivePromotionalEntitlements" | "getActiveTrials" > CustomerStatisticsFragment Customer
StatisticsFragment: { __typename?: "Customer" ; statistics?: { __typename?: "CustomerStatistics" ; activeSubscriptionsByPricingType: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPricingTypeStatistics" ; pricingType: PricingType ; totalCount: number } [] } | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4990 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Customer" Optional statistics?: { __typename?: "CustomerStatistics" ; activeSubscriptionsByPricingType: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPricingTypeStatistics" ; pricingType: PricingType ; totalCount: number } [] } | null CustomerSubscriptionFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1002 CustomerSubscriptionFilterCustomerFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1037 CustomerSubscriptionFilterCustomerResourceFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1055 CustomerSubscriptionFilterPlanFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1062 CustomerSubscriptionFilterSubscriptionAddonFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1079 CustomerSubscriptionFilterSubscriptionEntitlementFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1087 CustomerSubscriptionFilterSubscriptionPriceFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1096 CustomerSubscriptionSort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1107 CustomerWithSubscriptionsFragment Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4984 DateFieldComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1138 DateFieldComparisonBetween Date
FieldComparisonBetween: { lower: Scalars [ "DateTime" ] ; upper: Scalars [ "DateTime" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1152 DateRange DateRange: { end?: Date ; start?: Date }
Type declaration Optional end?: Date Optional start?: Date DefaultSsoRolesInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1156 DefaultTrialConfigInputDto Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1164 DelegateSubscriptionToCustomerInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1173 DelegateSubscriptionToCustomerMutation Delegate
SubscriptionToCustomerMutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; delegateSubscriptionToCustomer: { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SlimSubscriptionFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6354 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" delegateSubscriptionToCustomer: { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SlimSubscriptionFragment DelegateSubscriptionToCustomerMutationVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6351 DeleteFeatureInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1181 DeleteOneHookInput Delete
OneHookInput: { id: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1185 DeleteOneIntegrationInput Delete
OneIntegrationInput: { id: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1189 DeleteOnePackageEntitlementInput Delete
OnePackageEntitlementInput: { id: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1193 DeleteOnePriceInput Delete
OnePriceInput: { id: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1197 DeleteOneProductInput Delete
OneProductInput: { id: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1201 DeleteOnePromotionalEntitlementInput Delete
OnePromotionalEntitlementInput: { id: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1205 DependencyAddon DependencyAddon: { description?: string ; displayName: string ; refId: string }
Type declaration Optional description?: string displayName: string refId: string DetachCustomerPaymentMethodInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1218 DetachCustomerPaymentMethodMutation Detach
CustomerPaymentMethodMutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; detachCustomerPaymentMethod: { __typename?: "Customer" } & SlimCustomerFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6161 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" detachCustomerPaymentMethod: { __typename?: "Customer" } & SlimCustomerFragment DetachCustomerPaymentMethodMutationVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6158 DimensionsMappingInput Dimensions
MappingInput: { key: Scalars [ "String" ] ; planName: Scalars [ "String" ] ; planRefId: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1222 DiscardPackageDraftInput Discard
PackageDraftInput: { environmentId: Scalars [ "String" ] ; refId: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1227 DoesFeatureExist Does
FeatureExist: { environmentId: Scalars [ "String" ] ; refId: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1242 DumpEnvironmentForForMergeComparisonInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1247 Type declaration destinationEnvironmentSlug: Scalars [ "String" ] sourceEnvironmentSlug: Scalars [ "String" ] DumpEnvironmentProductCatalogInput Dump
EnvironmentProductCatalogInput: { environmentSlug: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1256 DuplicateProductInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1260 EditPackageGroupDetailsInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1268 EntitlementCheckRequested Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1285 EntitlementCheckResult Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1293 EntitlementFeature Type declaration id: string Optional isMetered?: boolean Optional units?: string Optional unitsPlural?: string EntitlementFragment Entitlement
Fragment: { __typename: "Entitlement" ; accessDeniedReason?: AccessDeniedReason | null ; currentUsage?: number | null ; customerId?: string | null ; entitlementUpdatedAt?: any | null ; feature?: ( { __typename?: "EntitlementFeature" } & FeatureFragment ) | null ; hasSoftLimit?: boolean | null ; hasUnlimitedUsage: boolean ; isGranted: boolean ; nextResetDate?: any | null ; requestedUsage?: number | null ; resetPeriod?: EntitlementResetPeriod | null ; resetPeriodConfiguration?: ( { __typename?: "MonthlyResetPeriodConfig" } & ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment_MonthlyResetPeriodConfig_ ) | ( { __typename?: "WeeklyResetPeriodConfig" } & ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment_WeeklyResetPeriodConfig_ ) | ( { __typename?: "YearlyResetPeriodConfig" } & ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment_YearlyResetPeriodConfig_ ) | null ; resourceId?: string | null ; usageLimit?: number | null ; usagePeriodAnchor?: any | null ; usagePeriodEnd?: any | null ; usagePeriodStart?: any | null ; usageUpdatedAt?: any | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5417 Type declaration __typename: "Entitlement" Optional accessDeniedReason?: AccessDeniedReason | null Optional currentUsage?: number | null Optional customerId?: string | null Optional entitlementUpdatedAt?: any | null Optional feature?: ( { __typename?: "EntitlementFeature" } & FeatureFragment ) | null Optional hasSoftLimit?: boolean | null hasUnlimitedUsage: boolean isGranted: boolean Optional nextResetDate?: any | null Optional requestedUsage?: number | null Optional resetPeriodConfiguration?: ( { __typename?: "MonthlyResetPeriodConfig" } & ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment_MonthlyResetPeriodConfig_ ) | ( { __typename?: "WeeklyResetPeriodConfig" } & ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment_WeeklyResetPeriodConfig_ ) | ( { __typename?: "YearlyResetPeriodConfig" } & ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment_YearlyResetPeriodConfig_ ) | null Optional resourceId?: string | null Optional usageLimit?: number | null Optional usagePeriodAnchor?: any | null Optional usagePeriodEnd?: any | null Optional usagePeriodStart?: any | null Optional usageUpdatedAt?: any | null EntitlementOptions Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1307 EntitlementUsageUpdatedFragment Entitlement
UsageUpdatedFragment: { __typename?: "UsageUpdated" ; entitlement: { __typename?: "Entitlement" } & EntitlementFragment ; usage: { __typename?: "UsageMeasurementUpdated" } & UsageUpdatedFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5520 EntitlementsFallback EntitlementsFallback: {}
EntitlementsUpdatedPayloadFragment Entitlements
UpdatedPayloadFragment: { __typename?: "EntitlementsUpdated" ; customerId: string ; entitlements: ( { __typename?: "Entitlement" } & EntitlementFragment ) [] ; resourceId?: string | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5512 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "EntitlementsUpdated" customerId: string entitlements: ( { __typename?: "Entitlement" } & EntitlementFragment ) [] Optional resourceId?: string | null EnvironmentFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1330 EnvironmentInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1339 EnvironmentMergeConfigurationInput Environment
MergeConfigurationInput: { includeCoupons?: InputMaybe < Scalars [ "Boolean" ] > } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1347 EnvironmentSort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1358 EstimateSubscription Type declaration Optional billingCountryCode?: string customerId: string Optional payingCustomerId?: string planId: string Optional promotionCode?: string Optional resourceId?: string Optional skipTrial?: boolean Optional startDate?: Date Optional unitQuantity?: number EstimateSubscriptionInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1534 EstimateSubscriptionMutation Estimate
SubscriptionMutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; estimateSubscription: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreview" } & SubscriptionPreviewFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6232 EstimateSubscriptionMutationVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6229 EstimateSubscriptionUpdate Type declaration Optional promotionCode?: string subscriptionId: string Optional unitQuantity?: number EstimateSubscriptionUpdateInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1556 EstimateSubscriptionUpdateMutation Estimate
SubscriptionUpdateMutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; estimateSubscriptionUpdate: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreview" } & SubscriptionPreviewFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6241 EstimateSubscriptionUpdateMutationVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6238 EventDimensionValue EventDimensionValue: string | number | boolean
EventLogCreatedAtFilterComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1624 EventLogEntityIdFilterComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1628 EventLogEnvironmentIdFilterComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1632 EventLogEventLogTypeFilterComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1635 EventLogFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1641 EventLogIdFilterComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1651 EventLogParentEntityIdFilterComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1654 EventLogSort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1658 EventsFieldsInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1737 Exact Exact< T > : { [ K in keyof T ] : T [ K ] }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5 Type parameters ExperimentFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1747 ExperimentFilterCustomerFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1759 ExperimentInfo Experiment
Info: { groupName: string ; groupType?: ExperimentGroupType | null ; id: string ; name: string } Type declaration groupName: string id: string name: string ExperimentSort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1777 ExperimentStatsQuery Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1791 ExperimentStatusFilterComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1801 FeatureAssociatedLatestPackages Feature
AssociatedLatestPackages: { environmentId: Scalars [ "String" ] ; featureId: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1817 FeatureFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1821 FeatureFragment Feature
Fragment: { __typename: "EntitlementFeature" ; description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; featureType: FeatureType ; featureUnits?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural?: string | null ; meterType?: MeterType | null ; refId: string ; unitTransformation?: { __typename?: "UnitTransformation" ; divide: number ; round: UnitTransformationRound } | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5379 Type declaration __typename: "EntitlementFeature" Optional description?: string | null displayName: string Optional featureUnits?: string | null Optional featureUnitsPlural?: string | null Optional meterType?: MeterType | null refId: string Optional unitTransformation?: { __typename?: "UnitTransformation" ; divide: number ; round: UnitTransformationRound } | null FeatureInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1835 FeatureSort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1850 FeatureStatusFilterComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1873 FeatureTypeFilterComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1894 FetchEntitlementQuery Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1910 FetchEntitlementsQuery Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1917 FetchUsageHistory FetchUsageHistory: { customerId: string ; endDate?: Date ; featureId: string ; resourceId?: string ; startDate: Date }
Type declaration customerId: string Optional endDate?: Date featureId: string Optional resourceId?: string startDate: Date FontVariantFragment Font
VariantFragment: { __typename?: "FontVariant" ; fontSize?: number | null ; fontWeight?: FontWeight | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5462 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "FontVariant" Optional fontSize?: number | null Optional fontWeight?: FontWeight | null FontVariantInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1922 FullEntitlementFeature Full
EntitlementFeature: { description?: string ; displayName: string ; featureType: FeatureType ; id: string ; isMetered?: boolean ; metadata?: Record < string , string > ; meterType?: Fluctuating | Incremental | None ; units?: string ; unitsPlural?: string } Type declaration Optional description?: string displayName: string id: string Optional isMetered?: boolean Optional metadata?: Record < string , string > Optional units?: string Optional unitsPlural?: string FullPromotionalEntitlement Full
PromotionalEntitlement: { expiresAt?: Date ; feature: EntitlementFeature ; hasExpirationDate: boolean ; hasSoftLimit?: boolean | null ; hasUnlimitedUsage?: boolean | null ; isVisible: boolean ; status: PromotionalEntitlementStatus ; usageLimit: number } Type declaration Optional expiresAt?: Date hasExpirationDate: boolean Optional hasSoftLimit?: boolean | null Optional hasUnlimitedUsage?: boolean | null isVisible: boolean usageLimit: number FullSubscription Type declaration Optional billingId?: string Optional billingLinkUrl?: string Optional billingSyncError?: string Optional cancellationDate?: Date Optional crmId?: string Optional currentBillingPeriodEnd?: Date Optional effectiveEndDate?: Date Optional endDate?: Date Optional experimentInfo?: ExperimentInfo | null id: string Optional metadata?: Metadata | null startDate: Date Optional trialEndDate?: Date FullSubscriptionAddon Full
SubscriptionAddon: { addon: Addon ; quantity: number } GetActiveSubscriptions GetActiveSubscriptions: { customerId: string ; resourceId?: string | string [] }
Type declaration customerId: string Optional resourceId?: string | string [] GetActiveSubscriptionsInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1931 GetActiveSubscriptionsListQuery Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6399 GetActiveSubscriptionsListQueryVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6396 GetActiveSubscriptionsQuery Get
ActiveSubscriptionsQuery: { __typename?: "Query" ; getActiveSubscriptions: ( { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SubscriptionFragment ) [] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6390 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Query" getActiveSubscriptions: ( { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SubscriptionFragment ) [] GetActiveSubscriptionsQueryVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6387 GetAuth0ApplicationsInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1937 GetBooleanEntitlement Type declaration customerId: string featureId: string Optional resourceId?: string GetCheckoutStateQuery Get
CheckoutStateQuery: { __typename?: "Query" ; checkoutState: { __typename?: "CheckoutState" } & CheckoutStateFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6494 GetCheckoutStateQueryVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6491 GetCouponsQuery Get
CouponsQuery: { __typename?: "Query" ; coupons: { __typename?: "CouponConnection" ; edges: { __typename?: "CouponEdge" ; node: { __typename?: "Coupon" } & CouponFragment } [] } } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6417 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Query" coupons: { __typename?: "CouponConnection" ; edges: { __typename?: "CouponEdge" ; node: { __typename?: "Coupon" } & CouponFragment } [] } Optional __typename?: "CouponConnection" edges: { __typename?: "CouponEdge" ; node: { __typename?: "Coupon" } & CouponFragment } [] GetCouponsQueryVariables Get
CouponsQueryVariables: Exact < {} > Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6414 GetCustomerByIdQuery Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6372 GetCustomerByIdQueryVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6369 GetCustomerByRefIdInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1943 GetCustomerPortalByRefIdQuery Get
CustomerPortalByRefIdQuery: { __typename?: "Query" ; customerPortal: { __typename?: "CustomerPortal" } & CustomerPortalFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6485 GetCustomerPortalByRefIdQueryVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6482 GetCustomerStatisticsQuery Get
CustomerStatisticsQuery: { __typename?: "Query" ; getCustomerByRefId?: ( { __typename?: "Customer" } & CustomerStatisticsFragment ) | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6381 GetCustomerStatisticsQueryVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6378 GetEntitlementQuery Get
EntitlementQuery: { __typename?: "Query" ; entitlement: { __typename?: "Entitlement" } & EntitlementFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6450 GetEntitlementQueryVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6447 GetEntitlementsQuery Get
EntitlementsQuery: { __typename?: "Query" ; entitlements: ( { __typename?: "Entitlement" } & EntitlementFragment ) [] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6441 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Query" entitlements: ( { __typename?: "Entitlement" } & EntitlementFragment ) [] GetEntitlementsQueryVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6438 GetMeteredEntitlement Type declaration customerId: string featureId: string Optional resourceId?: string GetMockPaywallQuery Get
MockPaywallQuery: { __typename?: "Query" ; mockPaywall: { __typename?: "MockPaywall" ; configuration?: ( { __typename?: "PaywallConfiguration" } & PaywallConfigurationFragment ) | null ; plans: ( { __typename?: "PaywallPlan" } & MockPaywallPlanFragment ) [] } } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6503 GetMockPaywallQueryVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6500 GetNumericEntitlement Type declaration customerId: string featureId: string Optional resourceId?: string GetPackageByRefIdInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1947 GetPackageGroup Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1953 GetPaywall GetPaywall: { billingCountryCode?: string ; customerId?: string ; fetchAllCountriesPrices?: boolean ; includeHiddenPlans?: boolean ; productId?: string ; resourceId?: string }
Type declaration Optional billingCountryCode?: string Optional customerId?: string Optional fetchAllCountriesPrices?: boolean Optional includeHiddenPlans?: boolean Optional productId?: string Optional resourceId?: string GetPaywallInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1961 GetPaywallQuery Get
PaywallQuery: { __typename?: "Query" ; paywall: { __typename?: "Paywall" } & PaywallFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6432 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Query" paywall: { __typename?: "Paywall" } & PaywallFragment GetPaywallQueryVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6429 GetProductsQuery Get
ProductsQuery: { __typename?: "Query" ; products: { __typename?: "ProductConnection" ; edges: { __typename?: "ProductEdge" ; node: { __typename?: "Product" } & ProductFragment } [] } } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6459 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Query" products: { __typename?: "ProductConnection" ; edges: { __typename?: "ProductEdge" ; node: { __typename?: "Product" } & ProductFragment } [] } Optional __typename?: "ProductConnection" edges: { __typename?: "ProductEdge" ; node: { __typename?: "Product" } & ProductFragment } [] GetProductsQueryVariables Get
ProductsQueryVariables: Exact < {} > Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6456 GetSdkConfigurationQuery GetSdkConfigurationQuery: { __typename?: "Query" ; sdkConfiguration?: { __typename?: "SdkConfiguration" ; isWidgetWatermarkEnabled?: boolean | null ; sentryDsn?: string | null } | null }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6474 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Query" Optional sdkConfiguration?: { __typename?: "SdkConfiguration" ; isWidgetWatermarkEnabled?: boolean | null ; sentryDsn?: string | null } | null GetSdkConfigurationQueryVariables Get
SdkConfigurationQueryVariables: Exact < {} > Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6471 GetSubscription GetSubscription: { subscriptionId: string }
GetSubscriptionInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1972 GetSubscriptionQuery Get
SubscriptionQuery: { __typename?: "Query" ; getSubscription: { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SubscriptionFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6408 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Query" getSubscription: { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SubscriptionFragment GetSubscriptionQueryVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6405 GetUsageHistoryQuery Get
UsageHistoryQuery: { __typename?: "Query" ; usageHistory: { __typename?: "UsageHistory" } & UsageHistoryFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6518 GetUsageHistoryQueryVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6515 GetUsageHistoryV2Query Get
UsageHistoryV2Query: { __typename?: "Query" ; usageHistoryV2: { __typename?: "UsageHistoryV2" } & UsageHistoryV2Fragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6527 GetUsageHistoryV2QueryVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6524 GetWidgetConfigurationInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1978 GrantPromotionalEntitlementInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1981 GrantPromotionalEntitlementsInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1994 GrantPromotionalEntitlementsMutation Grant
PromotionalEntitlementsMutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; grantPromotionalEntitlements: ( { __typename?: "PromotionalEntitlement" } & PromotionalEntitlementFragment ) [] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6170 GrantPromotionalEntitlementsMutationVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6167 HookFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1999 HookSort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2008 HookStatusFilterComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2025 HubspotCredentialsInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2041 ImmediateSubscriptionPreviewInvoice ImmediateSubscriptionPreviewInvoiceFragment Immediate
SubscriptionPreviewInvoiceFragment: { __typename?: "ImmediateSubscriptionPreviewInvoice" ; credits?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewCredits" ; initial: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; remaining: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; used: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } } | null ; discount?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null ; discountDetails?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewDiscount" ; durationInMonths?: number | null ; durationType: DiscountDurationType ; type: DiscountType ; value: number } | null ; proration?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewProrations" ; credit: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; debit: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; hasProrations?: boolean | null ; netAmount: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; prorationDate: any } | null ; subTotal: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; tax?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null ; taxDetails?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewTaxDetails" ; displayName: string ; inclusive: boolean ; percentage: number } | null ; total: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; totalExcludingTax: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5170 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "ImmediateSubscriptionPreviewInvoice" Optional credits?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewCredits" ; initial: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; remaining: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; used: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } } | null Optional discount?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null Optional discountDetails?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewDiscount" ; durationInMonths?: number | null ; durationType: DiscountDurationType ; type: DiscountType ; value: number } | null Optional proration?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewProrations" ; credit: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; debit: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; hasProrations?: boolean | null ; netAmount: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; prorationDate: any } | null subTotal: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number Optional tax?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null Optional taxDetails?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewTaxDetails" ; displayName: string ; inclusive: boolean ; percentage: number } | null total: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number totalExcludingTax: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number ImportCustomer Import
Customer: { billingId?: string ; customerId?: string ; email?: string ; metadata?: Metadata | null ; name?: string ; paymentMethodId?: string ; updatedAt?: Date } Type declaration Optional billingId?: string Optional customerId?: string Optional email?: string Optional metadata?: Metadata | null Optional name?: string Optional paymentMethodId?: string Optional updatedAt?: Date ImportCustomerBulkInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2045 ImportCustomerBulkMutation ImportCustomerBulkMutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; importCustomersBulk?: string | null }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6136 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" Optional importCustomersBulk?: string | null ImportCustomerBulkMutationVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6133 ImportCustomerInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2049 ImportCustomerMutation Import
CustomerMutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; importCustomer: { __typename?: "Customer" } & SlimCustomerFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6143 ImportCustomerMutationVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6140 ImportIntegrationCatalogInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2062 ImportIntegrationCustomersInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2074 ImportIntegrationTaskFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2082 ImportIntegrationTaskSort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2091 ImportSubscriptionInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2103 ImportSubscriptionsBulkInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2121 ImportSubscriptionsBulkMutation ImportSubscriptionsBulkMutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; importSubscriptionsBulk?: string | null }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6207 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" Optional importSubscriptionsBulk?: string | null ImportSubscriptionsBulkMutationVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6204 InitAddStripeCustomerPaymentMethodInput Init
AddStripeCustomerPaymentMethodInput: { customerRefId: Scalars [ "String" ] ; environmentId?: InputMaybe < Scalars [ "String" ] > } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2125 InputMaybe Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4 Type parameters IntFieldComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2129 IntFieldComparisonBetween Int
FieldComparisonBetween: { lower: Scalars [ "Int" ] ; upper: Scalars [ "Int" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2143 IntegrationFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2147 IntegrationSort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2156 IntegrationVendorTypeFilterComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2168 InviteMembersInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2174 LayoutConfigurationFragment Layout
ConfigurationFragment: { __typename?: "PaywallLayoutConfiguration" ; alignment?: Alignment | null ; planMargin?: number | null ; planPadding?: number | null ; planWidth?: number | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5467 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "PaywallLayoutConfiguration" Optional alignment?: Alignment | null Optional planMargin?: number | null Optional planPadding?: number | null Optional planWidth?: number | null ListAwsProductDimensionsInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2197 ListAwsProductsInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2201 MakeMaybe Make
Maybe< T , K > : Omit < T , K > & { [ SubKey in K ] : Maybe < T [ SubKey ] > } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:13 Type parameters MakeOptional Make
Optional< T , K > : Omit < T , K > & { [ SubKey in K ] ?: Maybe < T [ SubKey ] > } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:10 Type parameters MarkInvoiceAsPaidInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2205 Maybe Maybe< T > : T | null
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3 Type parameters MemberFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2211 MemberFilterUserFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2219 MemberSort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2226 MergeEnvironmentInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2242 MeterAggregation Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2258 MeterConditionInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2262 MeterFilterDefinitionInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2267 MeterTypeFilterComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2276 MeteredEntitlementFallback MeteredEntitlementFallback: { hasAccess: boolean ; isUnlimited?: boolean ; usageLimit?: number }
Type declaration hasAccess: boolean Optional isUnlimited?: boolean Optional usageLimit?: number MeteredEntitlementOptions Type declaration Optional requestedUsage?: number Optional shouldTrack?: boolean MigrateSubscriptionToLatest MigrateSubscriptionToLatestMutation MigrateSubscriptionToLatestMutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; migrateSubscriptionToLatest: { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" ; subscriptionId: string } }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6316 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" migrateSubscriptionToLatest: { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" ; subscriptionId: string } Optional __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" subscriptionId: string MigrateSubscriptionToLatestMutationVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6313 MinimumSpendInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2293 MockPaywallAddonDependencyFragment MockPaywallAddonDependencyFragment: { __typename?: "PaywallAddon" ; description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; refId: string }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5906 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "PaywallAddon" Optional description?: string | null displayName: string refId: string MockPaywallAddonFragment Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5912 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "PaywallAddon" Optional additionalMetaData?: any | null Optional billingId?: string | null Optional description?: string | null displayName: string Optional maxQuantity?: number | null Optional pricingType?: PricingType | null refId: string MockPaywallPackageEntitlementFragment Mock
PaywallPackageEntitlementFragment: { __typename?: "Entitlement" ; displayNameOverride?: string | null ; feature?: { __typename?: "EntitlementFeature" ; additionalMetaData?: any | null ; description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; featureType: FeatureType ; featureUnits?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural?: string | null ; meterType?: MeterType | null ; refId: string } | null ; hasSoftLimit?: boolean | null ; hasUnlimitedUsage: boolean ; hiddenFromWidgets?: WidgetType [] | null ; resetPeriod?: EntitlementResetPeriod | null ; usageLimit?: number | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5829 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Entitlement" Optional displayNameOverride?: string | null Optional feature?: { __typename?: "EntitlementFeature" ; additionalMetaData?: any | null ; description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; featureType: FeatureType ; featureUnits?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural?: string | null ; meterType?: MeterType | null ; refId: string } | null Optional hasSoftLimit?: boolean | null hasUnlimitedUsage: boolean Optional hiddenFromWidgets?: WidgetType [] | null Optional usageLimit?: number | null MockPaywallPlanCompatiblePackageGroupsFragment Mock
PaywallPlanCompatiblePackageGroupsFragment: { __typename?: "PaywallPlanCompatiblePackageGroup" ; addons?: ( { __typename?: "PaywallAddon" } & MockPaywallAddonFragment ) [] | null ; description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; options: { __typename?: "PaywallPlanCompatiblePackageGroupOptions" ; freeItems?: number | null ; minItems?: number | null } ; packageGroupId: string } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5892 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "PaywallPlanCompatiblePackageGroup" Optional addons?: ( { __typename?: "PaywallAddon" } & MockPaywallAddonFragment ) [] | null Optional description?: string | null displayName: string options: { __typename?: "PaywallPlanCompatiblePackageGroupOptions" ; freeItems?: number | null ; minItems?: number | null } Optional __typename?: "PaywallPlanCompatiblePackageGroupOptions" Optional freeItems?: number | null Optional minItems?: number | null packageGroupId: string MockPaywallPlanFragment Mock
PaywallPlanFragment: { __typename?: "PaywallPlan" ; additionalMetaData?: any | null ; basePlan?: { __typename?: "PaywallBasePlan" ; displayName: string ; refId: string } | null ; billingId?: string | null ; compatibleAddons?: ( { __typename?: "PaywallAddon" } & MockPaywallAddonFragment ) [] | null ; compatiblePackageGroups?: ( { __typename?: "PaywallPlanCompatiblePackageGroup" } & MockPaywallPlanCompatiblePackageGroupsFragment ) [] | null ; defaultTrialConfig?: { __typename?: "DefaultTrialConfig" ; budget?: { __typename?: "BudgetConfiguration" ; limit: number } | null ; duration: number ; trialEndBehavior?: TrialEndBehavior | null ; units: TrialPeriodUnits } | null ; description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; entitlements?: ( { __typename?: "Entitlement" } & MockPaywallPackageEntitlementFragment ) [] | null ; inheritedEntitlements?: ( { __typename?: "Entitlement" } & MockPaywallPackageEntitlementFragment ) [] | null ; prices: ( { __typename?: "PaywallPrice" } & MockPaywallPriceFragment ) [] ; pricingType?: PricingType | null ; product: { __typename?: "PaywallProduct" ; additionalMetaData?: any | null ; description?: string | null ; displayName?: string | null ; refId: string } ; refId: string } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5783 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "PaywallPlan" Optional additionalMetaData?: any | null Optional basePlan?: { __typename?: "PaywallBasePlan" ; displayName: string ; refId: string } | null Optional billingId?: string | null Optional compatibleAddons?: ( { __typename?: "PaywallAddon" } & MockPaywallAddonFragment ) [] | null Optional compatiblePackageGroups?: ( { __typename?: "PaywallPlanCompatiblePackageGroup" } & MockPaywallPlanCompatiblePackageGroupsFragment ) [] | null Optional defaultTrialConfig?: { __typename?: "DefaultTrialConfig" ; budget?: { __typename?: "BudgetConfiguration" ; limit: number } | null ; duration: number ; trialEndBehavior?: TrialEndBehavior | null ; units: TrialPeriodUnits } | null Optional description?: string | null displayName: string Optional inheritedEntitlements?: ( { __typename?: "Entitlement" } & MockPaywallPackageEntitlementFragment ) [] | null Optional pricingType?: PricingType | null product: { __typename?: "PaywallProduct" ; additionalMetaData?: any | null ; description?: string | null ; displayName?: string | null ; refId: string } Optional __typename?: "PaywallProduct" Optional additionalMetaData?: any | null Optional description?: string | null Optional displayName?: string | null refId: string refId: string MockPaywallPriceFragment Mock
PaywallPriceFragment: { __typename?: "PaywallPrice" ; billingCountryCode?: string | null ; billingId?: string | null ; billingModel: BillingModel ; billingPeriod: BillingPeriod ; blockSize?: number | null ; feature?: { __typename?: "EntitlementFeature" ; displayName: string ; featureUnits?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural?: string | null ; refId: string } | null ; maxUnitQuantity?: number | null ; minUnitQuantity?: number | null ; price?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null ; tiers?: ( { __typename?: "PriceTier" } & PriceTierFragment ) [] | null ; tiersMode?: TiersMode | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5849 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "PaywallPrice" Optional billingCountryCode?: string | null Optional billingId?: string | null Optional blockSize?: number | null Optional feature?: { __typename?: "EntitlementFeature" ; displayName: string ; featureUnits?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural?: string | null ; refId: string } | null Optional maxUnitQuantity?: number | null Optional minUnitQuantity?: number | null Optional price?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null Optional tiers?: ( { __typename?: "PriceTier" } & PriceTierFragment ) [] | null Optional tiersMode?: TiersMode | null Money Money: { amount: number ; currency: string }
Type declaration amount: number currency: string MoneyInputDto Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2299 MonthlyResetPeriodConfigInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2308 NumberFieldComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2311 NumberFieldComparisonBetween Number
FieldComparisonBetween: { lower: Scalars [ "Float" ] ; upper: Scalars [ "Float" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2325 NumericEntitlementFallback NumericEntitlementFallback: { hasAccess: boolean ; isUnlimited?: boolean ; value?: number }
Type declaration hasAccess: boolean Optional isUnlimited?: boolean Optional value?: number NumericEntitlementOptions Type declaration Optional shouldTrack?: boolean OnEntitlementsUpdatedSubscription Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6536 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Subscription" OnEntitlementsUpdatedSubscriptionVariables On
EntitlementsUpdatedSubscriptionVariables: Exact < {} > Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6533 OnPackagePublishedSubscription Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6554 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Subscription" OnPackagePublishedSubscriptionVariables On
PackagePublishedSubscriptionVariables: Exact < {} > Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6551 OnUsageUpdatedSubscription Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6545 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Subscription" OnUsageUpdatedSubscriptionVariables On
UsageUpdatedSubscriptionVariables: Exact < {} > Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6542 OpenFgaCredentialsInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2329 OverageEntitlementCreateInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2342 OveragePriceFragment Overage
PriceFragment: { __typename?: "Price" ; billingCountryCode?: string | null ; billingId?: string | null ; billingModel: BillingModel ; billingPeriod: BillingPeriod ; feature?: { __typename?: "Feature" ; description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; featureUnits?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural?: string | null ; refId: string } | null ; price?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null ; tiers?: ( { __typename?: "PriceTier" } & PriceTierFragment ) [] | null ; tiersMode?: TiersMode | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4517 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Price" Optional billingCountryCode?: string | null Optional billingId?: string | null Optional feature?: { __typename?: "Feature" ; description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; featureUnits?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural?: string | null ; refId: string } | null Optional price?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null Optional tiers?: ( { __typename?: "PriceTier" } & PriceTierFragment ) [] | null Optional tiersMode?: TiersMode | null OveragePricingModelCreateInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2359 PackageDtoFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2366 PackageDtoSort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2383 PackageEntitlement Type declaration Optional displayNameOverride?: PackageEntitlementFragment [ "displayNameOverride" ] Optional hasSoftLimit?: boolean | null Optional hasUnlimitedUsage?: boolean | null usageLimit: number PackageEntitlementFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2403 PackageEntitlementFilterFeatureFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2414 PackageEntitlementFilterPackageDtoFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2428 PackageEntitlementFragment Package
EntitlementFragment: { __typename?: "PackageEntitlement" ; displayNameOverride?: string | null ; feature: { __typename?: "Feature" ; additionalMetaData?: any | null ; description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; featureType: FeatureType ; featureUnits?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural?: string | null ; meterType?: MeterType | null ; refId: string } ; featureId: string ; hasSoftLimit?: boolean | null ; hasUnlimitedUsage?: boolean | null ; hiddenFromWidgets?: WidgetType [] | null ; isCustom?: boolean | null ; resetPeriod?: EntitlementResetPeriod | null ; usageLimit?: number | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4554 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "PackageEntitlement" Optional displayNameOverride?: string | null feature: { __typename?: "Feature" ; additionalMetaData?: any | null ; description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; featureType: FeatureType ; featureUnits?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural?: string | null ; meterType?: MeterType | null ; refId: string } Optional __typename?: "Feature" Optional additionalMetaData?: any | null Optional description?: string | null displayName: string Optional featureUnits?: string | null Optional featureUnitsPlural?: string | null Optional meterType?: MeterType | null refId: string featureId: string Optional hasSoftLimit?: boolean | null Optional hasUnlimitedUsage?: boolean | null Optional hiddenFromWidgets?: WidgetType [] | null Optional isCustom?: boolean | null Optional usageLimit?: number | null PackageEntitlementInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2445 PackageEntitlementSort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2464 PackageEntitlementUpdateInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2476 PackageGroupFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2492 PackageGroupFilterProductFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2506 PackageGroupSort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2521 PackageGroupStatusFilterComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2546 PackagePricingInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2562 PackagePublishInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2573 PackagePublishedPayloadFragment Package
PublishedPayloadFragment: { __typename?: "PackagePublished" ; accountId: string ; environmentId: string ; migrationType: PublishMigrationType ; packageRefId: string ; packageType: string ; packageVersion: number } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5529 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "PackagePublished" accountId: string environmentId: string packageRefId: string packageType: string packageVersion: number PackageStatusFilterComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2583 PaymentCollectionFilterComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2606 PaymentMethodDetails PaymentMethodDetails: { expirationMonth?: number | null ; expirationYear?: number | null ; last4Digits?: string | null }
Type declaration Optional expirationMonth?: number | null Optional expirationYear?: number | null Optional last4Digits?: string | null PaywallCalculatedPricePointsFragment Paywall
CalculatedPricePointsFragment: { __typename?: "PaywallPricePoint" ; additionalChargesMayApply?: boolean | null ; amount: number ; billingCountryCode?: string | null ; billingPeriod: BillingPeriod ; currency: Currency ; feature?: { __typename?: "Feature" ; description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; featureUnits?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural?: string | null ; refId: string } | null ; planId: string } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5875 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "PaywallPricePoint" Optional additionalChargesMayApply?: boolean | null amount: number Optional billingCountryCode?: string | null Optional feature?: { __typename?: "Feature" ; description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; featureUnits?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural?: string | null ; refId: string } | null planId: string PaywallColorsPaletteInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2636 PaywallConfigurationFragment Paywall
ConfigurationFragment: { __typename?: "PaywallConfiguration" ; customCss?: string | null ; layout?: ( { __typename?: "PaywallLayoutConfiguration" } & LayoutConfigurationFragment ) | null ; palette?: { __typename?: "PaywallColorsPalette" ; backgroundColor?: string | null ; borderColor?: string | null ; currentPlanBackground?: string | null ; primary?: string | null ; textColor?: string | null } | null ; typography?: ( { __typename?: "TypographyConfiguration" } & TypographyConfigurationFragment ) | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5474 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "PaywallConfiguration" Optional customCss?: string | null Optional layout?: ( { __typename?: "PaywallLayoutConfiguration" } & LayoutConfigurationFragment ) | null Optional palette?: { __typename?: "PaywallColorsPalette" ; backgroundColor?: string | null ; borderColor?: string | null ; currentPlanBackground?: string | null ; primary?: string | null ; textColor?: string | null } | null Optional typography?: ( { __typename?: "TypographyConfiguration" } & TypographyConfigurationFragment ) | null PaywallConfigurationInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2643 PaywallCurrencyFragment Paywall
CurrencyFragment: { __typename?: "PaywallCurrency" ; code: Currency ; symbol: string } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5492 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "PaywallCurrency" symbol: string PaywallFragment Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5931 PaywallLayoutConfigurationInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2649 Plan Type declaration Optional basePlan?: BasePlan Optional billingId?: string | null compatibleAddons: Addon [] Optional defaultTrialConfig?: DefaultTrialConfig | null Optional description?: string | null displayName: string id: string Optional metadata?: Metadata | null order: number pricePoints: Price [] Optional pricingType?: PricingType | null PlanCompatiblePackageGroupsFragment Plan
CompatiblePackageGroupsFragment: { __typename?: "PlanCompatiblePackageGroups" ; addons?: ( { __typename?: "Addon" } & AddonFragment ) [] | null ; displayName: string ; options: { __typename?: "PlanCompatiblePackageGroupOptions" ; freeItems?: number | null ; minItems?: number | null } ; packageGroupId: string } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4654 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "PlanCompatiblePackageGroups" Optional addons?: ( { __typename?: "Addon" } & AddonFragment ) [] | null displayName: string options: { __typename?: "PlanCompatiblePackageGroupOptions" ; freeItems?: number | null ; minItems?: number | null } Optional __typename?: "PlanCompatiblePackageGroupOptions" Optional freeItems?: number | null Optional minItems?: number | null packageGroupId: string PlanCreateInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2664 PlanFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2678 PlanFilterAddonFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2697 PlanFilterProductFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2714 PlanFragment Plan
Fragment: { __typename?: "Plan" ; additionalMetaData?: any | null ; basePlan?: { __typename?: "Plan" ; displayName: string ; refId: string } | null ; billingId?: string | null ; compatibleAddons?: ( { __typename?: "Addon" } & AddonFragment ) [] | null ; compatiblePackageGroups?: ( { __typename?: "PlanCompatiblePackageGroups" } & PlanCompatiblePackageGroupsFragment ) [] | null ; defaultTrialConfig?: { __typename?: "DefaultTrialConfig" ; budget?: { __typename?: "BudgetConfiguration" ; limit: number } | null ; duration: number ; trialEndBehavior?: TrialEndBehavior | null ; units: TrialPeriodUnits } | null ; description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; entitlements?: ( { __typename?: "PackageEntitlement" } & PackageEntitlementFragment ) [] | null ; hiddenFromWidgets?: WidgetType [] | null ; id: string ; inheritedEntitlements?: ( { __typename?: "PackageEntitlement" } & PackageEntitlementFragment ) [] | null ; overagePrices?: ( { __typename?: "Price" } & OveragePriceFragment ) [] | null ; prices?: ( { __typename?: "Price" } & PriceFragment ) [] | null ; pricingType?: PricingType | null ; product: { __typename?: "Product" } & ProductFragment ; refId: string ; versionNumber: number } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4606 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Plan" Optional additionalMetaData?: any | null Optional basePlan?: { __typename?: "Plan" ; displayName: string ; refId: string } | null Optional billingId?: string | null Optional compatibleAddons?: ( { __typename?: "Addon" } & AddonFragment ) [] | null Optional compatiblePackageGroups?: ( { __typename?: "PlanCompatiblePackageGroups" } & PlanCompatiblePackageGroupsFragment ) [] | null Optional defaultTrialConfig?: { __typename?: "DefaultTrialConfig" ; budget?: { __typename?: "BudgetConfiguration" ; limit: number } | null ; duration: number ; trialEndBehavior?: TrialEndBehavior | null ; units: TrialPeriodUnits } | null Optional description?: string | null displayName: string Optional entitlements?: ( { __typename?: "PackageEntitlement" } & PackageEntitlementFragment ) [] | null Optional hiddenFromWidgets?: WidgetType [] | null id: string Optional inheritedEntitlements?: ( { __typename?: "PackageEntitlement" } & PackageEntitlementFragment ) [] | null Optional overagePrices?: ( { __typename?: "Price" } & OveragePriceFragment ) [] | null Optional prices?: ( { __typename?: "Price" } & PriceFragment ) [] | null Optional pricingType?: PricingType | null product: { __typename?: "Product" } & ProductFragment refId: string versionNumber: number PlanSort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2729 PlanUpdateInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2749 PreparePaymentMethodFormInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2762 PreviewNextInvoiceInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2767 PreviewNextInvoiceMutation Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6259 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" PreviewNextInvoiceMutationVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6256 PreviewSubscription Type declaration Optional billingCountryCode?: string customerId: string Optional payingCustomerId?: string planId: string Optional promotionCode?: string Optional resourceId?: string Optional startDate?: Date Optional unitQuantity?: number PreviewSubscriptionInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2773 PreviewSubscriptionMutation Preview
SubscriptionMutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; previewSubscription: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewV2" } & SubscriptionPreviewV2Fragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6250 PreviewSubscriptionMutationVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6247 Price Price
: { amount
?: number | null ; billingCadence
?: BillingCadence ; billingCountryCode
?: string | null ; billingId
?: string | null ; billingPeriod
: BillingPeriod ; blockSize
?: number | null ; currency
: Currency ; feature
?: { description
?: string | null ; displayName
: string ; featureId
: string ; unitQuantity
?: number | null ; units
?: string | null ; unitsPlural
?: string | null } | null ; maxUnitQuantity
?: number | null ; minUnitQuantity
?: number | null ; pricingModel
: BillingModel ; tiers
?: PriceTierFragment [] | null ; tiersMode
: TiersMode | null | undefined } Type declaration Optional amount?: number | null Optional billingCountryCode?: string | null Optional billingId?: string | null Optional blockSize?: number | null Optional feature?: { description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; featureId: string ; unitQuantity?: number | null ; units?: string | null ; unitsPlural?: string | null } | null Optional maxUnitQuantity?: number | null Optional minUnitQuantity?: number | null tiersMode: TiersMode | null | undefined PriceFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2794 PriceFilterPackageDtoFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2806 PriceFragment Price
Fragment: { __typename?: "Price" ; billingCadence: BillingCadence ; billingCountryCode?: string | null ; billingId?: string | null ; billingModel: BillingModel ; billingPeriod: BillingPeriod ; blockSize?: number | null ; feature?: { __typename?: "Feature" ; description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; featureUnits?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural?: string | null ; refId: string } | null ; maxUnitQuantity?: number | null ; minUnitQuantity?: number | null ; price?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null ; tiers?: ( { __typename?: "PriceTier" } & PriceTierFragment ) [] | null ; tiersMode?: TiersMode | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4489 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Price" Optional billingCountryCode?: string | null Optional billingId?: string | null Optional blockSize?: number | null Optional feature?: { __typename?: "Feature" ; description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; featureUnits?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural?: string | null ; refId: string } | null Optional maxUnitQuantity?: number | null Optional minUnitQuantity?: number | null Optional price?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null Optional tiers?: ( { __typename?: "PriceTier" } & PriceTierFragment ) [] | null Optional tiersMode?: TiersMode | null PriceOverrideInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2823 PricePeriodInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2835 PriceSort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2843 PriceTierFragment Price
TierFragment: { __typename?: "PriceTier" ; flatPrice?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null ; unitPrice?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null ; upTo?: number | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4475 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "PriceTier" Optional flatPrice?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null Optional unitPrice?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null Optional upTo?: number | null PriceTierInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2857 PricingModelCreateInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2862 PricingTypeFilterComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2881 Product Product
: { description
?: string | null ; displayName
?: string | null ; downgradePlan
?: Pick < Plan , "id" | "displayName" > ; id
: string ; metadata
?: Metadata | null } Type declaration Optional description?: string | null Optional displayName?: string | null Optional downgradePlan?: Pick < Plan , "id" | "displayName" > id: string Optional metadata?: Metadata | null ProductCreateInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2897 ProductFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2905 ProductFragment ProductFragment: { __typename?: "Product" ; additionalMetaData?: any | null ; description?: string | null ; displayName?: string | null ; productSettings: { __typename?: "ProductSettings" ; downgradePlan?: { __typename?: "Plan" ; displayName: string ; refId: string } | null } ; refId: string }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5497 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Product" Optional additionalMetaData?: any | null Optional description?: string | null Optional displayName?: string | null productSettings: { __typename?: "ProductSettings" ; downgradePlan?: { __typename?: "Plan" ; displayName: string ; refId: string } | null } Optional __typename?: "ProductSettings" Optional downgradePlan?: { __typename?: "Plan" ; displayName: string ; refId: string } | null refId: string ProductSettingsInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2920 ProductSort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2929 ProductUpdateInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2947 PromotionalEntitlement Promotional
Entitlement: { expiresAt?: Date ; feature: FullEntitlementFeature ; hasExpirationDate: boolean ; hasSoftLimit?: boolean | null ; hasUnlimitedUsage?: boolean | null ; isVisible: boolean ; status: PromotionalEntitlementStatus ; usageLimit: number } Type declaration Optional expiresAt?: Date hasExpirationDate: boolean Optional hasSoftLimit?: boolean | null Optional hasUnlimitedUsage?: boolean | null isVisible: boolean usageLimit: number PromotionalEntitlementFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2958 PromotionalEntitlementFragment Promotional
EntitlementFragment: { __typename?: "PromotionalEntitlement" ; endDate?: any | null ; feature: { __typename?: "Feature" ; additionalMetaData?: any | null ; description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; featureType: FeatureType ; featureUnits?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural?: string | null ; meterType?: MeterType | null ; refId: string } ; featureId: string ; hasSoftLimit?: boolean | null ; hasUnlimitedUsage?: boolean | null ; isVisible: boolean ; resetPeriod?: EntitlementResetPeriod | null ; status: PromotionalEntitlementStatus ; usageLimit?: number | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4915 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "PromotionalEntitlement" Optional endDate?: any | null feature: { __typename?: "Feature" ; additionalMetaData?: any | null ; description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; featureType: FeatureType ; featureUnits?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural?: string | null ; meterType?: MeterType | null ; refId: string } Optional __typename?: "Feature" Optional additionalMetaData?: any | null Optional description?: string | null displayName: string Optional featureUnits?: string | null Optional featureUnitsPlural?: string | null Optional meterType?: MeterType | null refId: string featureId: string Optional hasSoftLimit?: boolean | null Optional hasUnlimitedUsage?: boolean | null isVisible: boolean Optional usageLimit?: number | null PromotionalEntitlementInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2967 PromotionalEntitlementSort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2992 PromotionalEntitlementStatusFilterComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3010 PromotionalEntitlementUpdateInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3026 ProvisionCustomerFragment Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6007 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "ProvisionedCustomer" Optional entitlements?: ( { __typename?: "Entitlement" } & EntitlementFragment ) [] | null Optional subscription?: ( { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SlimSubscriptionFragment ) | null ProvisionCustomerInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3042 ProvisionCustomerMutation Provision
CustomerMutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; provisionCustomer: { __typename?: "ProvisionedCustomer" } & ProvisionCustomerFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6127 ProvisionCustomerMutationVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6124 ProvisionCustomerSubscriptionInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3060 ProvisionSandboxInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3091 ProvisionSubscription Type declaration Optional awaitPaymentConfirmation?: boolean Optional billingCountryCode?: string Optional billingId?: string customerId: string Optional id?: string Optional metadata?: Metadata | null Optional payingCustomerId?: string planId: string Optional promotionCode?: string Optional resourceId?: string Optional salesforceId?: string Optional skipTrial?: boolean Optional startDate?: Date Optional unitQuantity?: number ProvisionSubscriptionFragment Provision
SubscriptionFragment: { __typename?: "ProvisionSubscriptionResult" ; checkoutBillingId?: string | null ; checkoutUrl?: string | null ; entitlements?: ( { __typename?: "Entitlement" } & EntitlementFragment ) [] | null ; status: ProvisionSubscriptionStatus ; subscription?: ( { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SlimSubscriptionFragment ) | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6029 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "ProvisionSubscriptionResult" Optional checkoutBillingId?: string | null Optional checkoutUrl?: string | null Optional entitlements?: ( { __typename?: "Entitlement" } & EntitlementFragment ) [] | null Optional subscription?: ( { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SlimSubscriptionFragment ) | null ProvisionSubscriptionInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3131 ProvisionSubscriptionMutation Provision
SubscriptionMutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; provisionSubscription: { __typename?: "ProvisionSubscriptionResult" } & ProvisionSubscriptionFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6189 ProvisionSubscriptionMutationVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6186 ProvisionSubscriptionResult Type declaration Optional checkoutUrl?: string | null RecalculateEntitlementsInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3177 RecalculateEntitlementsSideEffectsOptionsInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3183 RemoveBasePlanFromPlanInput Remove
BasePlanFromPlanInput: { id: Scalars [ "String" ] ; relationId: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3189 RemoveCompatibleAddonsFromPlanInput Remove
CompatibleAddonsFromPlanInput: { id: Scalars [ "String" ] ; relationIds: Scalars [ "String" ] [] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3195 RemoveCouponFromCustomerInput Remove
CouponFromCustomerInput: { id: Scalars [ "String" ] ; relationId: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3201 RemoveExperimentFromCustomerInput Remove
ExperimentFromCustomerInput: { id: Scalars [ "String" ] ; relationId: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3207 RemoveExperimentFromCustomerSubscriptionInput Remove
ExperimentFromCustomerSubscriptionInput: { id: Scalars [ "String" ] ; relationId: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3213 ReportEntitlementCheckRequestedMutation ReportEntitlementCheckRequestedMutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; reportEntitlementCheckRequested: boolean }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6300 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" reportEntitlementCheckRequested: boolean ReportEntitlementCheckRequestedMutationVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6297 ReportEvent Report
Event: { customerId: string ; dimensions?: Record < string , EventDimensionValue > ; eventName: string ; idempotencyKey: string ; resourceId?: string ; timestamp?: Date } Type declaration customerId: string eventName: string idempotencyKey: string Optional resourceId?: string Optional timestamp?: Date ReportEventMutation ReportEventMutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; reportEvent?: string | null }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6293 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" Optional reportEvent?: string | null ReportEventMutationVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6290 ReportUsage Report
Usage: { createdAt?: Date ; customerId: string ; dimensions?: Record < string , EventDimensionValue > ; featureId: string ; resourceId?: string ; updateBehavior?: UsageUpdateBehavior ; value: number } Type declaration Optional createdAt?: Date customerId: string featureId: string Optional resourceId?: string value: number ReportUsageAck ReportUsageAck: { currentUsage?: number ; customerId: string ; featureId: string ; measurementId: string ; nextResetDate?: Date ; resourceId?: string ; usagePeriodEnd?: Date ; usagePeriodStart?: Date }
Type declaration Optional currentUsage?: number customerId: string featureId: string measurementId: string Optional nextResetDate?: Date Optional resourceId?: string Optional usagePeriodEnd?: Date Optional usagePeriodStart?: Date ReportUsageBaseInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3219 ReportUsageBulkInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3228 ReportUsageBulkMutation Report
UsageBulkMutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; reportUsageBulk: ( { __typename?: "UsageMeasurementWithCurrentUsage" } & ReportUsageFragment ) [] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6284 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" reportUsageBulk: ( { __typename?: "UsageMeasurementWithCurrentUsage" } & ReportUsageFragment ) [] ReportUsageBulkMutationVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6281 ReportUsageFragment ReportUsageFragment: { __typename?: "UsageMeasurementWithCurrentUsage" ; currentUsage?: number | null ; customerId: string ; featureId: string ; id: string ; nextResetDate?: any | null ; resourceId?: string | null ; timestamp: any ; usagePeriodEnd?: any | null ; usagePeriodStart?: any | null }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6041 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "UsageMeasurementWithCurrentUsage" Optional currentUsage?: number | null customerId: string featureId: string id: string Optional nextResetDate?: any | null Optional resourceId?: string | null timestamp: any Optional usagePeriodEnd?: any | null Optional usagePeriodStart?: any | null ReportUsageInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3232 ReportUsageMutation Report
UsageMutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; reportUsage: { __typename?: "UsageMeasurementWithCurrentUsage" } & ReportUsageFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6275 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" reportUsage: { __typename?: "UsageMeasurementWithCurrentUsage" } & ReportUsageFragment ReportUsageMutationVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6272 ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment: ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment_MonthlyResetPeriodConfig_ | ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment_WeeklyResetPeriodConfig_ | ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment_YearlyResetPeriodConfig_
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5406 ResyncIntegrationInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3242 RevokePromotionalEntitlementInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3252 RevokePromotionalEntitlementMutation RevokePromotionalEntitlementMutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; revokePromotionalEntitlement: { __typename?: "PromotionalEntitlement" ; id: string } }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6179 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" revokePromotionalEntitlement: { __typename?: "PromotionalEntitlement" ; id: string } Optional __typename?: "PromotionalEntitlement" id: string RevokePromotionalEntitlementMutationVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6176 SalesforceCredentialsInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3257 Scalars Scalars: { Boolean: boolean ; ConnectionCursor: any ; DateTime: any ; Float: number ; ID: string ; Int: number ; JSON: any ; String: string }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:17 Type declaration Boolean: boolean ConnectionCursor: any DateTime: any Float: number ID: string Int: number JSON: any String: string ScheduleVariablesFragment ScheduleVariablesFragment: ScheduleVariablesFragment_AddonChangeVariables_ | ScheduleVariablesFragment_AddonPriceOverrideChangeVariables_ | ScheduleVariablesFragment_BillingPeriodChangeVariables_ | ScheduleVariablesFragment_CouponChangeVariables_ | ScheduleVariablesFragment_DowngradeChangeVariables_ | ScheduleVariablesFragment_PlanChangeVariables_ | ScheduleVariablesFragment_PlanPriceOverrideChangeVariables_ | ScheduleVariablesFragment_UnitAmountChangeVariables_
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6123 Sdk Sdk
: ReturnType < typeof getSdk > Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6724 SdkFunctionWrapper SdkFunctionWrapper: < T > ( action: ( requestHeaders?: Record < string , string > ) => Promise < T > , operationName: string , operationType?: string ) => Promise < T >
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6674 Type declaration < T > ( action: ( requestHeaders?: Record < string , string > ) => Promise < T > , operationName: string , operationType?: string ) : Promise < T > Type parameters Parameters action: ( requestHeaders?: Record < string , string > ) => Promise < T > ( requestHeaders?: Record < string , string > ) : Promise < T > Parameters Optional requestHeaders: Record < string , string > Returns Promise < T > operationName: string Optional operationType: string Returns Promise < T > SetAccessRolesInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3269 SetBasePlanOnPlanInput Set
BasePlanOnPlanInput: { id: Scalars [ "String" ] ; relationId: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3279 SetCompatibleAddonsOnPlanInput Set
CompatibleAddonsOnPlanInput: { id: Scalars [ "String" ] ; relationIds: Scalars [ "String" ] [] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3285 SetCouponOnCustomerInput Set
CouponOnCustomerInput: { id: Scalars [ "String" ] ; relationId: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3291 SetExperimentOnCustomerInput Set
ExperimentOnCustomerInput: { id: Scalars [ "String" ] ; relationId: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3297 SetExperimentOnCustomerSubscriptionInput Set
ExperimentOnCustomerSubscriptionInput: { id: Scalars [ "String" ] ; relationId: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3303 SetPackageGroupAddons Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3310 SetPlanCompatiblePackageGroup Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3319 SetPlanCompatiblePackageGroupOptions Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3326 SetPlanCompatiblePackageGroups Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3333 SlimCustomer Slim
Customer: { awsMarketplaceCustomerId?: string | null ; billingId?: string ; createdAt: Date ; email?: string ; id: string ; metadata?: Metadata | null ; name?: string ; updatedAt: Date } Type declaration Optional awsMarketplaceCustomerId?: string | null Optional billingId?: string createdAt: Date Optional email?: string id: string Optional metadata?: Metadata | null Optional name?: string updatedAt: Date SlimCustomerFragment SlimCustomerFragment: { __typename?: "Customer" ; additionalMetaData?: any | null ; awsMarketplaceCustomerId?: string | null ; billingId?: string | null ; createdAt?: any | null ; customerId: string ; email?: string | null ; id: string ; name?: string | null ; refId: string ; updatedAt: any }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4937 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Customer" Optional additionalMetaData?: any | null Optional awsMarketplaceCustomerId?: string | null Optional billingId?: string | null Optional createdAt?: any | null customerId: string Optional email?: string | null id: string Optional name?: string | null refId: string updatedAt: any SlimSubscriptionFragment Slim
SubscriptionFragment: { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" ; additionalMetaData?: any | null ; addons?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionAddon" ; addon: { __typename?: "Addon" ; id: string ; refId: string } ; quantity: number } [] | null ; billingId?: string | null ; billingLinkUrl?: string | null ; billingSyncError?: string | null ; currentBillingPeriodEnd?: any | null ; customer: { __typename?: "Customer" ; id: string ; refId: string } ; effectiveEndDate?: any | null ; experimentInfo?: { __typename?: "experimentInfo" ; groupName: string ; groupType: ExperimentGroupType ; id: string ; name: string } | null ; id: string ; latestInvoice?: ( { __typename?: "SubscriptionInvoice" } & SubscriptionInvoiceFragment ) | null ; paymentCollection: PaymentCollection ; plan: { __typename?: "Plan" ; id: string ; refId: string } ; prices?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPrice" ; price?: ( { __typename?: "Price" } & PriceFragment ) | null ; usageLimit?: number | null } [] | null ; pricingType: PricingType ; refId: string ; resource?: ( { __typename?: "CustomerResource" } & CustomerResourceFragment ) | null ; status: SubscriptionStatus ; subscriptionId: string ; totalPrice?: ( { __typename?: "CustomerSubscriptionTotalPrice" } & TotalPriceFragment ) | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4709 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" Optional additionalMetaData?: any | null Optional addons?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionAddon" ; addon: { __typename?: "Addon" ; id: string ; refId: string } ; quantity: number } [] | null Optional billingId?: string | null Optional billingLinkUrl?: string | null Optional billingSyncError?: string | null Optional currentBillingPeriodEnd?: any | null customer: { __typename?: "Customer" ; id: string ; refId: string } Optional __typename?: "Customer" id: string refId: string Optional effectiveEndDate?: any | null Optional experimentInfo?: { __typename?: "experimentInfo" ; groupName: string ; groupType: ExperimentGroupType ; id: string ; name: string } | null id: string Optional latestInvoice?: ( { __typename?: "SubscriptionInvoice" } & SubscriptionInvoiceFragment ) | null plan: { __typename?: "Plan" ; id: string ; refId: string } Optional __typename?: "Plan" id: string refId: string Optional prices?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPrice" ; price?: ( { __typename?: "Price" } & PriceFragment ) | null ; usageLimit?: number | null } [] | null refId: string Optional resource?: ( { __typename?: "CustomerResource" } & CustomerResourceFragment ) | null subscriptionId: string Optional totalPrice?: ( { __typename?: "CustomerSubscriptionTotalPrice" } & TotalPriceFragment ) | null SlimSubscriptionFragmentV2Fragment Slim
SubscriptionFragmentV2Fragment: { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" ; addons?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionAddon" ; addon: { __typename?: "Addon" ; addonId: string } ; quantity: number } [] | null ; currentBillingPeriodEnd?: any | null ; customer: { __typename?: "Customer" ; customerId: string } ; payingCustomer?: { __typename?: "Customer" ; customerId: string } | null ; plan: { __typename?: "Plan" ; displayName: string ; planId: string } ; pricingType: PricingType ; resource?: { __typename?: "CustomerResource" ; resourceId: string } | null ; startDate: any ; status: SubscriptionStatus ; subscriptionId: string ; trialConfiguration?: { __typename?: "TrialConfiguration" ; trialEndBehavior: TrialEndBehavior } | null ; trialEndDate?: any | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4671 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" Optional addons?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionAddon" ; addon: { __typename?: "Addon" ; addonId: string } ; quantity: number } [] | null Optional currentBillingPeriodEnd?: any | null customer: { __typename?: "Customer" ; customerId: string } Optional __typename?: "Customer" customerId: string Optional payingCustomer?: { __typename?: "Customer" ; customerId: string } | null plan: { __typename?: "Plan" ; displayName: string ; planId: string } Optional __typename?: "Plan" displayName: string planId: string Optional resource?: { __typename?: "CustomerResource" ; resourceId: string } | null startDate: any subscriptionId: string Optional trialConfiguration?: { __typename?: "TrialConfiguration" ; trialEndBehavior: TrialEndBehavior } | null Optional trialEndDate?: any | null SnowflakeCredentialsInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3341 StartExperimentInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3365 StopExperimentInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3369 StringFieldComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3373 StripeCredentialsInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3389 StripeCustomerSearchInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3394 StripeProductSearchInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3399 StripeSubscriptionSearchInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3404 Subscription Type declaration addonIds: string [] Optional billingId?: string Optional billingLinkUrl?: string Optional billingSyncError?: string customerId: string Optional effectiveEndDate?: Date Optional experimentInfo?: ExperimentInfo | null id: string Optional metadata?: Metadata | null planId: string SubscriptionAddon SubscriptionAddon: { addonId: string ; quantity?: number }
Type declaration addonId: string Optional quantity?: number SubscriptionAddonFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3408 SubscriptionAddonFilterCustomerSubscriptionFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3418 SubscriptionAddonFilterPriceFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3446 SubscriptionAddonInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3457 SubscriptionAddonSort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3461 SubscriptionBillingInfo Subscription
BillingInfo: { billingAddress?: BillingAddress ; chargeOnBehalfOfAccount?: string ; couponId?: string ; isBackdated?: boolean ; isInvoicePaid?: boolean ; metadata?: Metadata | null ; taxPercentage?: number ; taxRateIds?: string [] } Type declaration Optional chargeOnBehalfOfAccount?: string Optional couponId?: string Optional isBackdated?: boolean Optional isInvoicePaid?: boolean Optional metadata?: Metadata | null Optional taxPercentage?: number Optional taxRateIds?: string [] SubscriptionCancelReasonFilterComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3497 SubscriptionCancellationInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3517 SubscriptionCouponConfigurationInput Subscription
CouponConfigurationInput: { startDate?: InputMaybe < Scalars [ "DateTime" ] > } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3532 SubscriptionCouponDiscountInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3537 SubscriptionCouponInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3550 SubscriptionEntitlement Subscription
Entitlement: { featureId: string ; hasSoftLimit?: boolean ; hasUnlimitedUsage?: boolean ; monthlyResetPeriodConfiguration?: { accordingTo: MonthlyAccordingTo } ; resetPeriod?: EntitlementResetPeriod ; usageLimit?: number ; weeklyResetPeriodConfiguration?: { accordingTo: WeeklyAccordingTo } } Type declaration featureId: string Optional hasSoftLimit?: boolean Optional hasUnlimitedUsage?: boolean Optional monthlyResetPeriodConfiguration?: { accordingTo: MonthlyAccordingTo } Optional usageLimit?: number Optional weeklyResetPeriodConfiguration?: { accordingTo: WeeklyAccordingTo } SubscriptionEntitlementFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3579 SubscriptionEntitlementFilterCustomerSubscriptionFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3590 SubscriptionEntitlementFilterFeatureFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3618 SubscriptionEntitlementInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3632 SubscriptionEntitlementSort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3643 SubscriptionFragment Subscription
Fragment: { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" ; additionalMetaData?: any | null ; addons?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionAddon" ; addon: { __typename?: "Addon" } & AddonFragment ; id: string ; quantity: number } [] | null ; billingId?: string | null ; billingLinkUrl?: string | null ; billingSyncError?: string | null ; cancellationDate?: any | null ; currentBillingPeriodEnd?: any | null ; effectiveEndDate?: any | null ; endDate?: any | null ; experimentInfo?: { __typename?: "experimentInfo" ; groupName: string ; groupType: ExperimentGroupType ; id: string ; name: string } | null ; futureUpdates: ( { __typename?: "SubscriptionFutureUpdate" } & SubscriptionFutureUpdateDataFragment ) [] ; id: string ; latestInvoice?: ( { __typename?: "SubscriptionInvoice" } & SubscriptionInvoiceFragment ) | null ; payingCustomer?: ( { __typename?: "Customer" } & SlimCustomerFragment ) | null ; paymentCollection: PaymentCollection ; paymentCollectionMethod?: PaymentCollectionMethod | null ; plan: { __typename?: "Plan" } & PlanFragment ; prices?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPrice" ; price?: ( { __typename?: "Price" } & PriceFragment ) | null ; usageLimit?: number | null } [] | null ; pricingType: PricingType ; refId: string ; resource?: ( { __typename?: "CustomerResource" } & CustomerResourceFragment ) | null ; scheduledUpdates?: ( { __typename?: "SubscriptionScheduledUpdate" } & SubscriptionScheduledUpdateDataFragment ) [] | null ; startDate: any ; status: SubscriptionStatus ; subscriptionId: string ; totalPrice?: ( { __typename?: "CustomerSubscriptionTotalPrice" } & TotalPriceFragment ) | null ; trialConfiguration?: ( { __typename?: "TrialConfiguration" } & SubscriptionTrialConfigurationFragment ) | null ; trialEndDate?: any | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4845 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" Optional additionalMetaData?: any | null Optional addons?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionAddon" ; addon: { __typename?: "Addon" } & AddonFragment ; id: string ; quantity: number } [] | null Optional billingId?: string | null Optional billingLinkUrl?: string | null Optional billingSyncError?: string | null Optional cancellationDate?: any | null Optional currentBillingPeriodEnd?: any | null Optional effectiveEndDate?: any | null Optional endDate?: any | null Optional experimentInfo?: { __typename?: "experimentInfo" ; groupName: string ; groupType: ExperimentGroupType ; id: string ; name: string } | null id: string Optional latestInvoice?: ( { __typename?: "SubscriptionInvoice" } & SubscriptionInvoiceFragment ) | null Optional payingCustomer?: ( { __typename?: "Customer" } & SlimCustomerFragment ) | null plan: { __typename?: "Plan" } & PlanFragment Optional prices?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPrice" ; price?: ( { __typename?: "Price" } & PriceFragment ) | null ; usageLimit?: number | null } [] | null refId: string Optional resource?: ( { __typename?: "CustomerResource" } & CustomerResourceFragment ) | null Optional scheduledUpdates?: ( { __typename?: "SubscriptionScheduledUpdate" } & SubscriptionScheduledUpdateDataFragment ) [] | null startDate: any subscriptionId: string Optional totalPrice?: ( { __typename?: "CustomerSubscriptionTotalPrice" } & TotalPriceFragment ) | null Optional trialConfiguration?: ( { __typename?: "TrialConfiguration" } & SubscriptionTrialConfigurationFragment ) | null Optional trialEndDate?: any | null SubscriptionFutureUpdateDataFragment Subscription
FutureUpdateDataFragment: { __typename?: "SubscriptionFutureUpdate" ; scheduleStatus: SubscriptionScheduleStatus ; scheduleVariables?: ( { __typename?: "AddonChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_AddonChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "AddonPriceOverrideChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_AddonPriceOverrideChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "BillingPeriodChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_BillingPeriodChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "CouponChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_CouponChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "DowngradeChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_DowngradeChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "PlanChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_PlanChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "PlanPriceOverrideChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_PlanPriceOverrideChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "UnitAmountChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_UnitAmountChangeVariables_ ) | null ; scheduledExecutionTime: any ; subscriptionScheduleType: SubscriptionScheduleType ; targetPackage?: { __typename?: "PackageDTO" ; displayName: string ; id: string ; refId: string } | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4795 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "SubscriptionFutureUpdate" Optional scheduleVariables?: ( { __typename?: "AddonChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_AddonChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "AddonPriceOverrideChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_AddonPriceOverrideChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "BillingPeriodChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_BillingPeriodChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "CouponChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_CouponChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "DowngradeChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_DowngradeChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "PlanChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_PlanChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "PlanPriceOverrideChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_PlanPriceOverrideChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "UnitAmountChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_UnitAmountChangeVariables_ ) | null scheduledExecutionTime: any Optional targetPackage?: { __typename?: "PackageDTO" ; displayName: string ; id: string ; refId: string } | null SubscriptionInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3655 SubscriptionInvoiceFragment Subscription
InvoiceFragment: { __typename?: "SubscriptionInvoice" ; amountDue?: number | null ; attemptCount?: number | null ; billingId: string ; billingReason?: SubscriptionInvoiceBillingReason | null ; createdAt: any ; currency?: string | null ; errorMessage?: string | null ; paymentSecret?: string | null ; paymentUrl?: string | null ; pdfUrl?: string | null ; requiresAction: boolean ; status: SubscriptionInvoiceStatus ; subTotal?: number | null ; subTotalExcludingTax?: number | null ; tax?: number | null ; total?: number | null ; totalExcludingTax?: number | null ; updatedAt: any } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4824 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "SubscriptionInvoice" Optional amountDue?: number | null Optional attemptCount?: number | null billingId: string createdAt: any Optional currency?: string | null Optional errorMessage?: string | null Optional paymentSecret?: string | null Optional paymentUrl?: string | null Optional pdfUrl?: string | null requiresAction: boolean Optional subTotal?: number | null Optional subTotalExcludingTax?: number | null Optional tax?: number | null Optional total?: number | null Optional totalExcludingTax?: number | null updatedAt: any SubscriptionInvoicePreviewFragment Subscription
InvoicePreviewFragment: { __typename?: "SubscriptionInvoicePreview" ; amountDue: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; credits?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewCredits" ; initial: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; remaining: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; used: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } } | null ; discount?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null ; discountDetails?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewDiscount" ; durationInMonths?: number | null ; durationType: DiscountDurationType ; name?: string | null ; type: DiscountType ; value: number } | null ; lastUpdatedAt: any ; lines: { __typename?: "SubscriptionInvoicePreviewLineItem" ; amount: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; costDescription: string ; description: string ; hasSoftLimit?: boolean | null ; lines?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionInvoicePreviewLineItemData" ; costDescription: string ; description: string ; hasSoftLimit?: boolean | null ; proration: boolean ; quantity?: number | null ; type: InvoiceLineItemType ; usageLimit?: number | null } [] | null ; period: { __typename?: "SubscriptionInvoicePreviewLineItemPeriod" ; end: any ; start: any } ; price?: ( { __typename?: "Price" } & PriceFragment ) | null ; proration: boolean ; quantity?: number | null ; type: InvoiceLineItemType ; unitPrice?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null ; usageLimit?: number | null } [] ; minimumSpendAdjustment: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; subTotal: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; subTotalExcludingTax: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; tax?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null ; taxDetails?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewTaxDetails" ; displayName: string ; inclusive: boolean ; percentage: number } | null ; total: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; totalExcludingTax: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5265 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "SubscriptionInvoicePreview" amountDue: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number Optional credits?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewCredits" ; initial: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; remaining: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; used: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } } | null Optional discount?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null Optional discountDetails?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewDiscount" ; durationInMonths?: number | null ; durationType: DiscountDurationType ; name?: string | null ; type: DiscountType ; value: number } | null lastUpdatedAt: any lines: { __typename?: "SubscriptionInvoicePreviewLineItem" ; amount: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; costDescription: string ; description: string ; hasSoftLimit?: boolean | null ; lines?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionInvoicePreviewLineItemData" ; costDescription: string ; description: string ; hasSoftLimit?: boolean | null ; proration: boolean ; quantity?: number | null ; type: InvoiceLineItemType ; usageLimit?: number | null } [] | null ; period: { __typename?: "SubscriptionInvoicePreviewLineItemPeriod" ; end: any ; start: any } ; price?: ( { __typename?: "Price" } & PriceFragment ) | null ; proration: boolean ; quantity?: number | null ; type: InvoiceLineItemType ; unitPrice?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null ; usageLimit?: number | null } [] minimumSpendAdjustment: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number subTotal: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number subTotalExcludingTax: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number Optional tax?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null Optional taxDetails?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewTaxDetails" ; displayName: string ; inclusive: boolean ; percentage: number } | null total: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number totalExcludingTax: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number SubscriptionMigrationInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3717 SubscriptionMigrationTaskFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3722 SubscriptionMigrationTaskSort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3731 SubscriptionMinimumSpendValueInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3749 SubscriptionPreviewCredits Subscription
PreviewCredits: { initial: Money ; remaining: Money ; used: Money } SubscriptionPreviewDiscount Type declaration Optional durationInMonths?: number value: number SubscriptionPreviewFragment Subscription
PreviewFragment: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreview" ; billingPeriodRange: { __typename?: "DateRange" ; end?: any | null ; start?: any | null } ; credits?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewCredits" ; initial: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; remaining: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; used: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } } | null ; discount?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewDiscount" ; durationInMonths?: number | null ; durationType: DiscountDurationType ; name?: string | null ; type: DiscountType ; value: number } | null ; discountAmount?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null ; hasScheduledUpdates?: boolean | null ; isPlanDowngrade?: boolean | null ; proration?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewProrations" ; credit: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; debit: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; netAmount: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; prorationDate: any } | null ; subTotal: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; subscription?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPricePreviewDTO" ; discount?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewDiscount" ; durationInMonths?: number | null ; durationType: DiscountDurationType ; name?: string | null ; type: DiscountType ; value: number } | null ; discountAmount?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null ; subTotal: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; tax: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; taxDetails?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewTaxDetails" ; displayName: string ; inclusive: boolean ; percentage: number } | null ; total: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; totalExcludingTax: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } } | null ; tax?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null ; taxDetails?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewTaxDetails" ; displayName: string ; inclusive: boolean ; percentage: number } | null ; total: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; totalExcludingTax: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5001 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "SubscriptionPreview" billingPeriodRange: { __typename?: "DateRange" ; end?: any | null ; start?: any | null } Optional __typename?: "DateRange" Optional end?: any | null Optional start?: any | null Optional credits?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewCredits" ; initial: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; remaining: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; used: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } } | null Optional discount?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewDiscount" ; durationInMonths?: number | null ; durationType: DiscountDurationType ; name?: string | null ; type: DiscountType ; value: number } | null Optional discountAmount?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null Optional hasScheduledUpdates?: boolean | null Optional isPlanDowngrade?: boolean | null Optional proration?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewProrations" ; credit: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; debit: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; netAmount: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; prorationDate: any } | null subTotal: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number Optional subscription?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPricePreviewDTO" ; discount?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewDiscount" ; durationInMonths?: number | null ; durationType: DiscountDurationType ; name?: string | null ; type: DiscountType ; value: number } | null ; discountAmount?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null ; subTotal: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; tax: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; taxDetails?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewTaxDetails" ; displayName: string ; inclusive: boolean ; percentage: number } | null ; total: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; totalExcludingTax: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } } | null Optional tax?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null Optional taxDetails?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewTaxDetails" ; displayName: string ; inclusive: boolean ; percentage: number } | null total: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number totalExcludingTax: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number SubscriptionPreviewInvoice SubscriptionPreviewInvoiceFragment Subscription
PreviewInvoiceFragment: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewInvoice" ; discount?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null ; discountDetails?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewDiscount" ; durationInMonths?: number | null ; durationType: DiscountDurationType ; type: DiscountType ; value: number } | null ; subTotal: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; tax?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null ; taxDetails?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewTaxDetails" ; displayName: string ; inclusive: boolean ; percentage: number } | null ; total: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; totalExcludingTax: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5129 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewInvoice" Optional discount?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null Optional discountDetails?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewDiscount" ; durationInMonths?: number | null ; durationType: DiscountDurationType ; type: DiscountType ; value: number } | null subTotal: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number Optional tax?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null Optional taxDetails?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewTaxDetails" ; displayName: string ; inclusive: boolean ; percentage: number } | null total: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number totalExcludingTax: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number SubscriptionPreviewProration Subscription
PreviewProration: { credit: Money ; debit: Money ; hasProrations?: boolean ; netAmount: Money ; prorationDate: Date } Type declaration Optional hasProrations?: boolean netAmount: Money prorationDate: Date SubscriptionPreviewTaxDetails SubscriptionPreviewTaxDetails: { displayName: string ; inclusive: boolean ; percentage: number }
Type declaration displayName: string inclusive: boolean percentage: number SubscriptionPreviewV2Fragment Subscription
PreviewV2Fragment: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewV2" ; billingPeriodRange: { __typename?: "DateRange" ; end?: any | null ; start?: any | null } ; hasScheduledUpdates?: boolean | null ; immediateInvoice: { __typename?: "ImmediateSubscriptionPreviewInvoice" } & ImmediateSubscriptionPreviewInvoiceFragment ; isPlanDowngrade?: boolean | null ; recurringInvoice?: ( { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewInvoice" } & SubscriptionPreviewInvoiceFragment ) | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5249 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewV2" billingPeriodRange: { __typename?: "DateRange" ; end?: any | null ; start?: any | null } Optional __typename?: "DateRange" Optional end?: any | null Optional start?: any | null Optional hasScheduledUpdates?: boolean | null Optional isPlanDowngrade?: boolean | null Optional recurringInvoice?: ( { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewInvoice" } & SubscriptionPreviewInvoiceFragment ) | null SubscriptionPrice Subscription
Price: Price & { grossAmount: number } SubscriptionPriceFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3753 SubscriptionPriceFilterCustomerSubscriptionFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3766 SubscriptionPriceFilterPriceFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3794 SubscriptionPriceSort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3805 SubscriptionScheduledUpdateDataFragment Subscription
ScheduledUpdateDataFragment: { __typename?: "SubscriptionScheduledUpdate" ; scheduleStatus: SubscriptionScheduleStatus ; scheduleVariables?: ( { __typename?: "AddonChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_AddonChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "AddonPriceOverrideChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_AddonPriceOverrideChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "BillingPeriodChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_BillingPeriodChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "CouponChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_CouponChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "DowngradeChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_DowngradeChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "PlanChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_PlanChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "PlanPriceOverrideChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_PlanPriceOverrideChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "UnitAmountChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_UnitAmountChangeVariables_ ) | null ; scheduledExecutionTime: any ; subscriptionScheduleType: SubscriptionScheduleType ; targetPackage?: { __typename?: "PackageDTO" ; displayName: string ; id: string ; refId: string } | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4766 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "SubscriptionScheduledUpdate" Optional scheduleVariables?: ( { __typename?: "AddonChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_AddonChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "AddonPriceOverrideChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_AddonPriceOverrideChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "BillingPeriodChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_BillingPeriodChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "CouponChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_CouponChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "DowngradeChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_DowngradeChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "PlanChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_PlanChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "PlanPriceOverrideChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_PlanPriceOverrideChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "UnitAmountChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_UnitAmountChangeVariables_ ) | null scheduledExecutionTime: any Optional targetPackage?: { __typename?: "PackageDTO" ; displayName: string ; id: string ; refId: string } | null SubscriptionStatusFilterComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3862 SubscriptionTrialConfigurationFragment Subscription
TrialConfigurationFragment: { __typename?: "TrialConfiguration" ; trialEndBehavior: TrialEndBehavior } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4911 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "TrialConfiguration" SubscriptionUpdateScheduleCancellationInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3878 SubscriptionUpdateUsageResetCutoffRuleInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3893 SyncTaxRatesInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3904 TaskStatusFilterComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3915 TaskTypeFilterComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3941 TaxExempt TaxExempt: { type: string ; value: string }
Type declaration type: string value: string TestHookInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3961 TiersModeFilterComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3971 TotalPriceFragment Total
PriceFragment: { __typename?: "CustomerSubscriptionTotalPrice" ; subTotal: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; total: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4541 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "CustomerSubscriptionTotalPrice" subTotal: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number total: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number TransferSubscriptionInput Transfer
SubscriptionInput: { customerId: Scalars [ "String" ] ; destinationResourceId: Scalars [ "String" ] ; sourceResourceId: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3987 TransferSubscriptionMutation Transfer
SubscriptionMutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; transferSubscription: { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SlimSubscriptionFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6345 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" transferSubscription: { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SlimSubscriptionFragment TransferSubscriptionMutationVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6342 TransferSubscriptionToResourceInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3993 TransferSubscriptionToResourceMutation Transfer
SubscriptionToResourceMutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; transferSubscriptionToResource: { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SlimSubscriptionFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6363 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" transferSubscriptionToResource: { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SlimSubscriptionFragment TransferSubscriptionToResourceMutationVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6360 TrialOverrideConfigurationInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4008 TrialedPlan TrialedPlan: { planId: string ; productId: string }
Type declaration planId: string productId: string TriggerSubscriptionBillingMonthEndsSoonWebhookInput Trigger
SubscriptionBillingMonthEndsSoonWebhookInput: { subscriptionId: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4020 TriggerSubscriptionMigrationInput Trigger
SubscriptionMigrationInput: { environmentId: Scalars [ "String" ] ; refId: Scalars [ "String" ] ; versionNumber: Scalars [ "Float" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4024 TriggerSubscriptionUsageSyncInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4030 TypographyConfigurationFragment Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5446 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "TypographyConfiguration" Optional body?: ( { __typename?: "FontVariant" } & FontVariantFragment ) | null Optional fontFamily?: string | null Optional h1?: ( { __typename?: "FontVariant" } & FontVariantFragment ) | null Optional h2?: ( { __typename?: "FontVariant" } & FontVariantFragment ) | null Optional h3?: ( { __typename?: "FontVariant" } & FontVariantFragment ) | null TypographyConfigurationInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4038 UnarchiveCustomerInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4045 UnarchiveCustomerMutation Unarchive
CustomerMutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; unarchiveCustomer: { __typename?: "Customer" } & SlimCustomerFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6336 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" unarchiveCustomer: { __typename?: "Customer" } & SlimCustomerFragment UnarchiveCustomerMutationVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6333 UnarchiveEnvironmentInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4049 UnitTransformationInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4054 UpdateAccountInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4071 UpdateCouponInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4078 UpdateCustomer Update
Customer: { billingId?: string ; billingInfo?: BillingInfo ; couponId?: string | null ; customerId: string ; email?: string ; metadata?: Metadata | null ; name?: string ; salesforceId?: string ; shouldWaitSync?: boolean } Type declaration Optional billingId?: string Optional billingInfo?: BillingInfo Optional couponId?: string | null customerId: string Optional email?: string Optional metadata?: Metadata | null Optional name?: string Optional salesforceId?: string Optional shouldWaitSync?: boolean UpdateCustomerInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4085 UpdateCustomerMutation Update
CustomerMutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; updateCustomer: { __typename?: "Customer" } & SlimCustomerFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6152 UpdateCustomerMutationVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6149 UpdateExperimentInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4100 UpdateFeatureInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4111 UpdateHook Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4123 UpdateIntegrationInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4135 UpdateOneEnvironmentInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4148 UpdateOneHookInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4154 UpdateOneIntegrationInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4160 UpdateOnePackageEntitlementInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4166 UpdateOneProductInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4172 UpdateOnePromotionalEntitlementInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4178 UpdatePackageEntitlementOrderInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4184 UpdatePackageEntitlementOrderItemInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4189 UpdateSubscription Type declaration Optional awaitPaymentConfirmation?: boolean Optional metadata?: Metadata | null subscriptionId: string Optional trialEndDate?: Date Optional unitQuantity?: number UpdateSubscriptionEntitlementInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4193 UpdateSubscriptionInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4204 UpdateSubscriptionMutation Update
SubscriptionMutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; updateSubscription: { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SlimSubscriptionFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6214 UpdateSubscriptionMutationVariables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6211 UpdateUserInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4228 UsageEventReportInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4232 UsageEventsInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4240 UsageEventsReportInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4248 UsageHistoryFragment Usage
HistoryFragment: { __typename?: "UsageHistory" ; endDate?: any | null ; groups?: { __typename?: "GroupUsageHistory" ; groupInfo: { __typename?: "GroupInfo" ; key: string ; value: string } [] ; usageMeasurements: { __typename?: "UsageMeasurementPoint" ; date: any ; isResetPoint: boolean ; value: number } [] } [] | null ; markers: { __typename?: "UsageMarker" ; timestamp: any ; type: UsageMarkerType } [] ; startDate: any ; usageMeasurements: { __typename?: "UsageMeasurementPoint" ; date: any ; isResetPoint: boolean ; value: number } [] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5955 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "UsageHistory" Optional endDate?: any | null Optional groups?: { __typename?: "GroupUsageHistory" ; groupInfo: { __typename?: "GroupInfo" ; key: string ; value: string } [] ; usageMeasurements: { __typename?: "UsageMeasurementPoint" ; date: any ; isResetPoint: boolean ; value: number } [] } [] | null markers: { __typename?: "UsageMarker" ; timestamp: any ; type: UsageMarkerType } [] startDate: any usageMeasurements: { __typename?: "UsageMeasurementPoint" ; date: any ; isResetPoint: boolean ; value: number } [] UsageHistoryInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4252 UsageHistoryPoint UsageHistoryPoint: { date: Date ; isResetPoint: boolean ; value: number }
Type declaration date: Date isResetPoint: boolean value: number UsageHistoryV2Fragment Usage
HistoryV2Fragment: { __typename?: "UsageHistoryV2" ; markers: { __typename?: "UsageMarker" ; timestamp: any ; type: UsageMarkerType } [] ; series: { __typename?: "UsageHistorySeries" ; points: { __typename?: "UsageHistoryPoint" ; isResetPoint: boolean ; timestamp: any ; value: number } [] ; tags: { __typename?: "UsageHistorySeriesTag" ; key: string ; value: string } [] } [] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5985 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "UsageHistoryV2" markers: { __typename?: "UsageMarker" ; timestamp: any ; type: UsageMarkerType } [] series: { __typename?: "UsageHistorySeries" ; points: { __typename?: "UsageHistoryPoint" ; isResetPoint: boolean ; timestamp: any ; value: number } [] ; tags: { __typename?: "UsageHistorySeriesTag" ; key: string ; value: string } [] } [] UsageHistoryV2Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4266 UsageMeasurementCreateInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4288 UsageMeasurementFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4298 UsageMeasurementFilterCustomerFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4307 UsageMeasurementFilterFeatureFilter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4325 UsageMeasurementSort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4339 UsageUpdatedFragment UsageUpdatedFragment: { __typename?: "UsageMeasurementUpdated" ; currentUsage: number ; customerId: string ; featureId: string ; nextResetDate?: number | null ; resourceId?: string | null ; usagePeriodEnd?: number | null ; usagePeriodStart?: number | null }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5407 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "UsageMeasurementUpdated" currentUsage: number customerId: string featureId: string Optional nextResetDate?: number | null Optional resourceId?: string | null Optional usagePeriodEnd?: number | null Optional usagePeriodStart?: number | null ValidateMergeEnvironmentInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4354 Type declaration destinationEnvironmentSlug: Scalars [ "String" ] sourceEnvironmentSlug: Scalars [ "String" ] VendorIdentifierFilterComparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4373 WeeklyResetPeriodConfigInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4413 WidgetConfigurationUpdateInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4416 YearlyResetPeriodConfigInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4432 ZuoraCredentialsInput Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4435 Variables Const AddonDependencyFragmentDoc AddonDependencyFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6573 Const AddonFragmentDoc AddonFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6574 Const ApplySubscriptionDocument ApplySubscriptionDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6635 Const ApplySubscriptionFragmentDoc ApplySubscriptionFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6624 Const ArchiveCustomerDocument ArchiveCustomerDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6650 Const CancelSubscriptionDocument CancelSubscriptionDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6638 Const CancelSubscriptionUpdatesDocument CancelSubscriptionUpdatesDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6643 Const CheckoutConfigurationFragmentDoc CheckoutConfigurationFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6607 Const CheckoutStateFragmentDoc CheckoutStateFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6608 Const CouponFragmentDoc CouponFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6562 Const CreateSubscriptionDocument CreateSubscriptionDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6648 Const CustomerFragmentDoc CustomerFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6564 Const CustomerPortalBillingInformationFragmentDoc CustomerPortalBillingInformationFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6602 Const CustomerPortalConfigurationFragmentDoc CustomerPortalConfigurationFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6605 Const CustomerPortalEntitlementFragmentDoc CustomerPortalEntitlementFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6600 Const CustomerPortalFragmentDoc CustomerPortalFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6606 Const CustomerPortalPromotionalEntitlementFragmentDoc CustomerPortalPromotionalEntitlementFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6601 Const CustomerPortalSubscriptionAddonFragmentDoc CustomerPortalSubscriptionAddonFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6597 Const CustomerPortalSubscriptionFragmentDoc CustomerPortalSubscriptionFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6599 Const CustomerPortalSubscriptionPriceFragmentDoc CustomerPortalSubscriptionPriceFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6596 Const CustomerPortalSubscriptionScheduledUpdateDataFragmentDoc CustomerPortalSubscriptionScheduledUpdateDataFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6598 Const CustomerResourceFragmentDoc CustomerResourceFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6566 Const CustomerStatisticsFragmentDoc CustomerStatisticsFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6583 Const CustomerWithSubscriptionsFragmentDoc CustomerWithSubscriptionsFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6582 Const DelegateSubscriptionToCustomerDocument DelegateSubscriptionToCustomerDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6653 Const DetachCustomerPaymentMethodDocument DetachCustomerPaymentMethodDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6631 Const EntitlementFragmentDoc EntitlementFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6591 Const EntitlementUsageUpdatedFragmentDoc EntitlementUsageUpdatedFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6594 Const EntitlementsUpdatedPayloadFragmentDoc EntitlementsUpdatedPayloadFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6592 Const EstimateSubscriptionDocument EstimateSubscriptionDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6639 Const EstimateSubscriptionUpdateDocument EstimateSubscriptionUpdateDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6640 Const FeatureFragmentDoc FeatureFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6590 Const FontVariantFragmentDoc FontVariantFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6603 Const GetActiveSubscriptionsDocument GetActiveSubscriptionsDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6657 Const GetActiveSubscriptionsListDocument GetActiveSubscriptionsListDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6658 Const GetCheckoutStateDocument GetCheckoutStateDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6667 Const GetCouponsDocument GetCouponsDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6660 Const GetCustomerByIdDocument GetCustomerByIdDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6655 Const GetCustomerPortalByRefIdDocument GetCustomerPortalByRefIdDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6666 Const GetCustomerStatisticsDocument GetCustomerStatisticsDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6656 Const GetEntitlementDocument GetEntitlementDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6663 Const GetEntitlementsDocument GetEntitlementsDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6662 Const GetMockPaywallDocument GetMockPaywallDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6668 Const GetPaywallDocument GetPaywallDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6661 Const GetProductsDocument GetProductsDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6664 Const GetSdkConfigurationDocument GetSdkConfigurationDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6665 Const GetSubscriptionDocument GetSubscriptionDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6659 Const GetUsageHistoryDocument GetUsageHistoryDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6669 Const GetUsageHistoryV2Document GetUsageHistoryV2Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6670 Const GrantPromotionalEntitlementsDocument GrantPromotionalEntitlementsDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6632 Const ImmediateSubscriptionPreviewInvoiceFragmentDoc ImmediateSubscriptionPreviewInvoiceFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6585 Const ImportCustomerBulkDocument ImportCustomerBulkDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6628 Const ImportCustomerDocument ImportCustomerDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6629 Const ImportSubscriptionsBulkDocument ImportSubscriptionsBulkDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6636 Const LayoutConfigurationFragmentDoc LayoutConfigurationFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6616 Const MigrateSubscriptionToLatestDocument MigrateSubscriptionToLatestDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6649 Const MockPaywallAddonDependencyFragmentDoc MockPaywallAddonDependencyFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6611 Const MockPaywallAddonFragmentDoc MockPaywallAddonFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6612 Const MockPaywallPackageEntitlementFragmentDoc MockPaywallPackageEntitlementFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6609 Const MockPaywallPlanCompatiblePackageGroupsFragmentDoc MockPaywallPlanCompatiblePackageGroupsFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6613 Const MockPaywallPlanFragmentDoc MockPaywallPlanFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6614 Const MockPaywallPriceFragmentDoc MockPaywallPriceFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6610 Const OnEntitlementsUpdatedDocument OnEntitlementsUpdatedDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6671 Const OnPackagePublishedDocument OnPackagePublishedDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6673 Const OnUsageUpdatedDocument OnUsageUpdatedDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6672 Const OveragePriceFragmentDoc OveragePriceFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6572 Const PackageEntitlementFragmentDoc PackageEntitlementFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6571 Const PackagePublishedPayloadFragmentDoc PackagePublishedPayloadFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6595 Const PaywallCalculatedPricePointsFragmentDoc PaywallCalculatedPricePointsFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6618 Const PaywallConfigurationFragmentDoc PaywallConfigurationFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6617 Const PaywallCurrencyFragmentDoc PaywallCurrencyFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6615 Const PaywallFragmentDoc PaywallFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6619 Const PlanCompatiblePackageGroupsFragmentDoc PlanCompatiblePackageGroupsFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6575 Const PlanFragmentDoc PlanFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6576 Const PreviewNextInvoiceDocument PreviewNextInvoiceDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6642 Const PreviewSubscriptionDocument PreviewSubscriptionDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6641 Const PriceFragmentDoc PriceFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6568 Const PriceTierFragmentDoc PriceTierFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6567 Const ProductFragmentDoc ProductFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6570 Const PromotionalEntitlementFragmentDoc PromotionalEntitlementFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6563 Const ProvisionCustomerDocument ProvisionCustomerDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6627 Const ProvisionCustomerFragmentDoc ProvisionCustomerFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6623 Const ProvisionSubscriptionDocument ProvisionSubscriptionDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6634 Const ProvisionSubscriptionFragmentDoc ProvisionSubscriptionFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6625 Const ReportEntitlementCheckRequestedDocument ReportEntitlementCheckRequestedDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6647 Const ReportEventDocument ReportEventDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6646 Const ReportUsageBulkDocument ReportUsageBulkDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6645 Const ReportUsageDocument ReportUsageDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6644 Const ReportUsageFragmentDoc ReportUsageFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6626 Const ResetPeriodConfigurationFragmentDoc ResetPeriodConfigurationFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6589 Const RevokePromotionalEntitlementDocument RevokePromotionalEntitlementDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6633 Const ScheduleVariablesFragmentDoc ScheduleVariablesFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6577 Const SlimCustomerFragmentDoc SlimCustomerFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6561 Const SlimSubscriptionFragmentDoc SlimSubscriptionFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6622 Const SlimSubscriptionFragmentV2FragmentDoc SlimSubscriptionFragmentV2FragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6560 Const SubscriptionFragmentDoc SubscriptionFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6581 Const SubscriptionFutureUpdateDataFragmentDoc SubscriptionFutureUpdateDataFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6579 Const SubscriptionInvoiceFragmentDoc SubscriptionInvoiceFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6565 Const SubscriptionInvoicePreviewFragmentDoc SubscriptionInvoicePreviewFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6588 Const SubscriptionPreviewFragmentDoc SubscriptionPreviewFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6584 Const SubscriptionPreviewInvoiceFragmentDoc SubscriptionPreviewInvoiceFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6586 Const SubscriptionPreviewV2FragmentDoc SubscriptionPreviewV2FragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6587 Const SubscriptionScheduledUpdateDataFragmentDoc SubscriptionScheduledUpdateDataFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6578 Const SubscriptionTrialConfigurationFragmentDoc SubscriptionTrialConfigurationFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6580 Const TotalPriceFragmentDoc TotalPriceFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6569 Const TransferSubscriptionDocument TransferSubscriptionDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6652 Const TransferSubscriptionToResourceDocument TransferSubscriptionToResourceDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6654 Const TypographyConfigurationFragmentDoc TypographyConfigurationFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6604 Const UnarchiveCustomerDocument UnarchiveCustomerDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6651 Const UpdateCustomerDocument UpdateCustomerDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6630 Const UpdateSubscriptionDocument UpdateSubscriptionDocument: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6637 Const UsageHistoryFragmentDoc UsageHistoryFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6620 Const UsageHistoryV2FragmentDoc UsageHistoryV2FragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6621 Const UsageUpdatedFragmentDoc UsageUpdatedFragmentDoc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6593
The id of the record.