Type aliases Add Compatible Addons To Plan Input Add
: { id
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; relationIds
: Scalars [ "String" ] [] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:51 Addon Type declaration Optional billing Id?: string | null description: string display Name: string id: string Optional max Quantity?: number Optional metadata?: Metadata | null price Points: Price [] Optional pricing Type?: PricingType | null Addon Archive Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:58 Addon Associated Entities Input Addon
: { environmentId
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; refId
: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:65 Addon Create Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:71 Addon Dependency Fragment Addon Dependency Fragment: { __typename?: "Addon" ; description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; id: string ; refId: string }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4545 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Addon" Optional description?: string | null display Name: string id: string ref Id: string Addon Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:88 Addon Fragment Addon
: { __typename
?: "Addon" ; additionalMetaData
?: any | null ; billingId
?: string | null ; dependencies
?: ( { __typename
?: "Addon" } & AddonDependencyFragment ) [] | null ; description
?: string | null ; displayName
: string ; entitlements
?: ( { __typename
?: "PackageEntitlement" } & PackageEntitlementFragment ) [] | null ; id
: string ; maxQuantity
?: number | null ; overagePrices
?: ( { __typename
?: "Price" } & OveragePriceFragment ) [] | null ; prices
?: ( { __typename
?: "Price" } & PriceFragment ) [] | null ; pricingType
?: PricingType | null ; refId
: string } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4522 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Addon" Optional additional Meta Data?: any | null Optional billing Id?: string | null Optional dependencies?: ( { __typename?: "Addon" } & AddonDependencyFragment ) [] | null Optional description?: string | null display Name: string Optional entitlements?: ( { __typename?: "PackageEntitlement" } & PackageEntitlementFragment ) [] | null id: string Optional max Quantity?: number | null Optional overage Prices?: ( { __typename?: "Price" } & OveragePriceFragment ) [] | null Optional prices?: ( { __typename?: "Price" } & PriceFragment ) [] | null Optional pricing Type?: PricingType | null ref Id: string Addon Sort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:105 Addon Update Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:125 Address Address: { addressLine1?: string ; addressLine2?: string ; city?: string ; country?: string ; phoneNumber?: string ; postalCode?: string ; state?: string }
Type declaration Optional address Line1?: string Optional address Line2?: string Optional city?: string Optional country?: string Optional phone Number?: string Optional postal Code?: string Optional state?: string Aggregated Events By Customer Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:147 Api Key Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:168 Api Key Sort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:173 Apply Subscription Type declaration Optional billing Country Code?: string Optional billing Id?: string customer Id: string Optional metadata?: Metadata | null Optional paying Customer Id?: string Optional payment Method Id?: string plan Id: string Optional promotion Code?: string Optional resource Id?: string Optional skip Trial?: boolean Optional start Date?: Date Optional unit Quantity?: number Apply Subscription Fragment Apply
: { __typename
?: "ApplySubscription" ; entitlements
?: ( { __typename
?: "Entitlement" } & EntitlementFragment ) [] | null ; subscription
?: ( { __typename
?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SubscriptionFragment ) | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5965 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "ApplySubscription" Optional entitlements?: ( { __typename?: "Entitlement" } & EntitlementFragment ) [] | null Optional subscription?: ( { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SubscriptionFragment ) | null Apply Subscription Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:186 Apply Subscription Mutation Apply
: { __typename
?: "Mutation" ; applySubscription
: { __typename
?: "ApplySubscription" } & ApplySubscriptionFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6143 Apply Subscription Mutation Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6140 Archive Coupon Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:219 Archive Customer Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:223 Archive Customer Mutation Archive Customer Mutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; archiveCustomer: { __typename?: "Customer" ; customerId: string } }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6271 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" archive Customer: { __typename?: "Customer" ; customerId: string } Optional __typename?: "Customer" customer Id: string Archive Customer Mutation Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6268 Archive Environment Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:227 Archive Feature Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:231 Archive Package Group Archive
: { environmentId
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; packageGroupId
: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:236 Archive Plan Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:242 Attach Customer Payment Method Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:246 Auth0 Credentials Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:259 Auto Cancellation Rule Input Auto
: { sourcePlanId
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; targetPlanId
: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:272 Aws Marketplace Credentials Input Aws
: { awsRoleArn
: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:278 Base Entitlement Type declaration has Access: boolean is Fallback: boolean Base Plan Base Plan: { displayName: string ; id: string }
Type declaration display Name: string id: string Big Query Credentials Input Big
: { credentialsJson
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; datasetId
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; datasetLocation
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; gcsBucketName
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; gcsBucketPath
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; hmacKeyAccessId
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; hmacKeySecret
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; projectId
: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:281 Billable Feature Billable Feature: { featureId: string ; quantity: number }
Type declaration feature Id: string quantity: number Billable Feature Input Billable
: { featureId
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; quantity
: Scalars [ "Float" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:291 Billing Address Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:295 Billing Cadence Filter Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:313 Billing Info Billing
: { billingAddress
?: Address ; currency
?: Currency ; customerName
?: string ; invoiceCustomFields
?: Record < string , string > ; language
?: string ; metadata
?: Metadata | null ; paymentMethodId
?: string ; shippingAddress
?: Address ; taxIds
?: TaxExempt [] ; timezone
?: string } Type declaration Optional billing Address?: Address Optional currency?: Currency Optional customer Name?: string Optional invoice Custom Fields?: Record < string , string > Optional language?: string Optional metadata?: Metadata | null Optional payment Method Id?: string Optional shipping Address?: Address Optional tax Ids?: TaxExempt [] Optional timezone?: string Billing Model Filter Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:336 Billing Period Filter Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:357 Boolean Entitlement Fallback Boolean Entitlement Fallback: { hasAccess: boolean }
Boolean Entitlement Options Type declaration Optional should Track?: boolean Boolean Field Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:378 Budget Configuration Input Budget
: { hasSoftLimit
: Scalars [ "Boolean" ] ; limit
: Scalars [ "Float" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:383 Cancel Subscription Type declaration Optional end Date?: Date Optional prorate?: boolean subscription Id: string Cancel Subscription Mutation Cancel
: { __typename
?: "Mutation" ; cancelSubscription
: { __typename
?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SlimSubscriptionFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6168 Cancel Subscription Mutation Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6165 Cancel Subscription Scheduled Updates Cancel Subscription Updates Mutation Cancel Subscription Updates Mutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; cancelSchedule: string }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6213 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" cancel Schedule: string Cancel Subscription Updates Mutation Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6210 Charge Subscription Usage Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:396 Checkout Configuration Fragment Checkout
: { __typename
: "CheckoutConfiguration" ; content
?: { __typename
?: "CheckoutContent" ; collectPhoneNumber
?: boolean | null } | null ; customCss
?: string | null ; palette
?: { __typename
: "CheckoutColorPalette" ; backgroundColor
?: string | null ; borderColor
?: string | null ; primary
?: string | null ; summaryBackgroundColor
?: string | null ; textColor
?: string | null } | null ; typography
?: ( { __typename
: "TypographyConfiguration" } & TypographyConfigurationFragment ) | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5535 Type declaration __typename: "CheckoutConfiguration" Optional content?: { __typename?: "CheckoutContent" ; collectPhoneNumber?: boolean | null } | null Optional custom Css?: string | null Optional palette?: { __typename: "CheckoutColorPalette" ; backgroundColor?: string | null ; borderColor?: string | null ; primary?: string | null ; summaryBackgroundColor?: string | null ; textColor?: string | null } | null Optional typography?: ( { __typename: "TypographyConfiguration" } & TypographyConfigurationFragment ) | null Checkout Configuration Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:404 Checkout Content Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:410 Checkout Options Checkout Options: { allowPromoCodes?: boolean ; allowTaxIdCollection?: boolean ; cancelUrl: string ; collectBillingAddress?: boolean ; collectPhoneNumber?: boolean ; referenceId?: string ; successUrl: string }
Type declaration Optional allow Promo Codes?: boolean Optional allow Tax Id Collection?: boolean cancel Url: string Optional collect Billing Address?: boolean Optional collect Phone Number?: boolean Optional reference Id?: string success Url: string Checkout Palette Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:422 Checkout State Fragment Checkout
: { __typename
?: "CheckoutState" ; activeSubscription
?: ( { __typename
?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SubscriptionFragment ) | null ; billingIntegration
: { __typename
?: "CheckoutBillingIntegration" ; billingIdentifier
: BillingVendorIdentifier ; credentials
: { __typename
?: "CheckoutCredentials" ; accountId
: string ; publicKey
: string } } ; configuration
?: ( { __typename
?: "CheckoutConfiguration" } & CheckoutConfigurationFragment ) | null ; customer
: { __typename
?: "Customer" } & CustomerFragment ; plan
: { __typename
?: "Plan" } & PlanFragment ; resource
?: ( { __typename
?: "CustomerResource" } & CustomerResourceFragment ) | null ; setupSecret
: string } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5507 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "CheckoutState" Optional active Subscription?: ( { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SubscriptionFragment ) | null billing Integration: { __typename?: "CheckoutBillingIntegration" ; billingIdentifier: BillingVendorIdentifier ; credentials: { __typename?: "CheckoutCredentials" ; accountId: string ; publicKey: string } } Optional __typename?: "CheckoutBillingIntegration" credentials: { __typename?: "CheckoutCredentials" ; accountId: string ; publicKey: string } Optional __typename?: "CheckoutCredentials" account Id: string public Key: string Optional configuration?: ( { __typename?: "CheckoutConfiguration" } & CheckoutConfigurationFragment ) | null customer: { __typename?: "Customer" } & CustomerFragment plan: { __typename?: "Plan" } & PlanFragment Optional resource?: ( { __typename?: "CustomerResource" } & CustomerResourceFragment ) | null setup Secret: string Checkout State Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:429 Clear Customer Persistent Cache Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:435 Client Configuration Client
: { apiKey
: string ; baseEdgeUri
?: string ; baseUri
?: string ; clientName
?: string ; clientVersion
?: string ; enableEdge
?: boolean ; enableRemoteConfig
?: boolean ; entitlementsFallback
?: EntitlementsFallback ; logConfiguration
?: LogConfiguration ; memoryCacheMaxSizeBytes
?: number ; offline
?: boolean ; realtimeUpdatesEnabled
?: boolean ; redis
?: StiggRedisOptions ; timeout
?: number ; wsUrl
?: string } Type declaration api Key: string Optional base Edge Uri?: string Optional base Uri?: string Optional client Name?: string Optional client Version?: string Optional enable Edge?: boolean Optional enable Remote Config?: boolean Optional memory Cache Max Size Bytes?: number Optional offline?: boolean Optional realtime Updates Enabled?: boolean Optional redis?: StiggRedisOptions Optional timeout?: number Optional ws Url?: string Compatible Package Group Type declaration display Name: string package Group Id: string Compatible Package Group Options Compatible Package Group Options: { freeItems?: number ; minItems?: number }
Type declaration Optional free Items?: number Optional min Items?: number Coupon Coupon
: { amountsOff
?: Money [] | null ; description
?: string | null ; discountValue
: number ; id
: string ; metadata
?: Metadata | null ; name
: string ; percentOff
?: number | null } Type declaration Optional amounts Off?: Money [] | null Optional description?: string | null discount Value: number id: string Optional metadata?: Metadata | null name: string Optional percent Off?: number | null Coupon Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:451 Coupon Filter Customer Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:467 Coupon Fragment Coupon
: { __typename
?: "Coupon" ; additionalMetaData
?: any | null ; amountsOff
?: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } [] | null ; billingId
?: string | null ; billingLinkUrl
?: string | null ; createdAt
: any ; description
?: string | null ; discountValue
: number ; id
: string ; name
: string ; percentOff
?: number | null ; refId
: string ; status
: CouponStatus ; syncStates
?: { __typename
?: "SyncState" ; status
: SyncStatus ; vendorIdentifier
: VendorIdentifier } [] | null ; type
: CouponType ; updatedAt
: any } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4395 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Coupon" Optional additional Meta Data?: any | null Optional amounts Off?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } [] | null Optional billing Id?: string | null Optional billing Link Url?: string | null created At: any Optional description?: string | null discount Value: number id: string name: string Optional percent Off?: number | null ref Id: string Optional sync States?: { __typename?: "SyncState" ; status: SyncStatus ; vendorIdentifier: VendorIdentifier } [] | null updated At: any Coupon Sort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:485 Coupon Source Filter Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:509 Coupon Status Filter Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:518 Coupon Type Filter Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:539 Create Coupon Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:555 Create Customer Create
: { billingId
?: string ; billingInfo
?: BillingInfo ; couponId
?: string ; customerId
?: string ; email
?: string ; excludeFromExperiment
?: boolean ; metadata
?: Metadata | null ; name
?: string ; salesforceId
?: string ; shouldSyncFree
?: boolean } Type declaration Optional billing Id?: string Optional billing Info?: BillingInfo Optional coupon Id?: string Optional customer Id?: string Optional email?: string Optional exclude From Experiment?: boolean Optional metadata?: Metadata | null Optional name?: string Optional salesforce Id?: string Optional should Sync Free?: boolean Create Environment Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:570 Create Environment Options Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:581 Create Experiment Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:584 Create Hook Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:594 Create Integration Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:606 Create Many Package Entitlements Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:619 Create Many Promotional Entitlements Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:623 Create Meter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:627 Create One Environment Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:631 Create One Hook Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:635 Create One Integration Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:639 Create One Product Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:643 Create Or Update Aws Marketplace Product Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:647 Create Package Group Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:664 Create Subscription Mutation Create
: { __typename
?: "Mutation" ; createSubscription
: { __typename
?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SlimSubscriptionFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6252 Create Subscription Mutation Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6249 Create Subscription Params Type declaration Optional await Payment Confirmation?: boolean Optional id?: string Optional metadata?: Metadata | null plan Id: string Optional promotion Code?: string Optional resource Id?: string Optional skip Trial?: boolean Optional start Date?: Date Optional unit Quantity?: number Create Usage Measurement Create
: { createdAt
?: Date ; customerId
: string ; dimensions
?: Record < string , EventDimensionValue > ; featureId
: string ; resourceId
?: string ; updateBehavior
?: UsageUpdateBehavior ; value
: number } Type declaration Optional created At?: Date customer Id: string feature Id: string Optional resource Id?: string value: number Cursor Paging Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:794 Customer Billing Info Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:804 Customer Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:816 Customer Filter Customer Subscription Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:836 Customer Filter Promotional Entitlement Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:864 Customer Fragment Customer
: { __typename
?: "Customer" ; coupon
?: ( { __typename
?: "Coupon" } & CouponFragment ) | null ; defaultPaymentExpirationMonth
?: number | null ; defaultPaymentExpirationYear
?: number | null ; defaultPaymentMethodLast4Digits
?: string | null ; eligibleForTrial
?: { __typename
?: "EligibleForTrial" ; eligible
: boolean ; productId
?: string | null ; productRefId
?: string | null } [] | null ; experimentInfo
?: { __typename
?: "experimentInfo" ; groupName
: string ; groupType
: ExperimentGroupType ; id
: string ; name
: string } | null ; hasActiveSubscription
: boolean ; hasPaymentMethod
: boolean ; promotionalEntitlements
: ( { __typename
?: "PromotionalEntitlement" } & PromotionalEntitlementFragment ) [] ; trialedPlans
?: { __typename
?: "TrialedPlan" ; planId
?: string | null ; planRefId
?: string | null ; productId
?: string | null ; productRefId
?: string | null } [] | null } & SlimCustomerFragment Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4895 Customer Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:873 Customer Portal Billing Information Fragment Customer Portal Billing Information Fragment: { __typename?: "CustomerPortalBillingInformation" ; defaultPaymentExpirationMonth?: number | null ; defaultPaymentExpirationYear?: number | null ; defaultPaymentMethodId?: string | null ; defaultPaymentMethodLast4Digits?: string | null ; email?: string | null ; name?: string | null }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5719 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "CustomerPortalBillingInformation" Optional default Payment Expiration Month?: number | null Optional default Payment Expiration Year?: number | null Optional default Payment Method Id?: string | null Optional default Payment Method Last4 Digits?: string | null Optional email?: string | null Optional name?: string | null Customer Portal Colors Palette Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:889 Customer Portal Configuration Fragment Customer
: { __typename
?: "CustomerPortalConfiguration" ; customCss
?: string | null ; palette
?: { __typename
?: "CustomerPortalColorsPalette" ; backgroundColor
?: string | null ; borderColor
?: string | null ; currentPlanBackground
?: string | null ; iconsColor
?: string | null ; paywallBackgroundColor
?: string | null ; primary
?: string | null ; textColor
?: string | null } | null ; typography
?: ( { __typename
?: "TypographyConfiguration" } & TypographyConfigurationFragment ) | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5554 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "CustomerPortalConfiguration" Optional custom Css?: string | null Optional palette?: { __typename?: "CustomerPortalColorsPalette" ; backgroundColor?: string | null ; borderColor?: string | null ; currentPlanBackground?: string | null ; iconsColor?: string | null ; paywallBackgroundColor?: string | null ; primary?: string | null ; textColor?: string | null } | null Optional typography?: ( { __typename?: "TypographyConfiguration" } & TypographyConfigurationFragment ) | null Customer Portal Configuration Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:898 Customer Portal Entitlement Fragment Customer
: { __typename
?: "Entitlement" ; currentUsage
?: number | null ; feature
?: ( { __typename
?: "EntitlementFeature" } & FeatureFragment ) | null ; hasSoftLimit
?: boolean | null ; hasUnlimitedUsage
: boolean ; isGranted
: boolean ; nextResetDate
?: any | null ; resetPeriod
?: EntitlementResetPeriod | null ; resetPeriodConfiguration
?: ( { __typename
?: "MonthlyResetPeriodConfig" } & ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment_MonthlyResetPeriodConfig_ ) | ( { __typename
?: "WeeklyResetPeriodConfig" } & ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment_WeeklyResetPeriodConfig_ ) | ( { __typename
?: "YearlyResetPeriodConfig" } & ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment_YearlyResetPeriodConfig_ ) | null ; usageLimit
?: number | null ; usagePeriodEnd
?: any | null ; usagePeriodStart
?: any | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5687 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Entitlement" Optional current Usage?: number | null Optional feature?: ( { __typename?: "EntitlementFeature" } & FeatureFragment ) | null Optional has Soft Limit?: boolean | null has Unlimited Usage: boolean is Granted: boolean Optional next Reset Date?: any | null Optional reset Period Configuration?: ( { __typename?: "MonthlyResetPeriodConfig" } & ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment_MonthlyResetPeriodConfig_ ) | ( { __typename?: "WeeklyResetPeriodConfig" } & ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment_WeeklyResetPeriodConfig_ ) | ( { __typename?: "YearlyResetPeriodConfig" } & ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment_YearlyResetPeriodConfig_ ) | null Optional usage Limit?: number | null Optional usage Period End?: any | null Optional usage Period Start?: any | null Customer Portal Fragment Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5483 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "CustomerPortal" Optional billing Portal Url?: string | null can Upgrade Subscription: boolean Optional configuration?: ( { __typename?: "CustomerPortalConfiguration" } & CustomerPortalConfigurationFragment ) | null Optional resource?: ( { __typename?: "CustomerResource" } & CustomerResourceFragment ) | null show Watermark: boolean Customer Portal Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:903 Customer Portal Promotional Entitlement Fragment Customer
: { __typename
?: "CustomerPortalPromotionalEntitlement" ; displayName
: string ; endDate
?: any | null ; hasSoftLimit
?: boolean | null ; hasUnlimitedUsage
?: boolean | null ; period
: PromotionalEntitlementPeriod ; startDate
: any ; usageLimit
?: number | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5709 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "CustomerPortalPromotionalEntitlement" display Name: string Optional end Date?: any | null Optional has Soft Limit?: boolean | null Optional has Unlimited Usage?: boolean | null start Date: any Optional usage Limit?: number | null Customer Portal Subscription Addon Fragment Customer Portal Subscription Addon Fragment: { __typename?: "CustomerPortalAddon" ; addonId: string ; description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; quantity: number }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5650 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "CustomerPortalAddon" addon Id: string Optional description?: string | null display Name: string quantity: number Customer Portal Subscription Fragment Customer
: { __typename
?: "CustomerPortalSubscription" ; addons
: ( { __typename
?: "CustomerPortalAddon" } & CustomerPortalSubscriptionAddonFragment ) [] ; billingPeriodRange
?: { __typename
?: "DateRange" ; end
?: any | null ; start
?: any | null } | null ; planId
: string ; planName
: string ; prices
: ( { __typename
?: "CustomerPortalSubscriptionPrice" } & CustomerPortalSubscriptionPriceFragment ) [] ; pricing
: { __typename
?: "CustomerPortalSubscriptionPricing" ; billingModel
?: BillingModel | null ; billingPeriod
?: BillingPeriod | null ; feature
?: { __typename
?: "CustomerPortalPricingFeature" ; displayName
: string ; featureUnits
?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural
?: string | null } | null ; price
?: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } | null ; pricingType
: PricingType ; unitQuantity
?: number | null ; usageBasedEstimatedBill
?: number | null } ; pricingType
: PricingType ; scheduledUpdates
?: ( { __typename
?: "SubscriptionScheduledUpdate" } & CustomerPortalSubscriptionScheduledUpdateDataFragment ) [] | null ; status
: SubscriptionStatus ; subscriptionId
: string ; totalPrice
?: { __typename
?: "CustomerSubscriptionTotalPrice" ; addonsTotal
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } ; subTotal
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } ; total
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } } | null ; trialRemainingDays
?: number | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5590 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "CustomerPortalSubscription" Optional billing Period Range?: { __typename?: "DateRange" ; end?: any | null ; start?: any | null } | null plan Id: string plan Name: string pricing: { __typename?: "CustomerPortalSubscriptionPricing" ; billingModel?: BillingModel | null ; billingPeriod?: BillingPeriod | null ; feature?: { __typename?: "CustomerPortalPricingFeature" ; displayName: string ; featureUnits?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural?: string | null } | null ; price?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null ; pricingType: PricingType ; unitQuantity?: number | null ; usageBasedEstimatedBill?: number | null } Optional __typename?: "CustomerPortalSubscriptionPricing" Optional billing Model?: BillingModel | null Optional billing Period?: BillingPeriod | null Optional feature?: { __typename?: "CustomerPortalPricingFeature" ; displayName: string ; featureUnits?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural?: string | null } | null Optional price?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null Optional unit Quantity?: number | null Optional usage Based Estimated Bill?: number | null subscription Id: string Optional total Price?: { __typename?: "CustomerSubscriptionTotalPrice" ; addonsTotal: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; subTotal: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; total: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } } | null Optional trial Remaining Days?: number | null Customer Portal Subscription Price Fragment Customer
: { __typename
?: "CustomerPortalSubscriptionPrice" ; billingModel
?: BillingModel | null ; billingPeriod
?: BillingPeriod | null ; blockSize
?: number | null ; feature
?: { __typename
?: "CustomerPortalPricingFeature" ; displayName
: string ; featureUnits
?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural
?: string | null ; id
: string ; refId
: string } | null ; price
?: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5571 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "CustomerPortalSubscriptionPrice" Optional billing Model?: BillingModel | null Optional billing Period?: BillingPeriod | null Optional block Size?: number | null Optional feature?: { __typename?: "CustomerPortalPricingFeature" ; displayName: string ; featureUnits?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural?: string | null ; id: string ; refId: string } | null Optional price?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null Customer Portal Subscription Scheduled Update Data Fragment Customer
: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionScheduledUpdate" ; scheduleStatus
: SubscriptionScheduleStatus ; scheduleVariables
?: ( { __typename
?: "AddonChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_AddonChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename
?: "AddonPriceOverrideChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_AddonPriceOverrideChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename
?: "BillingPeriodChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_BillingPeriodChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename
?: "CouponChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_CouponChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename
?: "DowngradeChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_DowngradeChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename
?: "PlanChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_PlanChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename
?: "PlanPriceOverrideChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_PlanPriceOverrideChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename
?: "UnitAmountChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_UnitAmountChangeVariables_ ) | null ; scheduledExecutionTime
: any ; subscriptionScheduleType
: SubscriptionScheduleType ; targetPackage
?: { __typename
?: "PackageDTO" ; displayName
: string ; id
: string ; pricingType
?: PricingType | null ; refId
: string } | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5657 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "SubscriptionScheduledUpdate" Optional schedule Variables?: ( { __typename?: "AddonChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_AddonChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "AddonPriceOverrideChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_AddonPriceOverrideChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "BillingPeriodChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_BillingPeriodChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "CouponChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_CouponChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "DowngradeChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_DowngradeChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "PlanChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_PlanChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "PlanPriceOverrideChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_PlanPriceOverrideChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "UnitAmountChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_UnitAmountChangeVariables_ ) | null scheduled Execution Time: any Optional target Package?: { __typename?: "PackageDTO" ; displayName: string ; id: string ; pricingType?: PricingType | null ; refId: string } | null Customer Resource Customer Resource: { id: string }
Customer Resource Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:908 Customer Resource Filter Customer Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:917 Customer Resource Filter Customer Subscription Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:935 Customer Resource Fragment Customer Resource Fragment: { __typename?: "CustomerResource" ; resourceId: string }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4613 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "CustomerResource" resource Id: string Customer Resource Sort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:963 Customer Search Query Filter Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:973 Customer Sort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:976 Customer State Customer
: Omit < FullCustomer , "getActiveSubscriptions" | "getActivePromotionalEntitlements" | "getActiveTrials" > Customer Statistics Fragment Customer
: { __typename
?: "Customer" ; statistics
?: { __typename
?: "CustomerStatistics" ; activeSubscriptionsByPricingType
: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionPricingTypeStatistics" ; pricingType
: PricingType ; totalCount
: number } [] } | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4935 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Customer" Optional statistics?: { __typename?: "CustomerStatistics" ; activeSubscriptionsByPricingType: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPricingTypeStatistics" ; pricingType: PricingType ; totalCount: number } [] } | null Customer Subscription Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:997 Customer Subscription Filter Customer Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1032 Customer Subscription Filter Customer Resource Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1050 Customer Subscription Filter Plan Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1057 Customer Subscription Filter Subscription Addon Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1074 Customer Subscription Filter Subscription Entitlement Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1082 Customer Subscription Filter Subscription Price Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1091 Customer Subscription Sort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1102 Customer With Subscriptions Fragment Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4929 Date Field Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1133 Date Field Comparison Between Date
: { lower
: Scalars [ "DateTime" ] ; upper
: Scalars [ "DateTime" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1147 Date Range Date Range: { end?: Date ; start?: Date }
Type declaration Optional end?: Date Optional start?: Date Default Trial Config Input Dto Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1151 Delegate Subscription To Customer Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1160 Delegate Subscription To Customer Mutation Delegate
: { __typename
?: "Mutation" ; delegateSubscriptionToCustomer
: { __typename
?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SlimSubscriptionFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6299 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" delegate Subscription To Customer: { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SlimSubscriptionFragment Delegate Subscription To Customer Mutation Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6296 Delete Feature Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1168 Delete One Hook Input Delete
: { id
: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1172 Delete One Integration Input Delete
: { id
: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1176 Delete One Package Entitlement Input Delete
: { id
: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1180 Delete One Price Input Delete
: { id
: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1184 Delete One Product Input Delete
: { id
: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1188 Delete One Promotional Entitlement Input Delete
: { id
: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1192 Dependency Addon Dependency Addon: { description?: string ; displayName: string ; refId: string }
Type declaration Optional description?: string display Name: string ref Id: string Detach Customer Payment Method Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1205 Detach Customer Payment Method Mutation Detach
: { __typename
?: "Mutation" ; detachCustomerPaymentMethod
: { __typename
?: "Customer" } & SlimCustomerFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6106 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" detach Customer Payment Method: { __typename?: "Customer" } & SlimCustomerFragment Detach Customer Payment Method Mutation Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6103 Dimensions Mapping Input Dimensions
: { key
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; planName
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; planRefId
: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1209 Discard Package Draft Input Discard
: { environmentId
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; refId
: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1214 Does Feature Exist Does
: { environmentId
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; refId
: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1229 Dump Environment For For Merge Comparison Input Dump
: { destinationEnvironmentSlug
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; sourceEnvironmentSlug
: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1234 Type declaration destination Environment Slug: Scalars [ "String" ] source Environment Slug: Scalars [ "String" ] Dump Environment Product Catalog Input Dump
: { environmentSlug
: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1241 Duplicate Product Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1245 Edit Package Group Details Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1253 Entitlement Check Requested Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1270 Entitlement Check Result Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1278 Entitlement Feature Type declaration id: string Optional is Metered?: boolean Optional units?: string Optional units Plural?: string Entitlement Fragment Entitlement
: { __typename
: "Entitlement" ; accessDeniedReason
?: AccessDeniedReason | null ; currentUsage
?: number | null ; customerId
?: string | null ; entitlementUpdatedAt
?: any | null ; feature
?: ( { __typename
?: "EntitlementFeature" } & FeatureFragment ) | null ; hasSoftLimit
?: boolean | null ; hasUnlimitedUsage
: boolean ; isGranted
: boolean ; nextResetDate
?: any | null ; requestedUsage
?: number | null ; resetPeriod
?: EntitlementResetPeriod | null ; resetPeriodConfiguration
?: ( { __typename
?: "MonthlyResetPeriodConfig" } & ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment_MonthlyResetPeriodConfig_ ) | ( { __typename
?: "WeeklyResetPeriodConfig" } & ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment_WeeklyResetPeriodConfig_ ) | ( { __typename
?: "YearlyResetPeriodConfig" } & ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment_YearlyResetPeriodConfig_ ) | null ; resourceId
?: string | null ; usageLimit
?: number | null ; usagePeriodAnchor
?: any | null ; usagePeriodEnd
?: any | null ; usagePeriodStart
?: any | null ; usageUpdatedAt
?: any | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5362 Type declaration __typename: "Entitlement" Optional access Denied Reason?: AccessDeniedReason | null Optional current Usage?: number | null Optional customer Id?: string | null Optional entitlement Updated At?: any | null Optional feature?: ( { __typename?: "EntitlementFeature" } & FeatureFragment ) | null Optional has Soft Limit?: boolean | null has Unlimited Usage: boolean is Granted: boolean Optional next Reset Date?: any | null Optional requested Usage?: number | null Optional reset Period Configuration?: ( { __typename?: "MonthlyResetPeriodConfig" } & ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment_MonthlyResetPeriodConfig_ ) | ( { __typename?: "WeeklyResetPeriodConfig" } & ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment_WeeklyResetPeriodConfig_ ) | ( { __typename?: "YearlyResetPeriodConfig" } & ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment_YearlyResetPeriodConfig_ ) | null Optional resource Id?: string | null Optional usage Limit?: number | null Optional usage Period Anchor?: any | null Optional usage Period End?: any | null Optional usage Period Start?: any | null Optional usage Updated At?: any | null Entitlement Options Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1292 Entitlement Usage Updated Fragment Entitlement
: { __typename
?: "UsageUpdated" ; entitlement
: { __typename
?: "Entitlement" } & EntitlementFragment ; usage
: { __typename
?: "UsageMeasurementUpdated" } & UsageUpdatedFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5465 Entitlements Fallback Entitlements Fallback: {}
Entitlements Updated Payload Fragment Entitlements
: { __typename
?: "EntitlementsUpdated" ; customerId
: string ; entitlements
: ( { __typename
?: "Entitlement" } & EntitlementFragment ) [] ; resourceId
?: string | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5457 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "EntitlementsUpdated" customer Id: string entitlements: ( { __typename?: "Entitlement" } & EntitlementFragment ) [] Optional resource Id?: string | null Environment Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1315 Environment Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1324 Environment Sort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1338 Estimate Subscription Type declaration Optional billing Country Code?: string customer Id: string Optional paying Customer Id?: string plan Id: string Optional promotion Code?: string Optional resource Id?: string Optional skip Trial?: boolean Optional start Date?: Date Optional unit Quantity?: number Estimate Subscription Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1514 Estimate Subscription Mutation Estimate
: { __typename
?: "Mutation" ; estimateSubscription
: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionPreview" } & SubscriptionPreviewFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6177 Estimate Subscription Mutation Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6174 Estimate Subscription Update Type declaration Optional promotion Code?: string subscription Id: string Optional unit Quantity?: number Estimate Subscription Update Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1536 Estimate Subscription Update Mutation Estimate
: { __typename
?: "Mutation" ; estimateSubscriptionUpdate
: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionPreview" } & SubscriptionPreviewFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6186 Estimate Subscription Update Mutation Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6183 Event Dimension Value Event Dimension Value: string | number | boolean
Event Log Created At Filter Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1604 Event Log Entity Id Filter Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1608 Event Log Environment Id Filter Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1612 Event Log Event Log Type Filter Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1615 Event Log Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1621 Event Log Id Filter Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1631 Event Log Parent Entity Id Filter Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1634 Event Log Sort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1638 Events Fields Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1717 Exact Exact< T > : { [ K in keyof T ] : T [ K ] }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5 Type parameters Experiment Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1727 Experiment Filter Customer Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1739 Experiment Info Experiment
: { groupName
: string ; groupType
?: ExperimentGroupType | null ; id
: string ; name
: string } Type declaration group Name: string id: string name: string Experiment Sort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1757 Experiment Stats Query Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1771 Experiment Status Filter Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1781 Feature Associated Latest Packages Feature
: { environmentId
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; featureId
: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1797 Feature Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1801 Feature Fragment Feature
: { __typename
: "EntitlementFeature" ; description
?: string | null ; displayName
: string ; featureType
: FeatureType ; featureUnits
?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural
?: string | null ; meterType
?: MeterType | null ; refId
: string ; unitTransformation
?: { __typename
?: "UnitTransformation" ; divide
: number ; round
: UnitTransformationRound } | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5324 Type declaration __typename: "EntitlementFeature" Optional description?: string | null display Name: string Optional feature Units?: string | null Optional feature Units Plural?: string | null Optional meter Type?: MeterType | null ref Id: string Optional unit Transformation?: { __typename?: "UnitTransformation" ; divide: number ; round: UnitTransformationRound } | null Feature Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1815 Feature Sort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1830 Feature Status Filter Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1853 Feature Type Filter Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1874 Fetch Entitlement Query Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1890 Fetch Entitlements Query Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1897 Fetch Usage History Fetch Usage History: { customerId: string ; endDate?: Date ; featureId: string ; resourceId?: string ; startDate: Date }
Type declaration customer Id: string Optional end Date?: Date feature Id: string Optional resource Id?: string start Date: Date Font Variant Fragment Font
: { __typename
?: "FontVariant" ; fontSize
?: number | null ; fontWeight
?: FontWeight | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5407 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "FontVariant" Optional font Size?: number | null Optional font Weight?: FontWeight | null Font Variant Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1902 Full Entitlement Feature Full
: { description
?: string ; displayName
: string ; featureType
: FeatureType ; id
: string ; isMetered
?: boolean ; metadata
?: Record < string , string > ; meterType
?: Fluctuating | Incremental | None ; units
?: string ; unitsPlural
?: string } Type declaration Optional description?: string display Name: string id: string Optional is Metered?: boolean Optional metadata?: Record < string , string > Optional units?: string Optional units Plural?: string Full Promotional Entitlement Full
: { expiresAt
?: Date ; feature
: EntitlementFeature ; hasExpirationDate
: boolean ; hasSoftLimit
?: boolean | null ; hasUnlimitedUsage
?: boolean | null ; isVisible
: boolean ; status
: PromotionalEntitlementStatus ; usageLimit
: number } Type declaration Optional expires At?: Date has Expiration Date: boolean Optional has Soft Limit?: boolean | null Optional has Unlimited Usage?: boolean | null is Visible: boolean usage Limit: number Full Subscription Type declaration Optional billing Id?: string Optional billing Link Url?: string Optional billing Sync Error?: string Optional cancellation Date?: Date Optional crm Id?: string Optional current Billing Period End?: Date Optional effective End Date?: Date Optional end Date?: Date Optional experiment Info?: ExperimentInfo | null id: string Optional metadata?: Metadata | null start Date: Date Optional trial End Date?: Date Full Subscription Addon Full
: { addon
: Addon ; quantity
: number } Get Active Subscriptions Get Active Subscriptions: { customerId: string ; resourceId?: string | string [] }
Type declaration customer Id: string Optional resource Id?: string | string [] Get Active Subscriptions Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1911 Get Active Subscriptions List Query Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6344 Get Active Subscriptions List Query Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6341 Get Active Subscriptions Query Get
: { __typename
?: "Query" ; getActiveSubscriptions
: ( { __typename
?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SubscriptionFragment ) [] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6335 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Query" get Active Subscriptions: ( { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SubscriptionFragment ) [] Get Active Subscriptions Query Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6332 Get Auth0 Applications Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1917 Get Boolean Entitlement Type declaration customer Id: string feature Id: string Optional resource Id?: string Get Checkout State Query Get
: { __typename
?: "Query" ; checkoutState
: { __typename
?: "CheckoutState" } & CheckoutStateFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6439 Get Checkout State Query Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6436 Get Coupons Query Get
: { __typename
?: "Query" ; coupons
: { __typename
?: "CouponConnection" ; edges
: { __typename
?: "CouponEdge" ; node
: { __typename
?: "Coupon" } & CouponFragment } [] } } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6362 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Query" coupons: { __typename?: "CouponConnection" ; edges: { __typename?: "CouponEdge" ; node: { __typename?: "Coupon" } & CouponFragment } [] } Optional __typename?: "CouponConnection" edges: { __typename?: "CouponEdge" ; node: { __typename?: "Coupon" } & CouponFragment } [] Get Coupons Query Variables Get
: Exact < {} > Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6359 Get Customer By Id Query Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6317 Get Customer By Id Query Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6314 Get Customer By Ref Id Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1923 Get Customer Portal By Ref Id Query Get
: { __typename
?: "Query" ; customerPortal
: { __typename
?: "CustomerPortal" } & CustomerPortalFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6430 Get Customer Portal By Ref Id Query Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6427 Get Customer Statistics Query Get
: { __typename
?: "Query" ; getCustomerByRefId
?: ( { __typename
?: "Customer" } & CustomerStatisticsFragment ) | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6326 Get Customer Statistics Query Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6323 Get Entitlement Query Get
: { __typename
?: "Query" ; entitlement
: { __typename
?: "Entitlement" } & EntitlementFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6395 Get Entitlement Query Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6392 Get Entitlements Query Get
: { __typename
?: "Query" ; entitlements
: ( { __typename
?: "Entitlement" } & EntitlementFragment ) [] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6386 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Query" entitlements: ( { __typename?: "Entitlement" } & EntitlementFragment ) [] Get Entitlements Query Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6383 Get Metered Entitlement Type declaration customer Id: string feature Id: string Optional resource Id?: string Get Mock Paywall Query Get
: { __typename
?: "Query" ; mockPaywall
: { __typename
?: "MockPaywall" ; configuration
?: ( { __typename
?: "PaywallConfiguration" } & PaywallConfigurationFragment ) | null ; plans
: ( { __typename
?: "PaywallPlan" } & MockPaywallPlanFragment ) [] } } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6448 Get Mock Paywall Query Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6445 Get Numeric Entitlement Type declaration customer Id: string feature Id: string Optional resource Id?: string Get Package By Ref Id Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1927 Get Package Group Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1933 Get Paywall Get Paywall: { billingCountryCode?: string ; customerId?: string ; fetchAllCountriesPrices?: boolean ; includeHiddenPlans?: boolean ; productId?: string ; resourceId?: string }
Type declaration Optional billing Country Code?: string Optional customer Id?: string Optional fetch All Countries Prices?: boolean Optional include Hidden Plans?: boolean Optional product Id?: string Optional resource Id?: string Get Paywall Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1941 Get Paywall Query Get
: { __typename
?: "Query" ; paywall
: { __typename
?: "Paywall" } & PaywallFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6377 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Query" paywall: { __typename?: "Paywall" } & PaywallFragment Get Paywall Query Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6374 Get Products Query Get
: { __typename
?: "Query" ; products
: { __typename
?: "ProductConnection" ; edges
: { __typename
?: "ProductEdge" ; node
: { __typename
?: "Product" } & ProductFragment } [] } } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6404 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Query" products: { __typename?: "ProductConnection" ; edges: { __typename?: "ProductEdge" ; node: { __typename?: "Product" } & ProductFragment } [] } Optional __typename?: "ProductConnection" edges: { __typename?: "ProductEdge" ; node: { __typename?: "Product" } & ProductFragment } [] Get Products Query Variables Get
: Exact < {} > Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6401 Get Sdk Configuration Query Get Sdk Configuration Query: { __typename?: "Query" ; sdkConfiguration?: { __typename?: "SdkConfiguration" ; isWidgetWatermarkEnabled?: boolean | null ; sentryDsn?: string | null } | null }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6419 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Query" Optional sdk Configuration?: { __typename?: "SdkConfiguration" ; isWidgetWatermarkEnabled?: boolean | null ; sentryDsn?: string | null } | null Get Sdk Configuration Query Variables Get
: Exact < {} > Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6416 Get Subscription Get Subscription: { subscriptionId: string }
Get Subscription Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1952 Get Subscription Query Get
: { __typename
?: "Query" ; getSubscription
: { __typename
?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SubscriptionFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6353 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Query" get Subscription: { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SubscriptionFragment Get Subscription Query Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6350 Get Usage History Query Get
: { __typename
?: "Query" ; usageHistory
: { __typename
?: "UsageHistory" } & UsageHistoryFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6463 Get Usage History Query Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6460 Get Usage History V2 Query Get
: { __typename
?: "Query" ; usageHistoryV2
: { __typename
?: "UsageHistoryV2" } & UsageHistoryV2Fragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6472 Get Usage History V2 Query Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6469 Get Widget Configuration Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1958 Grant Promotional Entitlement Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1961 Grant Promotional Entitlements Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1974 Grant Promotional Entitlements Mutation Grant
: { __typename
?: "Mutation" ; grantPromotionalEntitlements
: ( { __typename
?: "PromotionalEntitlement" } & PromotionalEntitlementFragment ) [] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6115 Grant Promotional Entitlements Mutation Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6112 Hook Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1979 Hook Sort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:1988 Hook Status Filter Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2005 Hubspot Credentials Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2021 Immediate Subscription Preview Invoice Immediate Subscription Preview Invoice Fragment Immediate
: { __typename
?: "ImmediateSubscriptionPreviewInvoice" ; credits
?: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionPreviewCredits" ; initial
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } ; remaining
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } ; used
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } } | null ; discount
?: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } | null ; discountDetails
?: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionPreviewDiscount" ; durationInMonths
?: number | null ; durationType
: DiscountDurationType ; type
: DiscountType ; value
: number } | null ; proration
?: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionPreviewProrations" ; credit
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } ; debit
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } ; hasProrations
?: boolean | null ; netAmount
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } ; prorationDate
: any } | null ; subTotal
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } ; tax
?: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } | null ; taxDetails
?: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionPreviewTaxDetails" ; displayName
: string ; inclusive
: boolean ; percentage
: number } | null ; total
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } ; totalExcludingTax
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5115 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "ImmediateSubscriptionPreviewInvoice" Optional credits?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewCredits" ; initial: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; remaining: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; used: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } } | null Optional discount?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null Optional discount Details?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewDiscount" ; durationInMonths?: number | null ; durationType: DiscountDurationType ; type: DiscountType ; value: number } | null Optional proration?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewProrations" ; credit: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; debit: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; hasProrations?: boolean | null ; netAmount: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; prorationDate: any } | null sub Total: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number Optional tax?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null Optional tax Details?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewTaxDetails" ; displayName: string ; inclusive: boolean ; percentage: number } | null total: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number total Excluding Tax: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number Import Customer Import
: { billingId
?: string ; customerId
?: string ; email
?: string ; metadata
?: Metadata | null ; name
?: string ; paymentMethodId
?: string ; updatedAt
?: Date } Type declaration Optional billing Id?: string Optional customer Id?: string Optional email?: string Optional metadata?: Metadata | null Optional name?: string Optional payment Method Id?: string Optional updated At?: Date Import Customer Bulk Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2025 Import Customer Bulk Mutation Import Customer Bulk Mutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; importCustomersBulk?: string | null }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6081 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" Optional import Customers Bulk?: string | null Import Customer Bulk Mutation Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6078 Import Customer Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2029 Import Customer Mutation Import
: { __typename
?: "Mutation" ; importCustomer
: { __typename
?: "Customer" } & SlimCustomerFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6088 Import Customer Mutation Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6085 Import Integration Catalog Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2042 Import Integration Customers Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2054 Import Integration Task Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2062 Import Integration Task Sort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2071 Import Subscription Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2083 Import Subscriptions Bulk Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2101 Import Subscriptions Bulk Mutation Import Subscriptions Bulk Mutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; importSubscriptionsBulk?: string | null }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6152 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" Optional import Subscriptions Bulk?: string | null Import Subscriptions Bulk Mutation Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6149 Init Add Stripe Customer Payment Method Input Init
: { customerRefId
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; environmentId
?: InputMaybe < Scalars [ "String" ] > } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2105 Input Maybe Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4 Type parameters Int Field Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2109 Int Field Comparison Between Int
: { lower
: Scalars [ "Int" ] ; upper
: Scalars [ "Int" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2123 Integration Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2127 Integration Sort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2135 Invite Members Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2146 Layout Configuration Fragment Layout
: { __typename
?: "PaywallLayoutConfiguration" ; alignment
?: Alignment | null ; planMargin
?: number | null ; planPadding
?: number | null ; planWidth
?: number | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5412 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "PaywallLayoutConfiguration" Optional alignment?: Alignment | null Optional plan Margin?: number | null Optional plan Padding?: number | null Optional plan Width?: number | null List Aws Product Dimensions Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2169 List Aws Products Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2173 Make Maybe Make
< T , K > : Omit < T , K > & { [ SubKey in K ] : Maybe < T [ SubKey ] > } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:13 Type parameters Make Optional Make
< T , K > : Omit < T , K > & { [ SubKey in K ] ?: Maybe < T [ SubKey ] > } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:10 Type parameters Mark Invoice As Paid Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2177 Maybe Maybe< T > : T | null
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3 Type parameters Member Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2183 Member Filter User Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2191 Member Sort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2198 Merge Environment Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2214 Meter Aggregation Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2228 Meter Condition Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2232 Meter Filter Definition Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2237 Meter Type Filter Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2246 Metered Entitlement Fallback Metered Entitlement Fallback: { hasAccess: boolean ; isUnlimited?: boolean ; usageLimit?: number }
Type declaration has Access: boolean Optional is Unlimited?: boolean Optional usage Limit?: number Metered Entitlement Options Type declaration Optional requested Usage?: number Optional should Track?: boolean Migrate Subscription To Latest Migrate Subscription To Latest Mutation Migrate Subscription To Latest Mutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; migrateSubscriptionToLatest: { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" ; subscriptionId: string } }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6261 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" migrate Subscription To Latest: { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" ; subscriptionId: string } Optional __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" subscription Id: string Migrate Subscription To Latest Mutation Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6258 Minimum Spend Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2263 Mock Paywall Addon Dependency Fragment Mock Paywall Addon Dependency Fragment: { __typename?: "PaywallAddon" ; description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; refId: string }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5851 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "PaywallAddon" Optional description?: string | null display Name: string ref Id: string Mock Paywall Addon Fragment Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5857 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "PaywallAddon" Optional additional Meta Data?: any | null Optional billing Id?: string | null Optional description?: string | null display Name: string Optional max Quantity?: number | null Optional pricing Type?: PricingType | null ref Id: string Mock Paywall Package Entitlement Fragment Mock
: { __typename
?: "Entitlement" ; displayNameOverride
?: string | null ; feature
?: { __typename
?: "EntitlementFeature" ; additionalMetaData
?: any | null ; description
?: string | null ; displayName
: string ; featureType
: FeatureType ; featureUnits
?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural
?: string | null ; meterType
?: MeterType | null ; refId
: string } | null ; hasSoftLimit
?: boolean | null ; hasUnlimitedUsage
: boolean ; hiddenFromWidgets
?: WidgetType [] | null ; resetPeriod
?: EntitlementResetPeriod | null ; usageLimit
?: number | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5774 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Entitlement" Optional display Name Override?: string | null Optional feature?: { __typename?: "EntitlementFeature" ; additionalMetaData?: any | null ; description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; featureType: FeatureType ; featureUnits?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural?: string | null ; meterType?: MeterType | null ; refId: string } | null Optional has Soft Limit?: boolean | null has Unlimited Usage: boolean Optional hidden From Widgets?: WidgetType [] | null Optional usage Limit?: number | null Mock Paywall Plan Compatible Package Groups Fragment Mock
: { __typename
?: "PaywallPlanCompatiblePackageGroup" ; addons
?: ( { __typename
?: "PaywallAddon" } & MockPaywallAddonFragment ) [] | null ; description
?: string | null ; displayName
: string ; options
: { __typename
?: "PaywallPlanCompatiblePackageGroupOptions" ; freeItems
?: number | null ; minItems
?: number | null } ; packageGroupId
: string } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5837 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "PaywallPlanCompatiblePackageGroup" Optional addons?: ( { __typename?: "PaywallAddon" } & MockPaywallAddonFragment ) [] | null Optional description?: string | null display Name: string options: { __typename?: "PaywallPlanCompatiblePackageGroupOptions" ; freeItems?: number | null ; minItems?: number | null } Optional __typename?: "PaywallPlanCompatiblePackageGroupOptions" Optional free Items?: number | null Optional min Items?: number | null package Group Id: string Mock Paywall Plan Fragment Mock
: { __typename
?: "PaywallPlan" ; additionalMetaData
?: any | null ; basePlan
?: { __typename
?: "PaywallBasePlan" ; displayName
: string ; refId
: string } | null ; billingId
?: string | null ; compatibleAddons
?: ( { __typename
?: "PaywallAddon" } & MockPaywallAddonFragment ) [] | null ; compatiblePackageGroups
?: ( { __typename
?: "PaywallPlanCompatiblePackageGroup" } & MockPaywallPlanCompatiblePackageGroupsFragment ) [] | null ; defaultTrialConfig
?: { __typename
?: "DefaultTrialConfig" ; budget
?: { __typename
?: "BudgetConfiguration" ; limit
: number } | null ; duration
: number ; trialEndBehavior
?: TrialEndBehavior | null ; units
: TrialPeriodUnits } | null ; description
?: string | null ; displayName
: string ; entitlements
?: ( { __typename
?: "Entitlement" } & MockPaywallPackageEntitlementFragment ) [] | null ; inheritedEntitlements
?: ( { __typename
?: "Entitlement" } & MockPaywallPackageEntitlementFragment ) [] | null ; prices
: ( { __typename
?: "PaywallPrice" } & MockPaywallPriceFragment ) [] ; pricingType
?: PricingType | null ; product
: { __typename
?: "PaywallProduct" ; additionalMetaData
?: any | null ; description
?: string | null ; displayName
?: string | null ; refId
: string } ; refId
: string } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5728 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "PaywallPlan" Optional additional Meta Data?: any | null Optional base Plan?: { __typename?: "PaywallBasePlan" ; displayName: string ; refId: string } | null Optional billing Id?: string | null Optional compatible Addons?: ( { __typename?: "PaywallAddon" } & MockPaywallAddonFragment ) [] | null Optional compatible Package Groups?: ( { __typename?: "PaywallPlanCompatiblePackageGroup" } & MockPaywallPlanCompatiblePackageGroupsFragment ) [] | null Optional default Trial Config?: { __typename?: "DefaultTrialConfig" ; budget?: { __typename?: "BudgetConfiguration" ; limit: number } | null ; duration: number ; trialEndBehavior?: TrialEndBehavior | null ; units: TrialPeriodUnits } | null Optional description?: string | null display Name: string Optional inherited Entitlements?: ( { __typename?: "Entitlement" } & MockPaywallPackageEntitlementFragment ) [] | null Optional pricing Type?: PricingType | null product: { __typename?: "PaywallProduct" ; additionalMetaData?: any | null ; description?: string | null ; displayName?: string | null ; refId: string } Optional __typename?: "PaywallProduct" Optional additional Meta Data?: any | null Optional description?: string | null Optional display Name?: string | null ref Id: string ref Id: string Mock Paywall Price Fragment Mock
: { __typename
?: "PaywallPrice" ; billingCountryCode
?: string | null ; billingId
?: string | null ; billingModel
: BillingModel ; billingPeriod
: BillingPeriod ; blockSize
?: number | null ; feature
?: { __typename
?: "EntitlementFeature" ; displayName
: string ; featureUnits
?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural
?: string | null ; refId
: string } | null ; maxUnitQuantity
?: number | null ; minUnitQuantity
?: number | null ; price
?: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } | null ; tiers
?: ( { __typename
?: "PriceTier" } & PriceTierFragment ) [] | null ; tiersMode
?: TiersMode | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5794 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "PaywallPrice" Optional billing Country Code?: string | null Optional billing Id?: string | null Optional block Size?: number | null Optional feature?: { __typename?: "EntitlementFeature" ; displayName: string ; featureUnits?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural?: string | null ; refId: string } | null Optional max Unit Quantity?: number | null Optional min Unit Quantity?: number | null Optional price?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null Optional tiers?: ( { __typename?: "PriceTier" } & PriceTierFragment ) [] | null Optional tiers Mode?: TiersMode | null Money Money: { amount: number ; currency: string }
Type declaration amount: number currency: string Money Input Dto Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2269 Monthly Reset Period Config Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2278 Number Field Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2281 Number Field Comparison Between Number
: { lower
: Scalars [ "Float" ] ; upper
: Scalars [ "Float" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2295 Numeric Entitlement Fallback Numeric Entitlement Fallback: { hasAccess: boolean ; isUnlimited?: boolean ; value?: number }
Type declaration has Access: boolean Optional is Unlimited?: boolean Optional value?: number Numeric Entitlement Options Type declaration Optional should Track?: boolean On Entitlements Updated Subscription Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6481 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Subscription" On Entitlements Updated Subscription Variables On
: Exact < {} > Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6478 On Package Published Subscription Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6499 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Subscription" On Package Published Subscription Variables On
: Exact < {} > Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6496 On Usage Updated Subscription Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6490 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Subscription" On Usage Updated Subscription Variables On
: Exact < {} > Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6487 Open Fga Credentials Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2299 Overage Entitlement Create Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2312 Overage Price Fragment Overage
: { __typename
?: "Price" ; billingCountryCode
?: string | null ; billingId
?: string | null ; billingModel
: BillingModel ; billingPeriod
: BillingPeriod ; feature
?: { __typename
?: "Feature" ; description
?: string | null ; displayName
: string ; featureUnits
?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural
?: string | null ; refId
: string } | null ; price
?: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } | null ; tiers
?: ( { __typename
?: "PriceTier" } & PriceTierFragment ) [] | null ; tiersMode
?: TiersMode | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4463 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Price" Optional billing Country Code?: string | null Optional billing Id?: string | null Optional feature?: { __typename?: "Feature" ; description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; featureUnits?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural?: string | null ; refId: string } | null Optional price?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null Optional tiers?: ( { __typename?: "PriceTier" } & PriceTierFragment ) [] | null Optional tiers Mode?: TiersMode | null Overage Pricing Model Create Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2329 Package Dto Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2336 Package Dto Sort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2353 Package Entitlement Type declaration Optional display Name Override?: PackageEntitlementFragment [ "displayNameOverride" ] Optional has Soft Limit?: boolean | null Optional has Unlimited Usage?: boolean | null usage Limit: number Package Entitlement Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2373 Package Entitlement Filter Feature Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2384 Package Entitlement Filter Package Dto Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2398 Package Entitlement Fragment Package
: { __typename
?: "PackageEntitlement" ; displayNameOverride
?: string | null ; feature
: { __typename
?: "Feature" ; additionalMetaData
?: any | null ; description
?: string | null ; displayName
: string ; featureType
: FeatureType ; featureUnits
?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural
?: string | null ; meterType
?: MeterType | null ; refId
: string } ; featureId
: string ; hasSoftLimit
?: boolean | null ; hasUnlimitedUsage
?: boolean | null ; hiddenFromWidgets
?: WidgetType [] | null ; isCustom
?: boolean | null ; resetPeriod
?: EntitlementResetPeriod | null ; usageLimit
?: number | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4500 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "PackageEntitlement" Optional display Name Override?: string | null feature: { __typename?: "Feature" ; additionalMetaData?: any | null ; description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; featureType: FeatureType ; featureUnits?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural?: string | null ; meterType?: MeterType | null ; refId: string } Optional __typename?: "Feature" Optional additional Meta Data?: any | null Optional description?: string | null display Name: string Optional feature Units?: string | null Optional feature Units Plural?: string | null Optional meter Type?: MeterType | null ref Id: string feature Id: string Optional has Soft Limit?: boolean | null Optional has Unlimited Usage?: boolean | null Optional hidden From Widgets?: WidgetType [] | null Optional is Custom?: boolean | null Optional usage Limit?: number | null Package Entitlement Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2415 Package Entitlement Sort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2434 Package Entitlement Update Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2446 Package Group Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2462 Package Group Filter Product Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2476 Package Group Sort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2491 Package Group Status Filter Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2516 Package Pricing Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2532 Package Publish Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2543 Package Published Payload Fragment Package
: { __typename
?: "PackagePublished" ; accountId
: string ; environmentId
: string ; migrationType
: PublishMigrationType ; packageRefId
: string ; packageType
: string ; packageVersion
: number } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5474 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "PackagePublished" account Id: string environment Id: string package Ref Id: string package Type: string package Version: number Package Status Filter Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2553 Payment Collection Filter Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2576 Payment Method Details Payment Method Details: { expirationMonth?: number | null ; expirationYear?: number | null ; last4Digits?: string | null }
Type declaration Optional expiration Month?: number | null Optional expiration Year?: number | null Optional last4 Digits?: string | null Paywall Calculated Price Points Fragment Paywall
: { __typename
?: "PaywallPricePoint" ; additionalChargesMayApply
?: boolean | null ; amount
: number ; billingCountryCode
?: string | null ; billingPeriod
: BillingPeriod ; currency
: Currency ; feature
?: { __typename
?: "Feature" ; description
?: string | null ; displayName
: string ; featureUnits
?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural
?: string | null ; refId
: string } | null ; planId
: string } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5820 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "PaywallPricePoint" Optional additional Charges May Apply?: boolean | null amount: number Optional billing Country Code?: string | null Optional feature?: { __typename?: "Feature" ; description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; featureUnits?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural?: string | null ; refId: string } | null plan Id: string Paywall Colors Palette Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2606 Paywall Configuration Fragment Paywall
: { __typename
?: "PaywallConfiguration" ; customCss
?: string | null ; layout
?: ( { __typename
?: "PaywallLayoutConfiguration" } & LayoutConfigurationFragment ) | null ; palette
?: { __typename
?: "PaywallColorsPalette" ; backgroundColor
?: string | null ; borderColor
?: string | null ; currentPlanBackground
?: string | null ; primary
?: string | null ; textColor
?: string | null } | null ; typography
?: ( { __typename
?: "TypographyConfiguration" } & TypographyConfigurationFragment ) | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5419 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "PaywallConfiguration" Optional custom Css?: string | null Optional layout?: ( { __typename?: "PaywallLayoutConfiguration" } & LayoutConfigurationFragment ) | null Optional palette?: { __typename?: "PaywallColorsPalette" ; backgroundColor?: string | null ; borderColor?: string | null ; currentPlanBackground?: string | null ; primary?: string | null ; textColor?: string | null } | null Optional typography?: ( { __typename?: "TypographyConfiguration" } & TypographyConfigurationFragment ) | null Paywall Configuration Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2613 Paywall Currency Fragment Paywall
: { __typename
?: "PaywallCurrency" ; code
: Currency ; symbol
: string } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5437 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "PaywallCurrency" symbol: string Paywall Fragment Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5876 Paywall Layout Configuration Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2619 Plan Type declaration Optional base Plan?: BasePlan Optional billing Id?: string | null compatible Addons: Addon [] Optional default Trial Config?: DefaultTrialConfig | null Optional description?: string | null display Name: string id: string Optional metadata?: Metadata | null order: number price Points: Price [] Optional pricing Type?: PricingType | null Plan Compatible Package Groups Fragment Plan
: { __typename
?: "PlanCompatiblePackageGroups" ; addons
?: ( { __typename
?: "Addon" } & AddonFragment ) [] | null ; displayName
: string ; options
: { __typename
?: "PlanCompatiblePackageGroupOptions" ; freeItems
?: number | null ; minItems
?: number | null } ; packageGroupId
: string } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4600 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "PlanCompatiblePackageGroups" Optional addons?: ( { __typename?: "Addon" } & AddonFragment ) [] | null display Name: string options: { __typename?: "PlanCompatiblePackageGroupOptions" ; freeItems?: number | null ; minItems?: number | null } Optional __typename?: "PlanCompatiblePackageGroupOptions" Optional free Items?: number | null Optional min Items?: number | null package Group Id: string Plan Create Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2634 Plan Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2648 Plan Filter Addon Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2667 Plan Filter Product Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2684 Plan Fragment Plan
: { __typename
?: "Plan" ; additionalMetaData
?: any | null ; basePlan
?: { __typename
?: "Plan" ; displayName
: string ; refId
: string } | null ; billingId
?: string | null ; compatibleAddons
?: ( { __typename
?: "Addon" } & AddonFragment ) [] | null ; compatiblePackageGroups
?: ( { __typename
?: "PlanCompatiblePackageGroups" } & PlanCompatiblePackageGroupsFragment ) [] | null ; defaultTrialConfig
?: { __typename
?: "DefaultTrialConfig" ; budget
?: { __typename
?: "BudgetConfiguration" ; limit
: number } | null ; duration
: number ; trialEndBehavior
?: TrialEndBehavior | null ; units
: TrialPeriodUnits } | null ; description
?: string | null ; displayName
: string ; entitlements
?: ( { __typename
?: "PackageEntitlement" } & PackageEntitlementFragment ) [] | null ; hiddenFromWidgets
?: WidgetType [] | null ; id
: string ; inheritedEntitlements
?: ( { __typename
?: "PackageEntitlement" } & PackageEntitlementFragment ) [] | null ; overagePrices
?: ( { __typename
?: "Price" } & OveragePriceFragment ) [] | null ; prices
?: ( { __typename
?: "Price" } & PriceFragment ) [] | null ; pricingType
?: PricingType | null ; product
: { __typename
?: "Product" } & ProductFragment ; refId
: string ; versionNumber
: number } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4552 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Plan" Optional additional Meta Data?: any | null Optional base Plan?: { __typename?: "Plan" ; displayName: string ; refId: string } | null Optional billing Id?: string | null Optional compatible Addons?: ( { __typename?: "Addon" } & AddonFragment ) [] | null Optional compatible Package Groups?: ( { __typename?: "PlanCompatiblePackageGroups" } & PlanCompatiblePackageGroupsFragment ) [] | null Optional default Trial Config?: { __typename?: "DefaultTrialConfig" ; budget?: { __typename?: "BudgetConfiguration" ; limit: number } | null ; duration: number ; trialEndBehavior?: TrialEndBehavior | null ; units: TrialPeriodUnits } | null Optional description?: string | null display Name: string Optional entitlements?: ( { __typename?: "PackageEntitlement" } & PackageEntitlementFragment ) [] | null Optional hidden From Widgets?: WidgetType [] | null id: string Optional inherited Entitlements?: ( { __typename?: "PackageEntitlement" } & PackageEntitlementFragment ) [] | null Optional overage Prices?: ( { __typename?: "Price" } & OveragePriceFragment ) [] | null Optional prices?: ( { __typename?: "Price" } & PriceFragment ) [] | null Optional pricing Type?: PricingType | null product: { __typename?: "Product" } & ProductFragment ref Id: string version Number: number Plan Sort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2699 Plan Update Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2719 Prepare Payment Method Form Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2732 Preview Next Invoice Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2737 Preview Next Invoice Mutation Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6204 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" Preview Next Invoice Mutation Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6201 Preview Subscription Type declaration Optional billing Country Code?: string customer Id: string Optional paying Customer Id?: string plan Id: string Optional promotion Code?: string Optional resource Id?: string Optional start Date?: Date Optional unit Quantity?: number Preview Subscription Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2743 Preview Subscription Mutation Preview
: { __typename
?: "Mutation" ; previewSubscription
: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionPreviewV2" } & SubscriptionPreviewV2Fragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6195 Preview Subscription Mutation Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6192 Price Price
: { amount
?: number | null ; billingCadence
?: BillingCadence ; billingCountryCode
?: string | null ; billingId
?: string | null ; billingPeriod
: BillingPeriod ; blockSize
?: number | null ; currency
: Currency ; feature
?: { description
?: string | null ; displayName
: string ; featureId
: string ; unitQuantity
?: number | null ; units
?: string | null ; unitsPlural
?: string | null } | null ; maxUnitQuantity
?: number | null ; minUnitQuantity
?: number | null ; pricingModel
: BillingModel ; tiers
?: PriceTierFragment [] | null ; tiersMode
: TiersMode | null | undefined } Type declaration Optional amount?: number | null Optional billing Country Code?: string | null Optional billing Id?: string | null Optional block Size?: number | null Optional feature?: { description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; featureId: string ; unitQuantity?: number | null ; units?: string | null ; unitsPlural?: string | null } | null Optional max Unit Quantity?: number | null Optional min Unit Quantity?: number | null tiers Mode: TiersMode | null | undefined Price Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2764 Price Filter Package Dto Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2776 Price Fragment Price
: { __typename
?: "Price" ; billingCadence
: BillingCadence ; billingCountryCode
?: string | null ; billingId
?: string | null ; billingModel
: BillingModel ; billingPeriod
: BillingPeriod ; blockSize
?: number | null ; feature
?: { __typename
?: "Feature" ; description
?: string | null ; displayName
: string ; featureUnits
?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural
?: string | null ; refId
: string } | null ; maxUnitQuantity
?: number | null ; minUnitQuantity
?: number | null ; price
?: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } | null ; tiers
?: ( { __typename
?: "PriceTier" } & PriceTierFragment ) [] | null ; tiersMode
?: TiersMode | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4435 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Price" Optional billing Country Code?: string | null Optional billing Id?: string | null Optional block Size?: number | null Optional feature?: { __typename?: "Feature" ; description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; featureUnits?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural?: string | null ; refId: string } | null Optional max Unit Quantity?: number | null Optional min Unit Quantity?: number | null Optional price?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null Optional tiers?: ( { __typename?: "PriceTier" } & PriceTierFragment ) [] | null Optional tiers Mode?: TiersMode | null Price Override Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2793 Price Period Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2805 Price Sort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2813 Price Tier Fragment Price
: { __typename
?: "PriceTier" ; flatPrice
?: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } | null ; unitPrice
?: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } | null ; upTo
?: number | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4421 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "PriceTier" Optional flat Price?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null Optional unit Price?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null Optional up To?: number | null Price Tier Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2827 Pricing Model Create Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2832 Pricing Type Filter Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2851 Product Product
: { description
?: string | null ; displayName
?: string | null ; downgradePlan
?: Pick < Plan , "id" | "displayName" > ; id
: string ; metadata
?: Metadata | null } Type declaration Optional description?: string | null Optional display Name?: string | null Optional downgrade Plan?: Pick < Plan , "id" | "displayName" > id: string Optional metadata?: Metadata | null Product Create Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2867 Product Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2875 Product Fragment Product Fragment: { __typename?: "Product" ; additionalMetaData?: any | null ; description?: string | null ; displayName?: string | null ; productSettings: { __typename?: "ProductSettings" ; downgradePlan?: { __typename?: "Plan" ; displayName: string ; refId: string } | null } ; refId: string }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5442 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Product" Optional additional Meta Data?: any | null Optional description?: string | null Optional display Name?: string | null product Settings: { __typename?: "ProductSettings" ; downgradePlan?: { __typename?: "Plan" ; displayName: string ; refId: string } | null } Optional __typename?: "ProductSettings" Optional downgrade Plan?: { __typename?: "Plan" ; displayName: string ; refId: string } | null ref Id: string Product Settings Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2890 Product Sort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2899 Product Update Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2917 Promotional Entitlement Promotional
: { expiresAt
?: Date ; feature
: FullEntitlementFeature ; hasExpirationDate
: boolean ; hasSoftLimit
?: boolean | null ; hasUnlimitedUsage
?: boolean | null ; isVisible
: boolean ; status
: PromotionalEntitlementStatus ; usageLimit
: number } Type declaration Optional expires At?: Date has Expiration Date: boolean Optional has Soft Limit?: boolean | null Optional has Unlimited Usage?: boolean | null is Visible: boolean usage Limit: number Promotional Entitlement Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2928 Promotional Entitlement Fragment Promotional
: { __typename
?: "PromotionalEntitlement" ; endDate
?: any | null ; feature
: { __typename
?: "Feature" ; additionalMetaData
?: any | null ; description
?: string | null ; displayName
: string ; featureType
: FeatureType ; featureUnits
?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural
?: string | null ; meterType
?: MeterType | null ; refId
: string } ; featureId
: string ; hasSoftLimit
?: boolean | null ; hasUnlimitedUsage
?: boolean | null ; isVisible
: boolean ; resetPeriod
?: EntitlementResetPeriod | null ; status
: PromotionalEntitlementStatus ; usageLimit
?: number | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4860 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "PromotionalEntitlement" Optional end Date?: any | null feature: { __typename?: "Feature" ; additionalMetaData?: any | null ; description?: string | null ; displayName: string ; featureType: FeatureType ; featureUnits?: string | null ; featureUnitsPlural?: string | null ; meterType?: MeterType | null ; refId: string } Optional __typename?: "Feature" Optional additional Meta Data?: any | null Optional description?: string | null display Name: string Optional feature Units?: string | null Optional feature Units Plural?: string | null Optional meter Type?: MeterType | null ref Id: string feature Id: string Optional has Soft Limit?: boolean | null Optional has Unlimited Usage?: boolean | null is Visible: boolean Optional usage Limit?: number | null Promotional Entitlement Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2937 Promotional Entitlement Sort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2962 Promotional Entitlement Status Filter Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2980 Promotional Entitlement Update Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:2996 Provision Customer Fragment Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5952 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "ProvisionedCustomer" Optional entitlements?: ( { __typename?: "Entitlement" } & EntitlementFragment ) [] | null Optional subscription?: ( { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SlimSubscriptionFragment ) | null Provision Customer Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3012 Provision Customer Mutation Provision
: { __typename
?: "Mutation" ; provisionCustomer
: { __typename
?: "ProvisionedCustomer" } & ProvisionCustomerFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6072 Provision Customer Mutation Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6069 Provision Customer Subscription Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3030 Provision Sandbox Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3061 Provision Subscription Type declaration Optional await Payment Confirmation?: boolean Optional billing Country Code?: string Optional billing Id?: string customer Id: string Optional id?: string Optional metadata?: Metadata | null Optional paying Customer Id?: string plan Id: string Optional promotion Code?: string Optional resource Id?: string Optional salesforce Id?: string Optional skip Trial?: boolean Optional start Date?: Date Optional unit Quantity?: number Provision Subscription Fragment Provision
: { __typename
?: "ProvisionSubscriptionResult" ; checkoutBillingId
?: string | null ; checkoutUrl
?: string | null ; entitlements
?: ( { __typename
?: "Entitlement" } & EntitlementFragment ) [] | null ; status
: ProvisionSubscriptionStatus ; subscription
?: ( { __typename
?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SlimSubscriptionFragment ) | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5974 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "ProvisionSubscriptionResult" Optional checkout Billing Id?: string | null Optional checkout Url?: string | null Optional entitlements?: ( { __typename?: "Entitlement" } & EntitlementFragment ) [] | null Optional subscription?: ( { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SlimSubscriptionFragment ) | null Provision Subscription Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3101 Provision Subscription Mutation Provision
: { __typename
?: "Mutation" ; provisionSubscription
: { __typename
?: "ProvisionSubscriptionResult" } & ProvisionSubscriptionFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6134 Provision Subscription Mutation Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6131 Provision Subscription Result Type declaration Optional checkout Url?: string | null Recalculate Entitlements Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3147 Recalculate Entitlements Side Effects Options Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3153 Remove Base Plan From Plan Input Remove
: { id
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; relationId
: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3159 Remove Compatible Addons From Plan Input Remove
: { id
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; relationIds
: Scalars [ "String" ] [] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3165 Remove Coupon From Customer Input Remove
: { id
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; relationId
: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3171 Remove Experiment From Customer Input Remove
: { id
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; relationId
: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3177 Remove Experiment From Customer Subscription Input Remove
: { id
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; relationId
: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3183 Report Entitlement Check Requested Mutation Report Entitlement Check Requested Mutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; reportEntitlementCheckRequested: boolean }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6245 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" report Entitlement Check Requested: boolean Report Entitlement Check Requested Mutation Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6242 Report Event Report
: { customerId
: string ; dimensions
?: Record < string , EventDimensionValue > ; eventName
: string ; idempotencyKey
: string ; resourceId
?: string ; timestamp
?: Date } Type declaration customer Id: string event Name: string idempotency Key: string Optional resource Id?: string Optional timestamp?: Date Report Event Mutation Report Event Mutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; reportEvent?: string | null }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6238 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" Optional report Event?: string | null Report Event Mutation Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6235 Report Usage Report
: { createdAt
?: Date ; customerId
: string ; dimensions
?: Record < string , EventDimensionValue > ; featureId
: string ; resourceId
?: string ; updateBehavior
?: UsageUpdateBehavior ; value
: number } Type declaration Optional created At?: Date customer Id: string feature Id: string Optional resource Id?: string value: number Report Usage Ack Report Usage Ack: { currentUsage?: number ; customerId: string ; featureId: string ; measurementId: string ; nextResetDate?: Date ; resourceId?: string ; usagePeriodEnd?: Date ; usagePeriodStart?: Date }
Type declaration Optional current Usage?: number customer Id: string feature Id: string measurement Id: string Optional next Reset Date?: Date Optional resource Id?: string Optional usage Period End?: Date Optional usage Period Start?: Date Report Usage Base Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3189 Report Usage Bulk Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3198 Report Usage Bulk Mutation Report
: { __typename
?: "Mutation" ; reportUsageBulk
: ( { __typename
?: "UsageMeasurementWithCurrentUsage" } & ReportUsageFragment ) [] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6229 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" report Usage Bulk: ( { __typename?: "UsageMeasurementWithCurrentUsage" } & ReportUsageFragment ) [] Report Usage Bulk Mutation Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6226 Report Usage Fragment Report Usage Fragment: { __typename?: "UsageMeasurementWithCurrentUsage" ; currentUsage?: number | null ; customerId: string ; featureId: string ; id: string ; nextResetDate?: any | null ; resourceId?: string | null ; timestamp: any ; usagePeriodEnd?: any | null ; usagePeriodStart?: any | null }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5986 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "UsageMeasurementWithCurrentUsage" Optional current Usage?: number | null customer Id: string feature Id: string id: string Optional next Reset Date?: any | null Optional resource Id?: string | null timestamp: any Optional usage Period End?: any | null Optional usage Period Start?: any | null Report Usage Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3202 Report Usage Mutation Report
: { __typename
?: "Mutation" ; reportUsage
: { __typename
?: "UsageMeasurementWithCurrentUsage" } & ReportUsageFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6220 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" report Usage: { __typename?: "UsageMeasurementWithCurrentUsage" } & ReportUsageFragment Report Usage Mutation Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6217 Reset Period Configuration Fragment Reset Period Configuration Fragment: ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment_MonthlyResetPeriodConfig_ | ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment_WeeklyResetPeriodConfig_ | ResetPeriodConfigurationFragment_YearlyResetPeriodConfig_
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5351 Resync Integration Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3212 Revoke Promotional Entitlement Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3219 Revoke Promotional Entitlement Mutation Revoke Promotional Entitlement Mutation: { __typename?: "Mutation" ; revokePromotionalEntitlement: { __typename?: "PromotionalEntitlement" ; id: string } }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6124 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" revoke Promotional Entitlement: { __typename?: "PromotionalEntitlement" ; id: string } Optional __typename?: "PromotionalEntitlement" id: string Revoke Promotional Entitlement Mutation Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6121 Salesforce Credentials Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3224 Scalars Scalars: { Boolean: boolean ; ConnectionCursor: any ; DateTime: any ; Float: number ; ID: string ; Int: number ; JSON: any ; String: string }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:17 Type declaration Boolean: boolean Connection Cursor: any Date Time: any Float: number ID: string Int: number JSON: any String: string Schedule Variables Fragment Schedule Variables Fragment: ScheduleVariablesFragment_AddonChangeVariables_ | ScheduleVariablesFragment_AddonPriceOverrideChangeVariables_ | ScheduleVariablesFragment_BillingPeriodChangeVariables_ | ScheduleVariablesFragment_CouponChangeVariables_ | ScheduleVariablesFragment_DowngradeChangeVariables_ | ScheduleVariablesFragment_PlanChangeVariables_ | ScheduleVariablesFragment_PlanPriceOverrideChangeVariables_ | ScheduleVariablesFragment_UnitAmountChangeVariables_
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6068 Sdk Sdk
: ReturnType < typeof getSdk > Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6669 Sdk Function Wrapper Sdk Function Wrapper: < T > ( action: ( requestHeaders?: Record < string , string > ) => Promise < T > , operationName: string , operationType?: string ) => Promise < T >
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6619 Type declaration < T > ( action: ( requestHeaders?: Record < string , string > ) => Promise < T > , operationName: string , operationType?: string ) : Promise < T > Type parameters Parameters action: ( requestHeaders?: Record < string , string > ) => Promise < T > ( requestHeaders?: Record < string , string > ) : Promise < T > Parameters Optional requestHeaders: Record < string , string > Returns Promise < T > operationName: string Optional operationType: string Returns Promise < T > Set Access Roles Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3236 Set Base Plan On Plan Input Set
: { id
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; relationId
: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3246 Set Compatible Addons On Plan Input Set
: { id
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; relationIds
: Scalars [ "String" ] [] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3252 Set Coupon On Customer Input Set
: { id
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; relationId
: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3258 Set Experiment On Customer Input Set
: { id
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; relationId
: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3264 Set Experiment On Customer Subscription Input Set
: { id
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; relationId
: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3270 Set Package Group Addons Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3277 Set Plan Compatible Package Group Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3286 Set Plan Compatible Package Group Options Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3293 Set Plan Compatible Package Groups Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3300 Slim Customer Slim
: { awsMarketplaceCustomerId
?: string | null ; billingId
?: string ; createdAt
: Date ; email
?: string ; id
: string ; metadata
?: Metadata | null ; name
?: string ; updatedAt
: Date } Type declaration Optional aws Marketplace Customer Id?: string | null Optional billing Id?: string created At: Date Optional email?: string id: string Optional metadata?: Metadata | null Optional name?: string updated At: Date Slim Customer Fragment Slim Customer Fragment: { __typename?: "Customer" ; additionalMetaData?: any | null ; awsMarketplaceCustomerId?: string | null ; billingId?: string | null ; createdAt?: any | null ; customerId: string ; email?: string | null ; id: string ; name?: string | null ; refId: string ; updatedAt: any }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4882 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Customer" Optional additional Meta Data?: any | null Optional aws Marketplace Customer Id?: string | null Optional billing Id?: string | null Optional created At?: any | null customer Id: string Optional email?: string | null id: string Optional name?: string | null ref Id: string updated At: any Slim Subscription Fragment Slim
: { __typename
?: "CustomerSubscription" ; additionalMetaData
?: any | null ; addons
?: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionAddon" ; addon
: { __typename
?: "Addon" ; id
: string ; refId
: string } ; quantity
: number } [] | null ; billingId
?: string | null ; billingLinkUrl
?: string | null ; billingSyncError
?: string | null ; currentBillingPeriodEnd
?: any | null ; customer
: { __typename
?: "Customer" ; id
: string ; refId
: string } ; effectiveEndDate
?: any | null ; experimentInfo
?: { __typename
?: "experimentInfo" ; groupName
: string ; groupType
: ExperimentGroupType ; id
: string ; name
: string } | null ; id
: string ; latestInvoice
?: ( { __typename
?: "SubscriptionInvoice" } & SubscriptionInvoiceFragment ) | null ; paymentCollection
: PaymentCollection ; plan
: { __typename
?: "Plan" ; id
: string ; refId
: string } ; prices
?: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionPrice" ; price
?: ( { __typename
?: "Price" } & PriceFragment ) | null ; usageLimit
?: number | null } [] | null ; pricingType
: PricingType ; refId
: string ; resource
?: ( { __typename
?: "CustomerResource" } & CustomerResourceFragment ) | null ; status
: SubscriptionStatus ; subscriptionId
: string ; totalPrice
?: ( { __typename
?: "CustomerSubscriptionTotalPrice" } & TotalPriceFragment ) | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4655 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" Optional additional Meta Data?: any | null Optional addons?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionAddon" ; addon: { __typename?: "Addon" ; id: string ; refId: string } ; quantity: number } [] | null Optional billing Id?: string | null Optional billing Link Url?: string | null Optional billing Sync Error?: string | null Optional current Billing Period End?: any | null customer: { __typename?: "Customer" ; id: string ; refId: string } Optional __typename?: "Customer" id: string ref Id: string Optional effective End Date?: any | null Optional experiment Info?: { __typename?: "experimentInfo" ; groupName: string ; groupType: ExperimentGroupType ; id: string ; name: string } | null id: string Optional latest Invoice?: ( { __typename?: "SubscriptionInvoice" } & SubscriptionInvoiceFragment ) | null plan: { __typename?: "Plan" ; id: string ; refId: string } Optional __typename?: "Plan" id: string ref Id: string Optional prices?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPrice" ; price?: ( { __typename?: "Price" } & PriceFragment ) | null ; usageLimit?: number | null } [] | null ref Id: string Optional resource?: ( { __typename?: "CustomerResource" } & CustomerResourceFragment ) | null subscription Id: string Optional total Price?: ( { __typename?: "CustomerSubscriptionTotalPrice" } & TotalPriceFragment ) | null Slim Subscription Fragment V2 Fragment Slim
: { __typename
?: "CustomerSubscription" ; addons
?: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionAddon" ; addon
: { __typename
?: "Addon" ; addonId
: string } ; quantity
: number } [] | null ; currentBillingPeriodEnd
?: any | null ; customer
: { __typename
?: "Customer" ; customerId
: string } ; payingCustomer
?: { __typename
?: "Customer" ; customerId
: string } | null ; plan
: { __typename
?: "Plan" ; displayName
: string ; planId
: string } ; pricingType
: PricingType ; resource
?: { __typename
?: "CustomerResource" ; resourceId
: string } | null ; startDate
: any ; status
: SubscriptionStatus ; subscriptionId
: string ; trialConfiguration
?: { __typename
?: "TrialConfiguration" ; trialEndBehavior
: TrialEndBehavior } | null ; trialEndDate
?: any | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4617 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" Optional addons?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionAddon" ; addon: { __typename?: "Addon" ; addonId: string } ; quantity: number } [] | null Optional current Billing Period End?: any | null customer: { __typename?: "Customer" ; customerId: string } Optional __typename?: "Customer" customer Id: string Optional paying Customer?: { __typename?: "Customer" ; customerId: string } | null plan: { __typename?: "Plan" ; displayName: string ; planId: string } Optional __typename?: "Plan" display Name: string plan Id: string Optional resource?: { __typename?: "CustomerResource" ; resourceId: string } | null start Date: any subscription Id: string Optional trial Configuration?: { __typename?: "TrialConfiguration" ; trialEndBehavior: TrialEndBehavior } | null Optional trial End Date?: any | null Snowflake Credentials Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3308 Start Experiment Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3332 Stop Experiment Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3336 String Field Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3340 Stripe Credentials Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3356 Stripe Customer Search Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3361 Stripe Product Search Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3366 Stripe Subscription Search Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3371 Subscription Type declaration addon Ids: string [] Optional billing Id?: string Optional billing Link Url?: string Optional billing Sync Error?: string customer Id: string Optional effective End Date?: Date Optional experiment Info?: ExperimentInfo | null id: string Optional metadata?: Metadata | null plan Id: string Subscription Addon Subscription Addon: { addonId: string ; quantity?: number }
Type declaration addon Id: string Optional quantity?: number Subscription Addon Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3375 Subscription Addon Filter Customer Subscription Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3385 Subscription Addon Filter Price Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3413 Subscription Addon Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3424 Subscription Addon Sort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3428 Subscription Billing Info Subscription
: { billingAddress
?: BillingAddress ; chargeOnBehalfOfAccount
?: string ; couponId
?: string ; isBackdated
?: boolean ; isInvoicePaid
?: boolean ; metadata
?: Metadata | null ; taxPercentage
?: number ; taxRateIds
?: string [] } Type declaration Optional charge On Behalf Of Account?: string Optional coupon Id?: string Optional is Backdated?: boolean Optional is Invoice Paid?: boolean Optional metadata?: Metadata | null Optional tax Percentage?: number Optional tax Rate Ids?: string [] Subscription Cancel Reason Filter Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3464 Subscription Cancellation Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3484 Subscription Coupon Configuration Input Subscription
: { startDate
?: InputMaybe < Scalars [ "DateTime" ] > } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3499 Subscription Coupon Discount Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3504 Subscription Coupon Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3517 Subscription Entitlement Subscription
: { featureId
: string ; hasSoftLimit
?: boolean ; hasUnlimitedUsage
?: boolean ; monthlyResetPeriodConfiguration
?: { accordingTo
: MonthlyAccordingTo } ; resetPeriod
?: EntitlementResetPeriod ; usageLimit
?: number ; weeklyResetPeriodConfiguration
?: { accordingTo
: WeeklyAccordingTo } } Type declaration feature Id: string Optional has Soft Limit?: boolean Optional has Unlimited Usage?: boolean Optional monthly Reset Period Configuration?: { accordingTo: MonthlyAccordingTo } Optional usage Limit?: number Optional weekly Reset Period Configuration?: { accordingTo: WeeklyAccordingTo } Subscription Entitlement Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3546 Subscription Entitlement Filter Customer Subscription Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3557 Subscription Entitlement Filter Feature Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3585 Subscription Entitlement Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3599 Subscription Entitlement Sort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3610 Subscription Fragment Subscription
: { __typename
?: "CustomerSubscription" ; additionalMetaData
?: any | null ; addons
?: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionAddon" ; addon
: { __typename
?: "Addon" } & AddonFragment ; id
: string ; quantity
: number } [] | null ; billingId
?: string | null ; billingLinkUrl
?: string | null ; billingSyncError
?: string | null ; cancellationDate
?: any | null ; currentBillingPeriodEnd
?: any | null ; effectiveEndDate
?: any | null ; endDate
?: any | null ; experimentInfo
?: { __typename
?: "experimentInfo" ; groupName
: string ; groupType
: ExperimentGroupType ; id
: string ; name
: string } | null ; futureUpdates
: ( { __typename
?: "SubscriptionFutureUpdate" } & SubscriptionFutureUpdateDataFragment ) [] ; id
: string ; latestInvoice
?: ( { __typename
?: "SubscriptionInvoice" } & SubscriptionInvoiceFragment ) | null ; payingCustomer
?: ( { __typename
?: "Customer" } & SlimCustomerFragment ) | null ; paymentCollection
: PaymentCollection ; paymentCollectionMethod
?: PaymentCollectionMethod | null ; plan
: { __typename
?: "Plan" } & PlanFragment ; prices
?: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionPrice" ; price
?: ( { __typename
?: "Price" } & PriceFragment ) | null ; usageLimit
?: number | null } [] | null ; pricingType
: PricingType ; refId
: string ; resource
?: ( { __typename
?: "CustomerResource" } & CustomerResourceFragment ) | null ; scheduledUpdates
?: ( { __typename
?: "SubscriptionScheduledUpdate" } & SubscriptionScheduledUpdateDataFragment ) [] | null ; startDate
: any ; status
: SubscriptionStatus ; subscriptionId
: string ; totalPrice
?: ( { __typename
?: "CustomerSubscriptionTotalPrice" } & TotalPriceFragment ) | null ; trialConfiguration
?: ( { __typename
?: "TrialConfiguration" } & SubscriptionTrialConfigurationFragment ) | null ; trialEndDate
?: any | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4790 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" Optional additional Meta Data?: any | null Optional addons?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionAddon" ; addon: { __typename?: "Addon" } & AddonFragment ; id: string ; quantity: number } [] | null Optional billing Id?: string | null Optional billing Link Url?: string | null Optional billing Sync Error?: string | null Optional cancellation Date?: any | null Optional current Billing Period End?: any | null Optional effective End Date?: any | null Optional end Date?: any | null Optional experiment Info?: { __typename?: "experimentInfo" ; groupName: string ; groupType: ExperimentGroupType ; id: string ; name: string } | null id: string Optional latest Invoice?: ( { __typename?: "SubscriptionInvoice" } & SubscriptionInvoiceFragment ) | null Optional paying Customer?: ( { __typename?: "Customer" } & SlimCustomerFragment ) | null plan: { __typename?: "Plan" } & PlanFragment Optional prices?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPrice" ; price?: ( { __typename?: "Price" } & PriceFragment ) | null ; usageLimit?: number | null } [] | null ref Id: string Optional resource?: ( { __typename?: "CustomerResource" } & CustomerResourceFragment ) | null Optional scheduled Updates?: ( { __typename?: "SubscriptionScheduledUpdate" } & SubscriptionScheduledUpdateDataFragment ) [] | null start Date: any subscription Id: string Optional total Price?: ( { __typename?: "CustomerSubscriptionTotalPrice" } & TotalPriceFragment ) | null Optional trial Configuration?: ( { __typename?: "TrialConfiguration" } & SubscriptionTrialConfigurationFragment ) | null Optional trial End Date?: any | null Subscription Future Update Data Fragment Subscription
: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionFutureUpdate" ; scheduleStatus
: SubscriptionScheduleStatus ; scheduleVariables
?: ( { __typename
?: "AddonChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_AddonChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename
?: "AddonPriceOverrideChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_AddonPriceOverrideChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename
?: "BillingPeriodChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_BillingPeriodChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename
?: "CouponChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_CouponChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename
?: "DowngradeChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_DowngradeChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename
?: "PlanChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_PlanChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename
?: "PlanPriceOverrideChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_PlanPriceOverrideChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename
?: "UnitAmountChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_UnitAmountChangeVariables_ ) | null ; scheduledExecutionTime
: any ; subscriptionScheduleType
: SubscriptionScheduleType ; targetPackage
?: { __typename
?: "PackageDTO" ; displayName
: string ; id
: string ; refId
: string } | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4741 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "SubscriptionFutureUpdate" Optional schedule Variables?: ( { __typename?: "AddonChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_AddonChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "AddonPriceOverrideChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_AddonPriceOverrideChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "BillingPeriodChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_BillingPeriodChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "CouponChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_CouponChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "DowngradeChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_DowngradeChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "PlanChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_PlanChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "PlanPriceOverrideChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_PlanPriceOverrideChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "UnitAmountChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_UnitAmountChangeVariables_ ) | null scheduled Execution Time: any Optional target Package?: { __typename?: "PackageDTO" ; displayName: string ; id: string ; refId: string } | null Subscription Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3622 Subscription Invoice Fragment Subscription
: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionInvoice" ; amountDue
?: number | null ; billingId
: string ; billingReason
?: SubscriptionInvoiceBillingReason | null ; createdAt
: any ; currency
?: string | null ; errorMessage
?: string | null ; paymentSecret
?: string | null ; paymentUrl
?: string | null ; pdfUrl
?: string | null ; requiresAction
: boolean ; status
: SubscriptionInvoiceStatus ; subTotal
?: number | null ; subTotalExcludingTax
?: number | null ; tax
?: number | null ; total
?: number | null ; totalExcludingTax
?: number | null ; updatedAt
: any } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4770 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "SubscriptionInvoice" Optional amount Due?: number | null billing Id: string created At: any Optional currency?: string | null Optional error Message?: string | null Optional payment Secret?: string | null Optional payment Url?: string | null Optional pdf Url?: string | null requires Action: boolean Optional sub Total?: number | null Optional sub Total Excluding Tax?: number | null Optional tax?: number | null Optional total?: number | null Optional total Excluding Tax?: number | null updated At: any Subscription Invoice Preview Fragment Subscription
: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionInvoicePreview" ; amountDue
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } ; credits
?: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionPreviewCredits" ; initial
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } ; remaining
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } ; used
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } } | null ; discount
?: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } | null ; discountDetails
?: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionPreviewDiscount" ; durationInMonths
?: number | null ; durationType
: DiscountDurationType ; name
?: string | null ; type
: DiscountType ; value
: number } | null ; lastUpdatedAt
: any ; lines
: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionInvoicePreviewLineItem" ; amount
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } ; costDescription
: string ; description
: string ; hasSoftLimit
?: boolean | null ; lines
?: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionInvoicePreviewLineItemData" ; costDescription
: string ; description
: string ; hasSoftLimit
?: boolean | null ; proration
: boolean ; quantity
?: number | null ; type
: InvoiceLineItemType ; usageLimit
?: number | null } [] | null ; period
: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionInvoicePreviewLineItemPeriod" ; end
: any ; start
: any } ; price
?: ( { __typename
?: "Price" } & PriceFragment ) | null ; proration
: boolean ; quantity
?: number | null ; type
: InvoiceLineItemType ; unitPrice
?: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } | null ; usageLimit
?: number | null } [] ; minimumSpendAdjustment
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } ; subTotal
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } ; subTotalExcludingTax
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } ; tax
?: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } | null ; taxDetails
?: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionPreviewTaxDetails" ; displayName
: string ; inclusive
: boolean ; percentage
: number } | null ; total
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } ; totalExcludingTax
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5210 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "SubscriptionInvoicePreview" amount Due: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number Optional credits?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewCredits" ; initial: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; remaining: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; used: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } } | null Optional discount?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null Optional discount Details?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewDiscount" ; durationInMonths?: number | null ; durationType: DiscountDurationType ; name?: string | null ; type: DiscountType ; value: number } | null last Updated At: any lines: { __typename?: "SubscriptionInvoicePreviewLineItem" ; amount: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; costDescription: string ; description: string ; hasSoftLimit?: boolean | null ; lines?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionInvoicePreviewLineItemData" ; costDescription: string ; description: string ; hasSoftLimit?: boolean | null ; proration: boolean ; quantity?: number | null ; type: InvoiceLineItemType ; usageLimit?: number | null } [] | null ; period: { __typename?: "SubscriptionInvoicePreviewLineItemPeriod" ; end: any ; start: any } ; price?: ( { __typename?: "Price" } & PriceFragment ) | null ; proration: boolean ; quantity?: number | null ; type: InvoiceLineItemType ; unitPrice?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null ; usageLimit?: number | null } [] minimum Spend Adjustment: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number sub Total: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number sub Total Excluding Tax: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number Optional tax?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null Optional tax Details?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewTaxDetails" ; displayName: string ; inclusive: boolean ; percentage: number } | null total: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number total Excluding Tax: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number Subscription Migration Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3684 Subscription Migration Task Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3689 Subscription Migration Task Sort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3698 Subscription Minimum Spend Value Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3716 Subscription Preview Credits Subscription
: { initial
: Money ; remaining
: Money ; used
: Money } Subscription Preview Discount Type declaration Optional duration In Months?: number value: number Subscription Preview Fragment Subscription
: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionPreview" ; billingPeriodRange
: { __typename
?: "DateRange" ; end
?: any | null ; start
?: any | null } ; credits
?: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionPreviewCredits" ; initial
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } ; remaining
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } ; used
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } } | null ; discount
?: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionPreviewDiscount" ; durationInMonths
?: number | null ; durationType
: DiscountDurationType ; name
?: string | null ; type
: DiscountType ; value
: number } | null ; discountAmount
?: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } | null ; hasScheduledUpdates
?: boolean | null ; isPlanDowngrade
?: boolean | null ; proration
?: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionPreviewProrations" ; credit
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } ; debit
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } ; netAmount
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } ; prorationDate
: any } | null ; subTotal
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } ; subscription
?: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionPricePreviewDTO" ; discount
?: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionPreviewDiscount" ; durationInMonths
?: number | null ; durationType
: DiscountDurationType ; name
?: string | null ; type
: DiscountType ; value
: number } | null ; discountAmount
?: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } | null ; subTotal
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } ; tax
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } ; taxDetails
?: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionPreviewTaxDetails" ; displayName
: string ; inclusive
: boolean ; percentage
: number } | null ; total
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } ; totalExcludingTax
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } } | null ; tax
?: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } | null ; taxDetails
?: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionPreviewTaxDetails" ; displayName
: string ; inclusive
: boolean ; percentage
: number } | null ; total
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } ; totalExcludingTax
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4946 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "SubscriptionPreview" billing Period Range: { __typename?: "DateRange" ; end?: any | null ; start?: any | null } Optional __typename?: "DateRange" Optional end?: any | null Optional start?: any | null Optional credits?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewCredits" ; initial: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; remaining: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; used: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } } | null Optional discount?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewDiscount" ; durationInMonths?: number | null ; durationType: DiscountDurationType ; name?: string | null ; type: DiscountType ; value: number } | null Optional discount Amount?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null Optional has Scheduled Updates?: boolean | null Optional is Plan Downgrade?: boolean | null Optional proration?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewProrations" ; credit: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; debit: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; netAmount: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; prorationDate: any } | null sub Total: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number Optional subscription?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPricePreviewDTO" ; discount?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewDiscount" ; durationInMonths?: number | null ; durationType: DiscountDurationType ; name?: string | null ; type: DiscountType ; value: number } | null ; discountAmount?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null ; subTotal: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; tax: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; taxDetails?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewTaxDetails" ; displayName: string ; inclusive: boolean ; percentage: number } | null ; total: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } ; totalExcludingTax: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } } | null Optional tax?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null Optional tax Details?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewTaxDetails" ; displayName: string ; inclusive: boolean ; percentage: number } | null total: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number total Excluding Tax: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number Subscription Preview Invoice Subscription Preview Invoice Fragment Subscription
: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionPreviewInvoice" ; discount
?: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } | null ; discountDetails
?: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionPreviewDiscount" ; durationInMonths
?: number | null ; durationType
: DiscountDurationType ; type
: DiscountType ; value
: number } | null ; subTotal
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } ; tax
?: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } | null ; taxDetails
?: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionPreviewTaxDetails" ; displayName
: string ; inclusive
: boolean ; percentage
: number } | null ; total
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } ; totalExcludingTax
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5074 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewInvoice" Optional discount?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null Optional discount Details?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewDiscount" ; durationInMonths?: number | null ; durationType: DiscountDurationType ; type: DiscountType ; value: number } | null sub Total: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number Optional tax?: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } | null Optional tax Details?: { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewTaxDetails" ; displayName: string ; inclusive: boolean ; percentage: number } | null total: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number total Excluding Tax: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number Subscription Preview Proration Subscription
: { credit
: Money ; debit
: Money ; hasProrations
?: boolean ; netAmount
: Money ; prorationDate
: Date } Type declaration Optional has Prorations?: boolean net Amount: Money proration Date: Date Subscription Preview Tax Details Subscription Preview Tax Details: { displayName: string ; inclusive: boolean ; percentage: number }
Type declaration display Name: string inclusive: boolean percentage: number Subscription Preview V2 Fragment Subscription
: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionPreviewV2" ; billingPeriodRange
: { __typename
?: "DateRange" ; end
?: any | null ; start
?: any | null } ; hasScheduledUpdates
?: boolean | null ; immediateInvoice
: { __typename
?: "ImmediateSubscriptionPreviewInvoice" } & ImmediateSubscriptionPreviewInvoiceFragment ; isPlanDowngrade
?: boolean | null ; recurringInvoice
?: ( { __typename
?: "SubscriptionPreviewInvoice" } & SubscriptionPreviewInvoiceFragment ) | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5194 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewV2" billing Period Range: { __typename?: "DateRange" ; end?: any | null ; start?: any | null } Optional __typename?: "DateRange" Optional end?: any | null Optional start?: any | null Optional has Scheduled Updates?: boolean | null Optional is Plan Downgrade?: boolean | null Optional recurring Invoice?: ( { __typename?: "SubscriptionPreviewInvoice" } & SubscriptionPreviewInvoiceFragment ) | null Subscription Price Subscription
: Price & { grossAmount
: number } Subscription Price Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3720 Subscription Price Filter Customer Subscription Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3733 Subscription Price Filter Price Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3761 Subscription Price Sort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3772 Subscription Scheduled Update Data Fragment Subscription
: { __typename
?: "SubscriptionScheduledUpdate" ; scheduleStatus
: SubscriptionScheduleStatus ; scheduleVariables
?: ( { __typename
?: "AddonChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_AddonChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename
?: "AddonPriceOverrideChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_AddonPriceOverrideChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename
?: "BillingPeriodChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_BillingPeriodChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename
?: "CouponChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_CouponChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename
?: "DowngradeChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_DowngradeChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename
?: "PlanChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_PlanChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename
?: "PlanPriceOverrideChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_PlanPriceOverrideChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename
?: "UnitAmountChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_UnitAmountChangeVariables_ ) | null ; scheduledExecutionTime
: any ; subscriptionScheduleType
: SubscriptionScheduleType ; targetPackage
?: { __typename
?: "PackageDTO" ; displayName
: string ; id
: string ; refId
: string } | null } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4712 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "SubscriptionScheduledUpdate" Optional schedule Variables?: ( { __typename?: "AddonChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_AddonChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "AddonPriceOverrideChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_AddonPriceOverrideChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "BillingPeriodChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_BillingPeriodChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "CouponChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_CouponChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "DowngradeChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_DowngradeChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "PlanChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_PlanChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "PlanPriceOverrideChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_PlanPriceOverrideChangeVariables_ ) | ( { __typename?: "UnitAmountChangeVariables" } & ScheduleVariablesFragment_UnitAmountChangeVariables_ ) | null scheduled Execution Time: any Optional target Package?: { __typename?: "PackageDTO" ; displayName: string ; id: string ; refId: string } | null Subscription Status Filter Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3829 Subscription Trial Configuration Fragment Subscription
: { __typename
?: "TrialConfiguration" ; trialEndBehavior
: TrialEndBehavior } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4856 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "TrialConfiguration" Subscription Update Schedule Cancellation Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3845 Subscription Update Usage Reset Cutoff Rule Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3860 Sync Tax Rates Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3871 Task Status Filter Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3882 Task Type Filter Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3908 Tax Exempt Tax Exempt: { type: string ; value: string }
Type declaration type: string value: string Test Hook Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3928 Tiers Mode Filter Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3938 Total Price Fragment Total
: { __typename
?: "CustomerSubscriptionTotalPrice" ; subTotal
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } ; total
: { __typename
?: "Money" ; amount
: number ; currency
: Currency } } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4487 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "CustomerSubscriptionTotalPrice" sub Total: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number total: { __typename?: "Money" ; amount: number ; currency: Currency } Optional __typename?: "Money" amount: number Transfer Subscription Input Transfer
: { customerId
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; destinationResourceId
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; sourceResourceId
: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3954 Transfer Subscription Mutation Transfer
: { __typename
?: "Mutation" ; transferSubscription
: { __typename
?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SlimSubscriptionFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6290 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" transfer Subscription: { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SlimSubscriptionFragment Transfer Subscription Mutation Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6287 Transfer Subscription To Resource Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3960 Transfer Subscription To Resource Mutation Transfer
: { __typename
?: "Mutation" ; transferSubscriptionToResource
: { __typename
?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SlimSubscriptionFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6308 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" transfer Subscription To Resource: { __typename?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SlimSubscriptionFragment Transfer Subscription To Resource Mutation Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6305 Trial Override Configuration Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3975 Trialed Plan Trialed Plan: { planId: string ; productId: string }
Type declaration plan Id: string product Id: string Trigger Subscription Billing Month Ends Soon Webhook Input Trigger
: { subscriptionId
: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3987 Trigger Subscription Migration Input Trigger
: { environmentId
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; refId
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; versionNumber
: Scalars [ "Float" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3991 Trigger Subscription Usage Sync Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:3997 Typography Configuration Fragment Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5391 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "TypographyConfiguration" Optional body?: ( { __typename?: "FontVariant" } & FontVariantFragment ) | null Optional font Family?: string | null Optional h1?: ( { __typename?: "FontVariant" } & FontVariantFragment ) | null Optional h2?: ( { __typename?: "FontVariant" } & FontVariantFragment ) | null Optional h3?: ( { __typename?: "FontVariant" } & FontVariantFragment ) | null Typography Configuration Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4005 Unarchive Customer Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4012 Unarchive Customer Mutation Unarchive
: { __typename
?: "Mutation" ; unarchiveCustomer
: { __typename
?: "Customer" } & SlimCustomerFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6281 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "Mutation" unarchive Customer: { __typename?: "Customer" } & SlimCustomerFragment Unarchive Customer Mutation Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6278 Unarchive Environment Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4016 Unit Transformation Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4021 Update Account Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4038 Update Coupon Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4045 Update Customer Update
: { billingId
?: string ; billingInfo
?: Omit < BillingInfo , "taxIds" > ; couponId
?: string | null ; customerId
: string ; email
?: string ; metadata
?: Metadata | null ; name
?: string ; salesforceId
?: string ; shouldWaitSync
?: boolean } Type declaration Optional billing Id?: string Optional billing Info?: Omit < BillingInfo , "taxIds" > Optional coupon Id?: string | null customer Id: string Optional email?: string Optional metadata?: Metadata | null Optional name?: string Optional salesforce Id?: string Optional should Wait Sync?: boolean Update Customer Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4052 Update Customer Mutation Update
: { __typename
?: "Mutation" ; updateCustomer
: { __typename
?: "Customer" } & SlimCustomerFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6097 Update Customer Mutation Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6094 Update Experiment Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4067 Update Feature Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4078 Update Hook Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4090 Update Integration Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4102 Update One Environment Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4111 Update One Hook Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4117 Update One Integration Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4123 Update One Package Entitlement Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4129 Update One Product Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4135 Update One Promotional Entitlement Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4141 Update Package Entitlement Order Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4147 Update Package Entitlement Order Item Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4152 Update Subscription Type declaration Optional await Payment Confirmation?: boolean Optional metadata?: Metadata | null subscription Id: string Optional trial End Date?: Date Optional unit Quantity?: number Update Subscription Entitlement Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4156 Update Subscription Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4167 Update Subscription Mutation Update
: { __typename
?: "Mutation" ; updateSubscription
: { __typename
?: "CustomerSubscription" } & SlimSubscriptionFragment } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6159 Update Subscription Mutation Variables Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6156 Update User Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4191 Usage Event Report Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4195 Usage Events Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4203 Usage Events Report Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4211 Usage History Fragment Usage
: { __typename
?: "UsageHistory" ; endDate
?: any | null ; groups
?: { __typename
?: "GroupUsageHistory" ; groupInfo
: { __typename
?: "GroupInfo" ; key
: string ; value
: string } [] ; usageMeasurements
: { __typename
?: "UsageMeasurementPoint" ; date
: any ; isResetPoint
: boolean ; value
: number } [] } [] | null ; markers
: { __typename
?: "UsageMarker" ; timestamp
: any ; type
: UsageMarkerType } [] ; startDate
: any ; usageMeasurements
: { __typename
?: "UsageMeasurementPoint" ; date
: any ; isResetPoint
: boolean ; value
: number } [] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5900 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "UsageHistory" Optional end Date?: any | null Optional groups?: { __typename?: "GroupUsageHistory" ; groupInfo: { __typename?: "GroupInfo" ; key: string ; value: string } [] ; usageMeasurements: { __typename?: "UsageMeasurementPoint" ; date: any ; isResetPoint: boolean ; value: number } [] } [] | null markers: { __typename?: "UsageMarker" ; timestamp: any ; type: UsageMarkerType } [] start Date: any usage Measurements: { __typename?: "UsageMeasurementPoint" ; date: any ; isResetPoint: boolean ; value: number } [] Usage History Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4215 Usage History Point Usage History Point: { date: Date ; isResetPoint: boolean ; value: number }
Type declaration date: Date is Reset Point: boolean value: number Usage History V2 Fragment Usage
: { __typename
?: "UsageHistoryV2" ; markers
: { __typename
?: "UsageMarker" ; timestamp
: any ; type
: UsageMarkerType } [] ; series
: { __typename
?: "UsageHistorySeries" ; points
: { __typename
?: "UsageHistoryPoint" ; isResetPoint
: boolean ; timestamp
: any ; value
: number } [] ; tags
: { __typename
?: "UsageHistorySeriesTag" ; key
: string ; value
: string } [] } [] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5930 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "UsageHistoryV2" markers: { __typename?: "UsageMarker" ; timestamp: any ; type: UsageMarkerType } [] series: { __typename?: "UsageHistorySeries" ; points: { __typename?: "UsageHistoryPoint" ; isResetPoint: boolean ; timestamp: any ; value: number } [] ; tags: { __typename?: "UsageHistorySeriesTag" ; key: string ; value: string } [] } [] Usage History V2 Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4229 Usage Measurement Create Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4251 Usage Measurement Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4261 Usage Measurement Filter Customer Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4270 Usage Measurement Filter Feature Filter Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4288 Usage Measurement Sort Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4302 Usage Updated Fragment Usage Updated Fragment: { __typename?: "UsageMeasurementUpdated" ; currentUsage: number ; customerId: string ; featureId: string ; nextResetDate?: number | null ; resourceId?: string | null ; usagePeriodEnd?: number | null ; usagePeriodStart?: number | null }
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:5352 Type declaration Optional __typename?: "UsageMeasurementUpdated" current Usage: number customer Id: string feature Id: string Optional next Reset Date?: number | null Optional resource Id?: string | null Optional usage Period End?: number | null Optional usage Period Start?: number | null Validate Merge Environment Input Validate
: { destinationEnvironmentSlug
: Scalars [ "String" ] ; sourceEnvironmentSlug
: Scalars [ "String" ] } Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4317 Type declaration destination Environment Slug: Scalars [ "String" ] source Environment Slug: Scalars [ "String" ] Vendor Identifier Filter Comparison Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4334 Weekly Reset Period Config Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4361 Widget Configuration Update Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4364 Yearly Reset Period Config Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4380 Zuora Credentials Input Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:4383 Variables Const Addon Dependency Fragment DocAddon Dependency Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6518 Const Addon Fragment DocAddon Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6519 Const Apply Subscription DocumentApply Subscription Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6580 Const Apply Subscription Fragment DocApply Subscription Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6569 Const Archive Customer DocumentArchive Customer Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6595 Const Cancel Subscription DocumentCancel Subscription Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6583 Const Cancel Subscription Updates DocumentCancel Subscription Updates Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6588 Const Checkout Configuration Fragment DocCheckout Configuration Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6552 Const Checkout State Fragment DocCheckout State Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6553 Const Coupon Fragment DocCoupon Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6507 Const Create Subscription DocumentCreate Subscription Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6593 Const Customer Fragment DocCustomer Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6509 Const Customer Portal Billing Information Fragment DocCustomer Portal Billing Information Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6547 Const Customer Portal Configuration Fragment DocCustomer Portal Configuration Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6550 Const Customer Portal Entitlement Fragment DocCustomer Portal Entitlement Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6545 Const Customer Portal Fragment DocCustomer Portal Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6551 Const Customer Portal Promotional Entitlement Fragment DocCustomer Portal Promotional Entitlement Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6546 Const Customer Portal Subscription Addon Fragment DocCustomer Portal Subscription Addon Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6542 Const Customer Portal Subscription Fragment DocCustomer Portal Subscription Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6544 Const Customer Portal Subscription Price Fragment DocCustomer Portal Subscription Price Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6541 Const Customer Portal Subscription Scheduled Update Data Fragment DocCustomer Portal Subscription Scheduled Update Data Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6543 Const Customer Resource Fragment DocCustomer Resource Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6511 Const Customer Statistics Fragment DocCustomer Statistics Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6528 Const Customer With Subscriptions Fragment DocCustomer With Subscriptions Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6527 Const Delegate Subscription To Customer DocumentDelegate Subscription To Customer Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6598 Const Detach Customer Payment Method DocumentDetach Customer Payment Method Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6576 Const Entitlement Fragment DocEntitlement Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6536 Const Entitlement Usage Updated Fragment DocEntitlement Usage Updated Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6539 Const Entitlements Updated Payload Fragment DocEntitlements Updated Payload Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6537 Const Estimate Subscription DocumentEstimate Subscription Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6584 Const Estimate Subscription Update DocumentEstimate Subscription Update Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6585 Const Feature Fragment DocFeature Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6535 Const Font Variant Fragment DocFont Variant Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6548 Const Get Active Subscriptions DocumentGet Active Subscriptions Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6602 Const Get Active Subscriptions List DocumentGet Active Subscriptions List Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6603 Const Get Checkout State DocumentGet Checkout State Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6612 Const Get Coupons DocumentGet Coupons Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6605 Const Get Customer By Id DocumentGet Customer By Id Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6600 Const Get Customer Portal By Ref Id DocumentGet Customer Portal By Ref Id Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6611 Const Get Customer Statistics DocumentGet Customer Statistics Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6601 Const Get Entitlement DocumentGet Entitlement Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6608 Const Get Entitlements DocumentGet Entitlements Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6607 Const Get Mock Paywall DocumentGet Mock Paywall Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6613 Const Get Paywall DocumentGet Paywall Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6606 Const Get Products DocumentGet Products Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6609 Const Get Sdk Configuration DocumentGet Sdk Configuration Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6610 Const Get Subscription DocumentGet Subscription Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6604 Const Get Usage History DocumentGet Usage History Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6614 Const Get Usage History V2 DocumentGet Usage History V2 Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6615 Const Grant Promotional Entitlements DocumentGrant Promotional Entitlements Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6577 Const Immediate Subscription Preview Invoice Fragment DocImmediate Subscription Preview Invoice Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6530 Const Import Customer Bulk DocumentImport Customer Bulk Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6573 Const Import Customer DocumentImport Customer Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6574 Const Import Subscriptions Bulk DocumentImport Subscriptions Bulk Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6581 Const Layout Configuration Fragment DocLayout Configuration Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6561 Const Migrate Subscription To Latest DocumentMigrate Subscription To Latest Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6594 Const Mock Paywall Addon Dependency Fragment DocMock Paywall Addon Dependency Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6556 Const Mock Paywall Addon Fragment DocMock Paywall Addon Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6557 Const Mock Paywall Package Entitlement Fragment DocMock Paywall Package Entitlement Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6554 Const Mock Paywall Plan Compatible Package Groups Fragment DocMock Paywall Plan Compatible Package Groups Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6558 Const Mock Paywall Plan Fragment DocMock Paywall Plan Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6559 Const Mock Paywall Price Fragment DocMock Paywall Price Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6555 Const On Entitlements Updated DocumentOn Entitlements Updated Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6616 Const On Package Published DocumentOn Package Published Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6618 Const On Usage Updated DocumentOn Usage Updated Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6617 Const Overage Price Fragment DocOverage Price Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6517 Const Package Entitlement Fragment DocPackage Entitlement Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6516 Const Package Published Payload Fragment DocPackage Published Payload Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6540 Const Paywall Calculated Price Points Fragment DocPaywall Calculated Price Points Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6563 Const Paywall Configuration Fragment DocPaywall Configuration Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6562 Const Paywall Currency Fragment DocPaywall Currency Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6560 Const Paywall Fragment DocPaywall Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6564 Const Plan Compatible Package Groups Fragment DocPlan Compatible Package Groups Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6520 Const Plan Fragment DocPlan Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6521 Const Preview Next Invoice DocumentPreview Next Invoice Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6587 Const Preview Subscription DocumentPreview Subscription Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6586 Const Price Fragment DocPrice Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6513 Const Price Tier Fragment DocPrice Tier Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6512 Const Product Fragment DocProduct Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6515 Const Promotional Entitlement Fragment DocPromotional Entitlement Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6508 Const Provision Customer DocumentProvision Customer Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6572 Const Provision Customer Fragment DocProvision Customer Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6568 Const Provision Subscription DocumentProvision Subscription Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6579 Const Provision Subscription Fragment DocProvision Subscription Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6570 Const Report Entitlement Check Requested DocumentReport Entitlement Check Requested Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6592 Const Report Event DocumentReport Event Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6591 Const Report Usage Bulk DocumentReport Usage Bulk Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6590 Const Report Usage DocumentReport Usage Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6589 Const Report Usage Fragment DocReport Usage Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6571 Const Reset Period Configuration Fragment DocReset Period Configuration Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6534 Const Revoke Promotional Entitlement DocumentRevoke Promotional Entitlement Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6578 Const Schedule Variables Fragment DocSchedule Variables Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6522 Const Slim Customer Fragment DocSlim Customer Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6506 Const Slim Subscription Fragment DocSlim Subscription Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6567 Const Slim Subscription Fragment V2 Fragment DocSlim Subscription Fragment V2 Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6505 Const Subscription Fragment DocSubscription Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6526 Const Subscription Future Update Data Fragment DocSubscription Future Update Data Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6524 Const Subscription Invoice Fragment DocSubscription Invoice Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6510 Const Subscription Invoice Preview Fragment DocSubscription Invoice Preview Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6533 Const Subscription Preview Fragment DocSubscription Preview Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6529 Const Subscription Preview Invoice Fragment DocSubscription Preview Invoice Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6531 Const Subscription Preview V2 Fragment DocSubscription Preview V2 Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6532 Const Subscription Scheduled Update Data Fragment DocSubscription Scheduled Update Data Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6523 Const Subscription Trial Configuration Fragment DocSubscription Trial Configuration Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6525 Const Total Price Fragment DocTotal Price Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6514 Const Transfer Subscription DocumentTransfer Subscription Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6597 Const Transfer Subscription To Resource DocumentTransfer Subscription To Resource Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6599 Const Typography Configuration Fragment DocTypography Configuration Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6549 Const Unarchive Customer DocumentUnarchive Customer Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6596 Const Update Customer DocumentUpdate Customer Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6575 Const Update Subscription DocumentUpdate Subscription Document: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6582 Const Usage History Fragment DocUsage History Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6565 Const Usage History V2 Fragment DocUsage History V2 Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6566 Const Usage Updated Fragment DocUsage Updated Fragment Doc: DocumentNode
Defined in node_modules/@stigg/api-client-js/src/generated/sdk.d.ts:6538
The id of the record.