Archive addon input
Environment id
Addon id
Query associated entities input
List of addon ids this addon should be dependant on
The maximum quantity of this addon that can be added to a subscription
List of addon ids this addon should be dependant on
The maximum quantity of this addon that can be added to a subscription
Coupon input
Budget configuration
The minimum spend configuration
Subscription payment collection method
Override the price of the subscription
The input type for archiving package group
The input of the auto cancellation rule.
Budget configuration input
Input for triggering an immediate usage charge for a subscription
The id of the subscriptions environment
The subscription reference id to charge usage for
The end date until which to calculate the usage
A JSON containing the configuration for each event log type
Array of records to create
Array of records to create
The record to create
The record to create
The record to create
Auto cancellation rules
The input type for creating an package group
The description of the package group
The display name of the package group
The environment id to create the package group in
The id of the package group
The id of the product
Paginate after opaque cursor
Paginate before opaque cursor
Paginate first
Paginate last
Budget configuration
The id of the record to delete.
The id of the record to delete.
The id of the record to delete.
The id of the record to delete.
The id of the record to delete.
The id of the record to delete.
Input type for dumpEnvironmentForMergeComparison query.
Input type for dumpEnvironmentProductCatalog mutation.
The slug of the environment to dump.
The input type for editing package group details
The description of the package group
The display name of the package group
The environment id of the package group to be edited
The id of the package group
The id of the record.